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Don’t know what song’s been playing on the radio? Use our service to find it! Our playlist stores a EBible Fellowship Teaching track list for the past 7 days.
23:58 | PianoDisc - Lord, Thy Word to Me Remember |
23:56 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 11 |
23:52 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 10 |
23:48 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 9 |
23:47 | Fernando Ortega - The King of Love My Shepherd Is |
23:44 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 8 |
23:41 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 7 |
23:39 | Airtime - offline |
23:37 | PianoDisc - Jesus Calls Us |
23:34 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 5 |
23:30 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 4 |
23:30 | Airtime - offline |
23:30 | E Bible Fellowship - Separator |
23:26 | E Bible Fellowship - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart |
23:23 | Heritage Singers - God Will Take Care of You |
23:00 | Airtime - offline |
22:58 | Fernando Ortega - The King of Love My Shepherd Is |
22:55 | E Bible Fellowship - Master, the Tempest is Raging |
22:51 | Jenny Oaks Baker - Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow |
22:46 | Steve Amerson - I Will Follow |
22:42 | Fernando Ortega - O Sacred Head, Now Wounded |
22:40 | Aramis Quartet - Have Thine Own Way, Lord |
22:37 | E Bible Fellowship - In Your Light |
22:35 | Hymns on Piano - For All the Blessings of the Year (Oldbridge) |
22:30 | Airtime - offline |
22:27 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - The Spacious Firmament On High |
22:23 | E Bible Fellowship - I Need Thee Every Hour |
22:21 | Airtime - offline |
22:18 | Tony Fontane - Jesus, Lover of My Soul |
22:17 | Aramis Quartet - Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus |
22:13 | Robert Shaw Chorale - Fairest Lord Jesus |
22:08 | E Bible Fellowship - 'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful |
22:06 | Harding University Concert Choir - Fairest Lord Jesus |
22:00 | Airtime - offline |
21:55 | John McDermott - Abide With Me |
21:52 | E Bible Fellowship, Hymns - Amazing Grace - Piano |
21:49 | Ethel Waters - Just a Closer Walk with Thee |
21:45 | Ray Price With Orchestra And Chorus - Where He Leads Me |
21:41 | Herbster Trio - How Firm a Foundation |
21:38 | Tony Fontane - No Night There |
21:35 | Turner, Theodore & Levine - Thus Saith The High And Lofty One |
21:30 | E Bible Fellowship - 50 Types & Figures Audio Book - 21. Ethiopia |
21:30 | Airtime - offline |
21:26 | E Bible Fellowship - For Behold the Day Cometh |
21:22 | Timothy R. Smith - Psalm 90: In Every Age |
21:20 | E Bible Fellowship - Bringing in the Sheaves |
21:17 | Array Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy! (Nicaea) |
21:12 | Airtime - offline |
21:10 | BYU Women's Chorus - Wondrous Love |
21:00 | E Bible Fellowship - Scripture & Song #341 - Deeper Yet, Part 1 |
20:57 | London Regency Choir, Roger Allen and Niles Johnson - Jerusalem the Golden |
20:55 | Airtime - offline |
20:53 | Glad - And This Is Love |
20:30 | Chris McCann - Genesis 34 Series, Part 6, Verses 3-7 |
20:26 | Airtime - offline |
20:24 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - Eternal Father, Strong to Save |
20:23 | E Bible Fellowship - Elect Believer's Minute #59: Titus 2:1 |
20:20 | E Bible Fellowship - Revive Us Again |
20:18 | Paul Cardall - In the Garden |
20:14 | The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Redeemed |
19:00 | E Bible Fellowship - EBF Open Forum - Live Call-in Program |
19:00 | Airtime - offline |
18:59 | E Bible Fellowship - Announcement - EBF Business Cards Now Available |
18:58 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Closing Message |
18:57 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 3 |
18:52 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 2 |
18:48 | PianoDisc - Now Blessed Be Jehovah God |
18:46 | Airtime - offline |
18:38 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 11 |
18:35 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 10 |
18:33 | Array Hymn - Abide With Me / And Is It So? (Eventide) |
18:28 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 9 |
18:24 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 8 |
18:19 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 7 |
18:16 | PianoDisc - piano - Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus |
18:12 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 6 |
18:06 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 5 |
18:00 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 4 |
18:00 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Introduction |
18:00 | Airtime - offline |
17:55 | Norm Hastings - I Surrender All |
17:00 | Chris McCann - 2023.07.25 - EBF Open Forum: Bible Questions and Answers |
17:00 | Airtime - offline |
16:55 | Christine Wyrtzen - Day By Day Medley |
16:50 | Hymns on Piano - And Can It Be That I Should Gain? |
16:46 | Atlanta Master Chorale - Children of the Heavenly Father |
16:43 | E Bible Fellowship - Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken |
16:39 | John Michael Talbot - Give Thanks To The Lord (Psalm 107) |
16:36 | Joel Gillespie - Give Me Jesus |
16:30 | Airtime - offline |
16:28 | Array Hymn - Crown Him With Many Crowns |
16:24 | E Bible Fellowship - For Behold the Day Cometh |
16:22 | Washington Choral Arts Society - Forth in Thy Name, O Lord |
16:20 | Charlie Evans - Finally Home, By Don Wyrtzen and L. E. Singer |
16:17 | Hymns on Piano - For the Beauty of the Earth (Dix) |
16:17 | Airtime - offline |
16:15 | Harry Dysart - Psalm of the Day #011 |
16:11 | David Shelley Ensemble - O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus |
16:08 | Theodore James Turner - For He Hath Looked |
16:05 | Huddersfield Choral Society - For All the Saints |
16:03 | E Bible Fellowship - Elect Believer's Minute #58: Colossians 1:9-12 |
16:00 | Airtime - offline |
15:59 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Closing Message |
15:56 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 19 |
15:50 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 18 |
15:48 | PianoDisc - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna |
15:46 | Airtime - offline |
15:38 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 16 |
15:36 | E Bible Fellowship - Feed My Sheep |
15:30 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 15 |
15:30 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Introduction |
15:27 | Airtime - offline |
15:00 | Chris McCann - 2 John Series, Part 1, Verses 1-2 |
14:57 | Harding University Concert Choir - Sweet By and By |
14:53 | E Bible Fellowship - All Creatures of Our God and King |
14:50 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - Alleluia! Sing to Jesus |
14:47 | E Bible Fellowship - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing |
14:44 | Paul Cardall - All Creatures of Our God and King |
14:40 | The Wilds - My God Is Near |
14:35 | E Bible Fellowship, Hymns - Jehovah Tsidkenu |
14:33 | Bonnie Knopf - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus |
14:27 | Fernando Ortega - Jesus Paid It All |
14:25 | Hymns on Piano - Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (Gott Erhalte Franz Den Kaiser) |
14:18 | London Regency Choir, London Regency Military Band, Roger Allen and Niles Johnson - Onward Christian Soldiers |
14:14 | Voice Male - Be Still, My Soul |
14:12 | Harding University Concert Choir - O Love That Will Not Let Me Go |
14:09 | Airtime - offline |
14:07 | Sisters with Strings - Bound for the Promised Land |
14:04 | E Bible Fellowship - The Best Gift |
14:01 | Aramis Quartet - O Let Me Walk with Thee |
13:30 | Chris McCann - 2025.03.23 (Sunday DITW) - EBF Open Forum: Bible Questions and Answers |
13:28 | Airtime - offline |
13:25 | The King's Singers - Steal Away |
13:22 | Barbara Thorson - Feed My Sheep |
13:17 | Craig Smith - Father Me |
13:13 | Airtime - offline |
13:10 | E Bible Fellowship - Feed My Sheep - Piano |
13:00 | E Bible Fellowship - Scripture & Song #341 - Deeper Yet, Part 1 |
12:59 | Airtime - offline |
12:59 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Closing Message |
12:56 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 John Chapter 3 |
12:51 | Airtime - offline |
12:49 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 John Chapter 1 |
12:45 | E Bible Fellowship - God Leads His Dear Children Along |
12:42 | KJV Bible Reading - 2 Peter Chapter 3 |
12:37 | KJV Bible Reading - 2 Peter Chapter 2 |
12:34 | KJV Bible Reading - 2 Peter Chapter 1 |
12:30 | E Bible Fellowship - There is a Fountain Filled with Blood |
12:28 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 5 |
12:25 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 4 |
12:21 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 3 |
12:17 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 2 |
12:13 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 1 |
12:09 | E Bible Fellowship - Love Lifted Me |
12:06 | KJV Bible Reading - James Chapter 5 |
12:03 | KJV Bible Reading - James Chapter 4 |
12:00 | KJV Bible Reading - James Chapter 3 |
12:00 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Introduction |
12:00 | Airtime - offline |
11:57 | Erin Major - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing |
11:00 | Robert Daniels - 2022.12.25 - God Declares Things That Are Right |
10:57 | Hymns on Piano - When Morning Gilds the Skies (Laudes Domini) |
10:53 | E Bible Fellowship, Hymns - Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy |
10:51 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - Eternal Father, Strong to Save |
10:47 | The Emmanuel Quartet - Face to Face |
10:43 | Christopher Phillips - Faith of Our Fathers |
10:38 | Michael Card - El Shaddai (Joy In The Journey Album Version) |
10:35 | Dallas Christian Adult Concert Choir - Does Jesus Care? |
10:32 | The King's Singers - Down To The River To Pray |
10:30 | Harry Dysart - Psalm of the Day #011 |
10:29 | Airtime - offline |
10:26 | Commandment 11 - Fairest Lord Jesus |
10:23 | Christopher Phillips - Doxology |
10:19 | The CenturyMen - Deep River (arr. Joseph Joubert & Buryl Red) |
10:13 | BYU Concert Choir and Orchestra - Death Shall Not Destroy My Comfort |
10:12 | E Bible Fellowship - Elect Believer's Minute #57: The Holy Bible is the Greatest Book Ever Written |
10:09 | Glorious Sound - Deeper and Deeper (feat. Glad Hope) |
10:08 | Array Hymn - Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton) |
10:05 | E Bible Fellowship - Draw Me Nearer |
10:00 | Guy Berry - Bible Quiz #331 |
09:59 | E Bible Fellowship - Station ID - Electronic Bible Fellowship |
09:58 | Airtime - offline |
09:56 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - Day Is Dying in the West |
09:52 | Aramis Quartet - Day by Day |
09:50 | Airtime - offline |
09:46 | Herbster Trio - Crown Him Lord of All |
09:43 | Saints Serving - I am His, and He is Mine |
09:40 | E Bible Fellowship - Comfort, Comfort Ye My People |
09:37 | Huddersfield Choral Society - Crown Him With Many Crowns |
09:35 | Airtime - offline |
09:30 | John Michael Talbot - Commit Your Life (Psalm 37) |
09:26 | Christopher Phillips - Count Your Blessings |
09:23 | E Bible Fellowship - Close to Thee |
09:00 | Airtime - offline |
08:56 | BYU Combined Choirs and Orchestra - Come, We That Love the Lord |
08:51 | Steve Amerson - Come Harvest Time |
08:47 | E Bible Fellowship - Christ Returneth |
08:44 | Robert Shaw Chorale - Prayer Of Thanksgiving |
08:41 | Fernando Ortega - Grace And Peace (2 Thessalonians 1:2) |
08:38 | E Bible Fellowship - Come, Christians, Join to Sing - Piano |
08:36 | Tony Fontane - Beulah Land |
08:30 | Bob Grande - Where's that Bible Verse? (#066) |
08:27 | Airtime - offline |
08:25 | E Bible Fellowship - Bringing in the Sheaves |
08:23 | Washington Choral Arts Society - Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies |
08:17 | Marty Goetz - Blessings On the Mountain |
08:13 | Midohio Chamber Players - Christ Liveth in Me |
08:09 | Airtime - offline |
08:05 | Atlanta Master Chorale - Children of the Heavenly Father |
08:00 | E Bible Fellowship - Types & Figures #021 - Canaan |
07:59 | Airtime - offline |
07:59 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Closing Message |
07:58 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 3 |
07:53 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 2 |
07:50 | Airtime - offline |
07:49 | PianoDisc - Now Blessed Be Jehovah God |
07:47 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 12 |
07:39 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 11 |
07:36 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 10 |
07:33 | E Bible Fellowship, Virtual Choir - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - Virtual Choir |
07:28 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 9 |
07:24 | Airtime - offline |
07:19 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 7 |
07:16 | PianoDisc - piano - Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus |
07:12 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 6 |
07:06 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 5 |
07:00 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 4 |
07:00 | E Bible Fellowship - Separator |
06:56 | E Bible Fellowship - Last Day |
06:52 | Airtime - offline |
06:48 | Ron Hamilton - Bow the Knee |
06:00 | Eddie Ramos - 2024.09.22 - Enduring Until the End |
06:00 | Airtime - offline |
05:56 | Atlanta Sacred Chorale - Brother James' Air |
05:54 | Theodore James Turner - Awake, Awake |
05:51 | David Tolk - Blessings (feat. Steven Sharp Nelson) |
05:47 | Herbster Trio - Be Strong in the Lord |
05:43 | Airtime - offline |
05:40 | The Haven Quartet - Be Ye Holy |
05:36 | BYU Singers - Bound for the Promised Land |
05:32 | 101 Strings Orchestra - Hallelujah Chorus |
05:30 | Harry Dysart - Psalm of the Day #011 |
05:26 | E Bible Fellowship - Brethren, We Have Met to Worship |
05:24 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - Break Thou the Bread of Life |
05:22 | Airtime - offline |
05:19 | Aramis Quartet - Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide |
05:17 | Maranatha! Music - Behold What Manner of Love |
05:13 | E Bible Fellowship - Because He Lives |
05:10 | Paul Cardall - Be Still, My Soul |
05:05 | Craig Smith - Awaken The Dawn |
05:00 | Airtime - offline |
04:59 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Closing Message |
04:56 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 19 |
04:50 | Airtime - offline |
04:48 | PianoDisc - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna |
04:46 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 17 |
04:38 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 16 |
04:36 | E Bible Fellowship - Feed My Sheep |
04:30 | KJV Bible Reading - Numbers Chapter 15 |
04:30 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Introduction |
04:27 | E Bible Fellowship - Keep on the Sunny Side |
04:22 | Dallas Christian Adult Concert Choir - Beneath the Cross of Jesus |
04:19 | E Bible Fellowship - Babylon is Fallen |
04:17 | Hymns on Piano - As the Sun Doth Daily Rise (Innocents) |
04:12 | Bonnie Knopf - As We Seek / Jesus Draw Me Close |
04:11 | KJV Bible Reading - Psalm 129 |
04:08 | The National Christian Choir - Be Thou My Vision |
04:05 | The CenturyMen - As the Deer (arr. Buryl Red) |
04:01 | PianoDisc - piano - Are You Washed in the Blood? |
03:58 | Cambridge Singers - As the Bridegroom to His Chosen |
03:53 | UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG CHOIR - Arise, My Soul, Arise |
03:51 | Tony Fontane - A Shelter In the Time of Storm |
03:50 | KJV Bible Reading - Psalm 87 |
03:48 | Airtime - offline |
03:46 | Glad - And This Is Love |
03:42 | Huddersfield Choral Society - And Can It Be |
03:39 | Theodore James Turner - And the Redeemer |
03:38 | Saints Serving - All That Thrills My Soul - Piano - 4 Part |
03:34 | Craig Smith - A Mighty Fortress is Our God |
03:30 | E Bible Fellowship, Virtual Choir - Amazing Grace - Virtual Choir |
03:30 | Airtime - offline |
03:29 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Closing Message |
03:26 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 John Chapter 3 |
03:21 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 John Chapter 2 |
03:19 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 John Chapter 1 |
03:15 | Airtime - offline |
03:12 | KJV Bible Reading - 2 Peter Chapter 3 |
03:07 | KJV Bible Reading - 2 Peter Chapter 2 |
03:04 | KJV Bible Reading - 2 Peter Chapter 1 |
03:00 | E Bible Fellowship - There is a Fountain Filled with Blood |
02:58 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 5 |
02:55 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 4 |
02:51 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 3 |
02:47 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 2 |
02:43 | KJV Bible Reading - 1 Peter Chapter 1 |
02:39 | E Bible Fellowship - Love Lifted Me |
02:36 | KJV Bible Reading - James Chapter 5 |
02:33 | KJV Bible Reading - James Chapter 4 |
02:30 | KJV Bible Reading - James Chapter 3 |
02:30 | E Bible Fellowship - Bible Reading Program Introduction |
02:30 | E Bible Fellowship - Separator |
02:30 | Airtime - offline |
02:27 | Erin Major - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing |
01:30 | Robert Daniels - 2022.12.25 - God Declares Things That Are Right |
01:28 | Array Hymn - Crown Him With Many Crowns |
01:26 | Cambridge Singers - All Things Bright And Beautiful |
01:23 | Hymns on Piano - All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (Coronation) |
01:20 | Azure Fields - All The Way |
01:16 | London Regency Choir, London Regency Military Band, Roger Allen and Niles Johnson - All People That on Earth Do Dwell |
01:12 | Bonnie Knopf - All In All |
01:11 | Saints Serving - All for Jesus |
01:10 | Airtime - offline |
01:05 | The Voices Of Praise - All His Benefits |
01:02 | The Abilene Christian University Alumni Chorus - Alleluia! Sing to Jesus |
00:58 | E Bible Fellowship, Hymns - All Good Gifts |
00:54 | Kaleb Brasee - Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed |
00:50 | Saint Michael's Singers - All Glory, Laud and Honor |
00:49 | KJV Bible Reading - Psalm 82 |
00:47 | Dallas Christian Adult Concert Choir - Abide With Me |
00:43 | Fernando Ortega - All Flesh is Like The Grass (I Peter 1:24-25) |
00:40 | Eric Wyse - Ah, Holy Jesus |
00:36 | E Bible Fellowship - Abide with Me, 'Tis Eventide |
00:34 | The Joslin Grove Choral Society - All Creatures of Our God And King |
00:30 | John Michael Talbot - Abba, Father |
00:29 | Airtime - offline |
00:28 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 3 |
00:23 | KJV Bible Reading - Hosea Chapter 2 |
00:20 | Airtime - offline |
00:19 | PianoDisc - Now Blessed Be Jehovah God |
00:17 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 12 |
00:09 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 11 |
00:06 | KJV Bible Reading - Daniel Chapter 10 |
00:03 | E Bible Fellowship, Virtual Choir - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - Virtual Choir |
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