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KooL Classic Rock HD playlist

¿No sabe qué canción se jugó en la radio? Utilice nuestro servicio, para encontrarla. Nuestra lista de reproducción contiene la planificación de difusión KooL Classic Rock HD en los últimos 7 días.

(hora actual en Phoenix 19:06)
23:57 Born To Be Wild
23:51 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
23:46 Hells Bells
23:43 Jessie's Girl
23:39 - My Sharona
23:34 My Sharona
23:30 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
23:27 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
23:23 Back In Black
23:19 - Jack Diane
23:11 ACDC - Highway to Hell
23:07 Brick House
23:04 Another One Bites The Dust
22:59 - Love Shack
22:55 Hold the Line
22:50 Sweet Home Alabama
22:46 Billie Jean
22:42 Low Rider
22:37 - Carry on Wayward Son
22:32 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
22:28 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
22:24 Hungry Like the Wolf
22:20 Don't Stop Believin'
22:17 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
22:12 - Play That Funky Music
22:09 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
22:05 Free Fallin'
22:00 Stayin' Alive
21:56 Takin' Care Of Business
21:52 Uptown Girl
21:50 Mississippi Queen
21:46 - Wild Thing
21:38 Highway to Hell
21:35 Any Way You Want It
21:30 Crazy Train
21:26 Your Love
21:21 - Mr Roboto
21:18 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
21:14 Material Girl
21:11 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
21:04 The Eagles - Hotel California
21:01 I Wanna Rock
20:57 - Free Fallin
20:54 The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
20:49 Play That Funky Music
20:44 Hells Bells
20:40 Born To Be Wild
20:37 - Old Time Rock Roll
20:33 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
20:28 My Sharona
20:25 ACDC - Highway to Hell
20:19 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
20:15 - Were Not Gonna Take It
20:11 Every Breath You Take
20:08 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
20:04 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
20:00 Back In Black
19:57 Jessie's Girl
19:54 - Centerfold
19:50 Another One Bites The Dust
19:42 Brick House
19:38 Hold the Line
19:32 - Rock Lobster
19:27 Billie Jean
19:22 Sweet Home Alabama
19:17 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
19:13 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
19:09 - Jack Diane
19:06 Low Rider
19:02 Don't Stop Believin'
18:58 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
18:53 - My Sharona
18:50 Hungry Like the Wolf
18:45 Takin' Care Of Business
18:41 Stayin' Alive
18:36 Free Fallin'
18:33 Uptown Girl
18:28 - Love Shack
18:25 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
18:23 Mississippi Queen
18:15 Highway to Hell
18:12 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
18:08 - Barracuda
18:04 Your Love
18:01 Any Way You Want It
17:57 Material Girl
17:54 I Wanna Rock
17:50 Crazy Train
17:45 - Play That Funky Music
17:40 Hells Bells
17:36 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
17:31 Play That Funky Music
17:25 The Eagles - Hotel California
17:20 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
17:16 - Sweet Home Alabama
17:12 Born To Be Wild
17:08 My Sharona
17:03 Every Breath You Take
17:00 The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
16:56 - Wild Thing
16:52 ACDC - Highway to Hell
16:49 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
16:43 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
16:40 Jessie's Girl
16:36 Another One Bites The Dust
16:31 - Carry on Wayward Son
16:28 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
16:24 Back In Black
16:20 Brick House
16:16 Billie Jean
16:12 Hold the Line
16:06 - Mr Roboto
16:02 Sweet Home Alabama
15:53 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
15:48 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
15:44 - Centerfold
15:40 Don't Stop Believin'
15:37 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
15:33 Hungry Like the Wolf
15:30 Low Rider
15:25 - More Than a Feeling
15:21 Free Fallin'
15:17 Stayin' Alive
15:12 Takin' Care Of Business
15:09 Uptown Girl
15:05 - Jack Diane
15:03 Mississippi Queen
14:59 Highway to Hell
14:56 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
14:45 - Rock Lobster
14:42 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
14:39 Your Love
14:35 Material Girl
14:30 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
14:27 Any Way You Want It
14:21 - Love Shack
14:17 Crazy Train
14:14 I Wanna Rock
14:09 Hells Bells
14:05 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
14:01 My Sharona
13:57 - Free Fallin
13:52 Play That Funky Music
13:46 The Eagles - Hotel California
13:42 The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
13:38 Born To Be Wild
13:34 - Pour Some Sugar On Me
13:30 Every Breath You Take
13:27 ACDC - Highway to Hell
13:24 Jessie's Girl
13:19 Sweet Home Alabama
13:16 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
13:12 - Were Not Gonna Take It
13:09 Another One Bites The Dust
13:05 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
12:59 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
12:55 - Play That Funky Music
12:50 Back In Black
12:47 Brick House
12:43 Hold the Line
12:34 - Sweet Home Alabama
12:30 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
12:25 Billie Jean
12:20 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
12:16 Don't Stop Believin'
12:12 - Wild Thing
12:08 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
12:05 Hungry Like the Wolf
12:01 Low Rider
11:57 Free Fallin'
11:54 Uptown Girl
11:50 - My Sharona
11:46 Highway to Hell
11:41 Takin' Care Of Business
11:37 Stayin' Alive
11:34 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
11:31 Mississippi Queen
11:27 - More Than a Feeling
11:23 Your Love
11:19 Material Girl
11:12 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
11:09 Any Way You Want It
11:04 - Mr Roboto
10:59 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
10:54 Hells Bells
10:49 Crazy Train
10:46 I Wanna Rock
10:41 My Sharona
10:37 - Barracuda
10:34 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
10:30 The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
10:25 Play That Funky Music
10:22 Born To Be Wild
10:18 Every Breath You Take
10:14 - Centerfold
10:11 ACDC - Highway to Hell
10:05 The Eagles - Hotel California
10:02 Jessie's Girl
09:58 Another One Bites The Dust
09:54 - Free Fallin
09:49 Sweet Home Alabama
09:46 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
09:41 Billie Jean
09:37 Hold the Line
09:33 - Pour Some Sugar On Me
09:29 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
09:23 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
09:19 Back In Black
09:16 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
09:09 - Rock Lobster
09:01 Brick House
08:57 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
08:52 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
08:48 - Jack Diane
08:44 Don't Stop Believin'
08:40 Free Fallin'
08:36 Low Rider
08:33 Highway to Hell
08:28 - Play That Funky Music
08:24 Takin' Care Of Business
08:20 Uptown Girl
08:16 Stayin' Alive
08:13 Hungry Like the Wolf
08:10 Mississippi Queen
08:07 - Were Not Gonna Take It
08:04 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
08:00 Material Girl
07:56 Your Love
07:52 - Wild Thing
07:47 Crazy Train
07:42 Hells Bells
07:35 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
07:32 Any Way You Want It
07:27 - Sweet Home Alabama
07:24 I Wanna Rock
07:19 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
07:15 My Sharona
07:11 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
07:06 - Mr Roboto
07:02 The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
06:59 ACDC - Highway to Hell
06:54 Play That Funky Music
06:51 Born To Be Wild
06:46 - My Sharona
06:42 Every Breath You Take
06:35 The Eagles - Hotel California
06:31 Sweet Home Alabama
06:27 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
06:23 Hold the Line
06:18 - Carry on Wayward Son
06:14 Back In Black
06:11 Another One Bites The Dust
06:06 Billie Jean
06:03 Jessie's Girl
05:59 - Barracuda
05:53 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
05:49 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
05:43 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
05:40 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
05:35 - Free Fallin
05:32 Brick House
05:29 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
05:20 Free Fallin'
05:16 Don't Stop Believin'
05:11 - More Than a Feeling
05:07 Stayin' Alive
05:04 Low Rider
05:00 Highway to Hell
04:57 Hungry Like the Wolf
04:50 - Rock Lobster
04:47 Uptown Girl
04:43 Takin' Care Of Business
04:40 Mississippi Queen
04:37 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
04:33 Material Girl
04:28 - Play That Funky Music
04:24 Hells Bells
04:20 Your Love
04:15 Crazy Train
04:12 I Wanna Rock
04:09 Any Way You Want It
04:05 - Pour Some Sugar On Me
04:02 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
03:57 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
03:48 My Sharona
03:45 - Old Time Rock Roll
03:41 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
03:38 ACDC - Highway to Hell
03:35 Born To Be Wild
03:31 The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
03:27 - Centerfold
03:23 Rock You Like a Hurricane (2011)
03:19 Play That Funky Music
03:15 Every Breath You Take
03:08 The Eagles - Hotel California
03:05 Jessie's Girl
03:02 - Were Not Gonna Take It
02:57 Sweet Home Alabama
02:53 Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name -
02:50 Hold the Line
02:45 Back In Black
02:40 - Love Shack
02:35 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
02:31 Another One Bites The Dust
02:27 Billie Jean
02:21 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (with lyrics)
02:17 Free Fallin'
02:12 - Sweet Home Alabama
02:08 La Grange (1999 Remaster)
02:05 The Rolling Stones- Miss You
02:02 Brick House
01:52 Stayin' Alive
01:48 - Wild Thing
01:43 Takin' Care Of Business
01:40 Don't Stop Believin'
01:37 Low Rider
01:33 Highway to Hell
01:29 - Barracuda
01:26 Hungry Like the Wolf
01:22 Uptown Girl
01:20 Mississippi Queen
01:17 Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
01:12 - Mr Roboto
01:08 Material Girl
01:04 Your Love
01:00 Crazy Train
00:55 Hells Bells
00:51 Any Way You Want It
00:46 - Carry on Wayward Son
00:41 Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine (lyrics)
00:37 My Sharona
00:34 Queen - Killer Queen (Lyrics)
00:26 I Wanna Rock
00:21 - Play That Funky Music
00:18 Men At Work - Down Under (Lyrics)
00:15 Born To Be Wild
00:08 The Eagles - Hotel California
00:03 Play That Funky Music

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