Élő |
David Phillips - Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise
05:10 |
Table Singers - It Was Midnight in the Garden
05:06 |
Northland Camp Singers - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
05:02 |
The Wilds - A Fountain Filled With Blood
05:01 |
Phillip Keveren - Rejoice, The Lord Is King
04:58 |
Table Singers - Christ Who Left His Home in Glory
04:56 |
SMS - In the Cross of Christ I Glory
04:53 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - He Stayed on the Cross for Me
04:50 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - My Saviour First of All
04:48 |
Majesty Music - Calvary's Blooda
04:44 |
Regi Stone - Near The Cross
04:42 |
Phillip Keveren - Thine Is the Glory
04:39 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
04:36 |
David Phillips - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
04:32 |
BJU Singers and Orchestra - Power of the Cross
04:30 |
Table Singers - I Know That My Redeemer Lives, Glory, Hallelujah
04:26 |
SoundForth - May The Mind of Christ, My Savior
04:23 |
Phillip Keveren - There Is a Redeemer
04:20 |
Melinda K. Wickam - Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
04:16 |
BJU Musical Mission Team - At the Cross There's Room
04:13 |
Mathew Burtner - Hallelujah! What a Savior
04:11 |
BJU Foundation Brass - Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed
04:09 |
The Stouffer Family Men - At The Cross
04:06 |
Phillip Keveren - He Is Lord
04:03 |
David Phillips - The Strife is O'er
04:01 |
Mark Tindle - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
03:58 |
David Phillips - Christ the Lord is Risen Today
03:55 |
David Phillips - Wake, O Wake and Sleep No Longer
03:52 |
Kelly Collier - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
03:47 |
Jack Franklin Wise - Fairest Lord Jesus: Crown Him With Many Crowns
03:44 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Nothing But The Blood
03:41 |
SMS - Soldiers of the Cross
03:37 |
SoundForth - Jesus, They Blood and Righteousness
03:34 |
Majesty Music - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
03:31 |
David Phillips - I Heard the Voice of Jesus
03:28 |
David Phillips - All is Well, Christ Jesus Reigns (Phillips)
03:24 |
SMS - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
03:20 |
Amy Herbster - Beneath the Cross,Old Rugged Cross
03:19 |
SMS - Am I a Soldier of the Cross
03:16 |
David Phillips - Of the Father's Love Begotten
03:14 |
Table Singers - Lift Your Glad Voices
03:11 |
SMS - Christ Arose
03:09 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Are You Washed in the Blood?
03:06 |
Table Singers - Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks
03:04 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Lift High the Cross
02:59 |
Phillip Keveren - Because He Lives
02:58 |
Phillip Keveren - Lead Me to Calvary
02:55 |
Faye Lopez - The Old Rugged Cross
02:52 |
David Phillips - Savior of the Nations, Come
02:49 |
Stringhaven - Because He Lives
02:46 |
BJU Foundation Brass - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
02:43 |
SMS - The Savior is Waiting
02:36 |
David Warren - Near the Cross (Medley)
02:33 |
Table Singers - They Crucified My Savior ... He Rose
02:30 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Jesus Is All the World to Me
02:29 |
Table Singers - Christ Is Alive, Let Christians Sing
02:26 |
MTT Ministries - I Come to the Cross
02:21 |
The Wilds Men's Ensembles - He's An Unchanging Savior
02:20 |
Phillip Keveren - All Glory, Laud, And Honor
02:16 |
Majesty Music - Nothing But the Blood
02:13 |
SMS - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
02:10 |
Elegant Strings - Our Great Savior
02:07 |
SMS - Our God Savior
02:04 |
Majesty Music Mastersounds - Near the Cross
02:01 |
SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
01:58 |
David Phillips - Jesus Christ is Risen Today
01:55 |
SMS Men's Chorus - The Banner of the Cross
01:52 |
Matt And Christy Taylor - Power of the Cross
01:50 |
BJU - In the Cross of Christ
01:48 |
SMS - Fanfare on Christ the Lord is Risen Today
01:44 |
Majesty Music - Cherish the Cross
01:41 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Blood Of Jesus
01:35 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - He's An Unchanging Savior
01:32 |
SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus, Savior, Blessed Friend
01:28 |
Phillip Keveren - O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
01:25 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Wonderful Jesus
01:21 |
David Phillips - Soul of My Savior
01:18 |
Phillip Keveren - Jesus Paid It All | J.S. Bach's Two-Part Invention #4 In D Minor
01:16 |
Phillip Keveren - Crown Him with Many Crowns
01:13 |
SMS - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
01:10 |
David Phillips - O Sacred Head Surrounded
01:07 |
Unto The Chief Musician Music - Behold Your Risen Lamb
01:04 |
Majesty Music Mastersounds - Near the Cross
01:01 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Pleading Savior
00:58 |
Matt And Christy Taylor - Power of the Cross
00:56 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Room at the Cross for You
00:54 |
Phillip Keveren - Thine Is the Glory
00:52 |
Table Singers - The Day of Resurrection
00:50 |
Faye Lopez - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
00:47 |
David Phillips - Christ the Lord is Risen Today
00:44 |
Mathew Burtner - Savior, Lead Us
00:40 |
Majesty Music Mastersounds - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
00:38 |
SMS Orchestra - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
00:35 |
BJU Singers and Orchestra - Power of the Cross
00:33 |
The Stouffer Family Men - At The Cross
00:31 |
Brian Pinner - Risen with Christ
00:27 |
SMS - There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
00:25 |
BJU Men's Chorus - The Way of the Cross Leads Home
00:21 |
David Phillips - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
00:19 |
Hymns For The Master - Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
00:17 |
Phillip Keveren - Rejoice, The Lord Is King
00:14 |
David Phillips - I Know That My Redeemer Lives: Jesus Shall Reign
00:07 |
Phillip Keveren - Christ Arose | Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
00:04 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - My Saviour First of All
00:00 |
Kevin Inafuku - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross