23:58 |
Craig Duncan - The Rugged Cross
23:55 |
Studio Musicians - There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
23:53 |
Raymond Fairchild - Amazing Grace
23:46 |
Craig Duncan - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
23:43 |
Mark Burchfield - In the Garden
23:42 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Old-Time Religion
23:40 |
Sam Geckler - Tell It to Jesus
23:36 |
John Viers - Kneel At the Cross
23:34 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Come Thou Almighty King
23:30 |
Jim Hendricks - I'll Fly Away (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
23:27 |
Craig Duncan - Precious Memories
23:22 |
Mike Scott - Precious Memories
23:20 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Give Me Oil in My Lamp
23:17 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - O God Our Help in Ages Past
23:13 |
Studio Musicians - Blessed Assurance
23:10 |
Craig Duncan - Life Is Like a Mountain Railway
23:07 |
Jim Hendricks - When We All Get To Heaven (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
23:04 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Stand up Stand Up For Jesus / I Feel Like Travelin On
23:01 |
Erin Bates and Andy Leftwich - When The Saints
22:59 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Kumbaya
22:56 |
Wanda Vick - Where The Soul Never Dies
22:53 |
John Viers - Standing On the Promises
22:50 |
Jim Hendricks - Amazing Grace
22:45 |
Made By Mercy - Sweet Hour of Prayer
22:41 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - He's Got the Whole World in His Hands / Tell Me the Story of Jes
22:38 |
Mark Burchfield - He Leadeth Me
22:35 |
Mark Burchfield - Softly and Tenderly
22:32 |
Jim Hendricks - Count Your Blessings
22:30 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Just Over in the Gloryland
22:25 |
Andy Leftwich - In The Garden - Wonderful Peace
22:22 |
Jim Hendricks - He Leadeth Me
22:19 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - This Is My Father's World
22:17 |
Jeremy Fugate - Just a Closer Walk with Thee
22:14 |
Studio Musicians - The Old Rugged Cross
22:12 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - The Lily of the Valley
22:09 |
Jack Jezzro - There Is A Fountain
22:05 |
Studio Musicians - At Calvary
22:02 |
Craig Duncan - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
21:58 |
Andy Leftwich - My Jesus I Love Thee
21:56 |
Ed Russ - Farther Along
21:52 |
Craig Duncan - Unclouded Day
21:49 |
Ed Russ - Hallelujah! We Shall Rise
21:46 |
John Viers - I Feel Like Traveling On
21:43 |
Jack Jezzro - Rock Of Ages
21:39 |
Andy Leftwich - How Great Thou Art
21:36 |
Studio Musicians - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
21:32 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Old Time Religion / Give Me Oil in My Lamp
21:29 |
John Viers - When the Saints Go Marching In
21:26 |
Studio Musicians - Precious Lord, Take My Hand
21:24 |
Erin Bates and Andy Leftwich - Are You Washed in the Blood?
21:21 |
John Viers - Precious Jesus Hold My Hand
21:18 |
Craig Duncan - There Will Be Peace in the Valley for Me
21:15 |
Benjamin Barker - Are You Washed In The Blood
21:13 |
Jeremy Fugate - Invitation Medley
21:09 |
Jim Hendricks - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
21:06 |
Wanda Vick - Life's Railway To Heaven
21:02 |
Made By Mercy - In The Sweet By And By
20:59 |
Studio Musicians - Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
20:56 |
Ed Russ - Church in the Wildwood
20:53 |
Craig Duncan - Will the Circle Be Unbroken
20:49 |
Jeremy Fugate - Goodbye World, Goodbye
20:46 |
Jim Hendricks - Bringing In The Sheaves
20:43 |
Mark Burchfield - Farther Along
20:40 |
Mike Scott - Will The Circle Be Unbroken
20:38 |
Studio Musicians - Since I Have Been Redeemed
20:35 |
Mike Scott - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
20:32 |
Wanda Vick - I'll Fly Away
20:30 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Just Over in the Gloryland
20:28 |
Benjamin Barker - My Hope Is Built
20:25 |
Jack Jezzro - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
20:22 |
Jack Jezzro - Holy, Holy, Holy
20:20 |
Erin Bates and Andy Leftwich - The Old Time Religion
20:17 |
Ed Russ - When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
20:14 |
Craig Duncan - Come Thou Fount
20:12 |
Tracey Ann Collins - Washed In Blood
20:10 |
Studio Musicians - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
20:06 |
Jim Hendricks - Morning Has Broken (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
20:02 |
Craig Duncan - Wayfaring Stranger 1
20:00 |
Craig Duncan - Nothing but the Blood
19:57 |
Jack Jezzro - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
19:54 |
Benjamin Barker - Nothing But The Blood
19:51 |
Craig Duncan - Sweet Hour of Prayer
19:48 |
Jim Hendricks - Will The Circle Be Unbroken
19:46 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - I'll Fly Away
19:43 |
Wanda Vick - Down To The River To Pray
19:41 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Trust and Obey
19:37 |
Wanda Vick - Wayfaring Stranger
19:34 |
Wanda Vick - Cryin' Holy Unto The Lord
19:32 |
Jack Jezzro - Amazing Grace
19:30 |
Studio Musicians - Near The Cross
19:26 |
Studio Musicians - I Feel Like Travelin' On
19:23 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - He Hideth My Soul
19:20 |
Craig Duncan - Just As I Am 1
19:18 |
Mark Burchfield - When We All Get to Heaven
19:15 |
Wanda Vick - Shoutin' On The Hills Of Glory
19:12 |
Craig Duncan - Down at the Cross
19:08 |
Craig Duncan - In the Sweet By and By 1
19:06 |
Studio Musicians - There Is A Fountain
19:03 |
Jack Jezzro - Let Us Break Bread Together
18:59 |
Craig Duncan - Because He Lives
18:56 |
Craig Duncan - Swing Low Sweet Chariot
18:53 |
Studio Musicians - Shall We Gather At The River
18:50 |
Jack Jezzro - I Love To Tell The Story
18:48 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Morning Has Broken
18:44 |
Craig Duncan - Holy Ground
18:41 |
Craig Duncan - Nothing But the Blood / Standing On the Promises
18:37 |
Benjamin Barker - Redeemed
18:34 |
Craig Duncan - I Saw the Light
18:32 |
Lili Mae Whitaker - Gloryland March
18:28 |
Sam Geckler - The Old Rugged Cross
18:25 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Fairest Lord Jesus / Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
18:21 |
Craig Duncan - Wayfaring Stranger 2
18:18 |
Jim Hendricks - Whispering Hope (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
18:15 |
Mark Burchfield - Draw Me Nearer / I Am Thine O Lord
18:12 |
Craig Duncan - Standing on the Promises
18:09 |
Mark Burchfield - Blessed Assurance
18:06 |
Craig Duncan - I Need Thee Every Hour
18:04 |
Studio Musicians - I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
18:02 |
Josh Snodgrass - I am Resolved
18:00 |
Jack Jezzro - Be Thou My Vision
17:57 |
Jim Hendricks - Shall We Gather At The River (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
17:54 |
Jim Hendricks - What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
17:53 |
Jeremy Fugate - Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
17:50 |
Craig Duncan - O, How I Love Jesus
17:47 |
Jim Hendricks - Church In The Wildwood (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
17:44 |
Studio Musicians - Count Your Blessings
17:40 |
The Bass Mountain Boys - How Great Thou Art
17:37 |
Studio Musicians - I Am Bound For The Promised Land
17:35 |
Erin Bates and Andy Leftwich - Church In The Wildwood
17:31 |
Sam Geckler - Sweet Hour of Prayer
17:28 |
Craig Duncan - I Am a Pilgrim
17:24 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Down by the Riverside
17:23 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - My Savior's Love
17:18 |
Ben Rochester - Sweet By and By
17:15 |
Wanda Vick - Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
17:12 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - It's Me, O Lord
17:10 |
Sam Geckler - Trust and Obey
17:07 |
Mark Burchfield - Will the Circle Be Unbroken
17:05 |
Studio Musicians - Jesus Loves Me
17:00 |
Mike Scott - Where The Roses Never Fade
16:57 |
Craig Duncan - Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
16:54 |
Craig Duncan - Church in the Wildwood / Old Time Religion (Medley)
16:50 |
Craig Duncan - I Am Bound for the Promised Land
16:47 |
Ed Russ - Holy, Holy, Holy
16:46 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - The Unclouded Day
16:42 |
Craig Duncan - Rock of Ages 2
16:41 |
Sam Geckler - In The Garden
16:38 |
Andy Leftwich - Satisfied
16:36 |
Doug Trantham - Amazing Grace
16:33 |
Wanda Vick - O, Come, Angel Band
16:29 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder / Peace Like a River
16:27 |
Josh Snodgrass - Give Me Jesus
16:24 |
Studio Musicians - I'll Meet You In The Morning
16:21 |
Studio Musicians - Just A Closer Walk With Thee
16:19 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Glory to His Name
16:17 |
Sam Geckler - Just a Closer Walk with Thee
16:15 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - What a Friend We Have in Jesus / Take My Life and Let It Be
16:11 |
Jim Hendricks - Rock Of Ages (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
16:09 |
Studio Musicians - Standing On The Promises
16:06 |
Studio Musicians - Wonderful Words of Life
16:03 |
Wanda Vick - Talk About Suffering
15:58 |
Ben Rochester - God Leads Us Along
15:54 |
Craig Duncan - In the Sweet By and By
15:51 |
Ed Russ - I Feel Like Traveling On
15:49 |
Studio Musicians - Love Lifted Me
15:47 |
Red White - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
15:44 |
Jim Hendricks - Will The Circle Be Unbroken (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
15:41 |
Jack Jezzro - Blest Be The Tie That Binds
15:39 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord
15:37 |
James Wall & Osborne Cribb - This Little Light
15:34 |
Ed Russ - When We All Get to Heaven
15:31 |
Ed Russ - The Love Of God
15:28 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Amazing Grace
15:25 |
Ed Russ - My Savior's Love
15:22 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - At The Cross / All Hail the Power
15:17 |
Jim Hendricks - Pass Me Not (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
15:13 |
Doug Trantham - Poor Wayfaring Stranger
15:11 |
Mike Scott - Where The Soul Of Man Never Dies
15:08 |
Studio Musicians - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
15:05 |
Craig Duncan - Standing On the Promises 1
15:01 |
Studio Musicians - Sweet By and By
14:58 |
Mark Burchfield - Church In the Wildwood
14:56 |
Studio Musicians - Old Time Religion
14:52 |
Mike Scott - When The Saints Go Marching In
14:50 |
Doug Trantham - Jesus Paid It All
14:46 |
Studio Musicians - This World Is Not My Home
14:43 |
Craig Duncan - Wonderful Words of Life
14:40 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Blest Be The Tie that Binds / Be Still and Know / Sweet Hour of
14:36 |
Craig Duncan - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
14:33 |
Studio Musicians - How Great Thou Art
14:31 |
Studio Musicians - Battle Hymn Of The Republic
14:28 |
Jeremy Fugate - At the Cross
14:27 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Only Trust in Him
14:23 |
Craig Duncan - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
14:21 |
Ed Russ - Rock Of Ages-All The Way My Savior Leads Me
14:18 |
Studio Musicians - Mansion Over The Hilltop
14:13 |
Bible Truth Music - How Great Thou Art
14:10 |
Andy Leftwich - When We All Get To Heaven
14:07 |
Nev Jackson - Come Christians, Join To Sing
14:04 |
Raymond Fairchild - Will The Circle Be Unbroken
14:02 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Are You Washed in the Blood
13:59 |
Craig Duncan - Amazing Grace
13:56 |
Jack Jezzro - For The Beauty Of The Earth
13:54 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Are You Washed?
13:50 |
Craig Duncan - Will the Circle Be Unbroken 1
13:46 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Fairest Lord Jesus / For the Beauty of the Earth
13:44 |
Elaine and Richard Wilson - Unclouded Day
13:40 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Unclouded Day
13:37 |
Craig Duncan - I'll Fly Away
13:34 |
Mike Scott - Old Country Church
13:31 |
Wanda Vick - Hallelujah, I'm Ready
13:28 |
Josh Snodgrass - In the Garden
13:25 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - America the Beautiful
13:22 |
Craig Duncan - Amazing Grace 2
13:19 |
Studio Musicians - Lily Of The Valley
13:16 |
Craig Duncan - He Leadeth Me
13:14 |
Jeremy Fugate - Hymn Medley
13:11 |
Jack Jezzro - Faith Of Our Fathers
13:08 |
Mark Burchfield - In the Sweet By and By
13:07 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Near to the Heart of God
13:04 |
Ed Russ - No, Not One
13:01 |
Mark Burchfield - Keep On the Sunny Side
12:57 |
Craig Duncan - Blessed Assurance
12:54 |
Ben Rochester - I Surrender All
12:50 |
Craig Duncan - In the Garden
12:48 |
Studio Musicians - When We All Get To Heaven
12:44 |
Andy Leftwich - Heavenly Sunlight
12:43 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Do Lord
12:40 |
Jim Hendricks - Standing On The Promises
12:37 |
Craig Duncan - I Surrender All
12:34 |
Mark Burchfield - Unclouded Day
12:32 |
Bible Truth Music - On the Other Side
12:29 |
Craig Duncan - Do Lord/This Little Light of Mine Medley
12:26 |
Jim Hendricks - Just A Closer Walk With Thee
12:23 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - This Is the Day
12:18 |
Andy Leftwich - Grace Greater Than Our Sin
12:15 |
Ben Rochester - Never Grow Old
12:13 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Climb Up Sunshine Mountain
12:10 |
Mark Burchfield - I Love to Tell the Story
12:07 |
Benjamin Barker - O Sacred Head Now Wounded
12:05 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Tis So Sweet
12:02 |
Studio Musicians - Glory To His Name
11:59 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Crown Him with Many Crowns
11:58 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - It Is Well
11:55 |
Chicago Mandolin Orchestra - Higher Ground Medley
11:52 |
Dillard Russ - Sweet Hour of Prayer
11:49 |
Wanda Vick - Working On A Building
11:46 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - At the Cross
11:44 |
Jim Hendricks - Fairest Lord Jesus
11:41 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - O Worship the King / Heavenly Sunlight
11:38 |
Jim Hendricks - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
11:34 |
Sam Geckler - Are You Washed in the Blood
11:31 |
Jim Hendricks - Morning Has Broken
11:28 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Softly and Tenderly 1
11:25 |
Mark Burchfield - When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
11:23 |
Doug Trantham - When I Can Read My Title Clear
11:19 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - I've Got Peace Like a River / When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
11:15 |
Josh Snodgrass - Great is Thy Faithfulness
11:10 |
Mike Scott - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
11:08 |
Wanda Vick - Amazing Grace
11:05 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Blest Be the Tie that Binds / Be Still and Know / Sweet Hour of Prayer
11:02 |
Mark Burchfield - Just Over In the Glory Land
11:00 |
Mark Burchfield - There Is Power In the Blood
10:56 |
Doug Trantham - I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say - Pride of the Parish
10:53 |
Studio Musicians - Church In The Wildwood
10:50 |
Craig Duncan - I Saw the Light 1
10:48 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Standing on the Promises 1
10:46 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - When We All Get to Heaven
10:43 |
Mark Burchfield - Be Thou My Vision
10:36 |
Ben Rochester - I'll Fly Away
10:32 |
Craig Duncan - Farther Along
10:29 |
Jim Hendricks - Where The Soul Never Dies (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
10:25 |
Wanda Vick - Precious Memories
10:24 |
Jeremy Fugate - Keep on the Firing Line
10:21 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Holy, Holy, Holy / Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
10:17 |
Mike Scott - I'll Fly Away
10:14 |
Mike Scott - When The Angels Carry Me Home
10:10 |
Craig Duncan - I Love To Tell the Story/Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus
10:08 |
Dillard Russ - Gloryland March
10:05 |
The Bontrager Family Singers - Are You Washed in the Blood
10:02 |
John Viers - Meeting In the Air
09:59 |
Bible Truth Music - Sweet By and By
09:57 |
Everett Brown - Were You There?
09:52 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - The Sweet By and By / I Love to Tell the Story / It Is Well
09:50 |
Ben Rochester - When We All Get to Heaven
09:48 |
Mark Burchfield - Bringing In the Sheaves
09:45 |
Craig Duncan - There Is a Fountain
09:42 |
Studio Musicians - Jesus, Hold My Hand
09:39 |
Craig Duncan - Rock of Ages
09:32 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - All Glory Laud and Honor / Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
09:28 |
Craig Duncan - In the Sweet By and By 2
09:25 |
Jim Hendricks - Send The Light
09:22 |
Jack Jezzro - What Wondrous Love Is This
09:20 |
Jeremy Fugate - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
09:19 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Tell It to Jesus
09:14 |
John Viers - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
09:11 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
09:09 |
Studio Musicians - Power In The Blood
09:07 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - For the Beauty of the Earth
09:05 |
Dillard Russ - Jesus, Hold My Hand
09:02 |
Jim Hendricks - Faith Of Our Fathers
08:57 |
Mike Scott - Pass Me Not
08:54 |
Benjamin Barker - There Is A Fountain
08:51 |
Craig Duncan - The Lily of the Valley
08:47 |
Ben Rochester - Wall of Jericho
08:44 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - There Is A Fountain
08:41 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Battle Hymn of the Republic
08:38 |
Craig Duncan - Leaning On the Everlasting Arms 1
08:35 |
Burchfield Brothers - My Savior's Love/Such Love
08:32 |
Craig Duncan - All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
08:28 |
Craig Duncan - Amazing Grace 1
08:26 |
Studio Musicians - Send The Light
08:23 |
Craig Duncan - There Is Power In the Blood
08:21 |
Chicago Mandolin Orchestra - Arise Christian Brethren Medley
08:18 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - O How I Love Jesus
08:15 |
Studio Musicians - Unclouded Day
08:12 |
Doug Trantham - Morning Has Broken
08:10 |
Chicago Mandolin Orchestra - How Great Thou Art
08:07 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Bringing in the Sheaves
08:03 |
John Viers - Where The Soul of Man Never Dies
08:01 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - There Is Power in the Blood
07:58 |
Wanda Vick - Will The Circle Be Unbroken?
07:55 |
Josh Snodgrass - Softly and Tenderly
07:52 |
Doug Trantham - Give Me Jesus - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
07:50 |
Christian Gospel Choir - When We All Get To Heaven (Instrumental)
07:47 |
Craig Duncan - Send the Light
07:45 |
Doug Trantham - Higher Ground
07:43 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - This World Is Not My Home
07:40 |
Ed Russ - The Lily of the Valley
07:39 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Heavenly Sunlight
07:37 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
07:35 |
Jeremy Fugate - When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
07:32 |
Studio Musicians - Do Lord
07:29 |
Andy Leftwich - Glory To His Name
07:25 |
John Viers - Twilight Is Stealing
07:21 |
Benjamin Barker - There Is Power In The Blood
07:17 |
Craig Duncan - Where the Soul Never Dies
07:15 |
Dillard Russ - Beautiful Home
07:13 |
Studio Musicians - Peace Like A River
07:11 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Do Lord
07:09 |
Jack Jezzro - Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
07:05 |
Craig Duncan - Jesus Paid It All
07:04 |
Dillard Russ - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
07:01 |
Ed Russ - Will There Be Any Stars
06:59 |
Doug Trantham - Brethren We Have Met To Worship
06:56 |
Sam Geckler - Glory to His Name
06:52 |
Craig Duncan - How Great Thou Art
06:50 |
Bible Truth Music - Count Your Blessings
06:47 |
Studio Musicians - No, Not One
06:44 |
Craig Duncan - The Old-Time Religion
06:39 |
Mike Scott - Victory In Jesus
06:36 |
Craig Duncan - When They Ring the Golden Bells
06:33 |
Ed Russ - Savior, Like A Shepherd, Lead Us
06:32 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - I Will Praise Him
06:29 |
Benjamin Barker - When I See The Blood
06:25 |
Jim Hendricks - He Leadeth Me (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
06:22 |
Ed Russ - The Old Country Church
06:19 |
Craig Duncan - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
06:17 |
Everett Brown - In The Garden
06:14 |
Studio Musicians - I Saw The Light
06:11 |
Craig Duncan - Shall We Gather At the River
06:09 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Heaven Medley
06:06 |
Doug Trantham - Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
06:03 |
Craig Duncan - Victory In Jesus 1
06:00 |
Jack Jezzro - Blessed Assurance
05:58 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Gloryland Medley
05:54 |
Craig Duncan - Wayfaring Stranger
05:52 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Oh, I Want to See Him
05:50 |
Bible Truth Music - Standing On The Promises
05:47 |
Nev Jackson - In The Sweet Bye and Bye
05:44 |
Bethany and Joe - Day by Day
05:43 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - In the Sweet By and By
05:39 |
Jim Hendricks - Amazing Grace (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
05:37 |
Mark Burchfield - Tis So Sweet
05:34 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Will the Circle Be Unbroken
05:31 |
Craig Duncan - Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus 1
05:28 |
Ed Russ - Kneel at the Cross
05:25 |
Jim Hendricks - Are You Washed In The Blood (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
05:21 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - All Glory, Laud and Honor / Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
05:17 |
John Viers - I'd Rather Have Jesus
05:16 |
James Wall & Osborne Cribb - Saints Go Marching In
05:14 |
Craig Duncan - Just Over In the Gloryland
05:10 |
Sam Geckler - Sweet By and By
05:08 |
Bible Truth Music - At Calvary
05:05 |
Sam Geckler - What a Day That Will Be
05:02 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Near to the Heart of God 1
05:00 |
Bible Truth Music - Come Thou Fount
04:57 |
Mark Burchfield - Leaning On Everlasting Arms
04:53 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Wayfaring Stranger / Amazing Grace
04:51 |
Studio Musicians - Just Over In The Glory Land
04:48 |
Bible Truth Music - Shall We Gather At The River
04:46 |
Jeremy Fugate - The Old Rugged Cross
04:42 |
Jim Hendricks - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
04:40 |
Bible Truth Music - At the Cross
04:35 |
John Viers - Shall We Gather At the River
04:30 |
Craig Duncan - Just As I Am
04:28 |
Mark Burchfield - Nothing But the Blood of Jesus
04:25 |
Nev Jackson - Shepherd's Medley
04:23 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Just a Closer Walk with Thee
04:20 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Blessed Assurance / Near to the Heart of God
04:17 |
Dillard Russ - In My Father's House
04:13 |
Mike Scott - I Saw The Light
04:10 |
Jack Jezzro - He Leadeth Me
04:07 |
Jim Hendricks - The Unclouded Day
04:04 |
Benjamin Barker - Jesus Paid It All
04:01 |
Mark Burchfield - Only Trust Him
04:00 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - I Need Thee Every Hour
03:57 |
Craig Duncan - At Calvary
03:54 |
Wanda Vick - I Am A Pilgrim
03:52 |
Craig Duncan - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
03:50 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
03:47 |
Craig Duncan - Victory In Jesus
03:44 |
Jack Jezzro - Near The Cross
03:41 |
Ed Russ - When We All Get to Heaven
03:40 |
Jeremy Fugate - Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
03:35 |
Sam Geckler - Are You Washed in the Blood
03:33 |
Doug Trantham - Simple Gifts
03:31 |
Red White - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
03:29 |
Raymond Fairchild - Will The Circle Be Unbroken
03:26 |
Studio Musicians - Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
03:22 |
Jeremy Fugate - Goodbye World, Goodbye
03:19 |
Chicago Mandolin Orchestra - Higher Ground Medley
03:17 |
James Wall & Osborne Cribb - This Little Light
03:14 |
Craig Duncan - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
03:10 |
Craig Duncan - At Calvary
03:06 |
Jim Hendricks - Pass Me Not (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
03:03 |
Ed Russ - My Savior's Love
03:01 |
Bible Truth Music - On the Other Side
02:57 |
Craig Duncan - Will the Circle Be Unbroken 1
02:55 |
Josh Snodgrass - Give Me Jesus
02:52 |
Studio Musicians - Glory To His Name
02:49 |
Craig Duncan - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
02:46 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Bringing in the Sheaves
02:44 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Old-Time Religion
02:42 |
Studio Musicians - Standing On The Promises
02:40 |
Mark Burchfield - Tis So Sweet
02:37 |
Jack Jezzro - Faith Of Our Fathers
02:33 |
Craig Duncan - I'll Fly Away
02:32 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Jesus Is All the World to Me
02:30 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Sweet Hour of Prayer
02:26 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - This Is the Day
02:23 |
Studio Musicians - The Old Rugged Cross
02:22 |
The Wear Family - Shall We Gather At The River
02:20 |
Studio Musicians - Wonderful Words of Life
02:15 |
Ben Rochester - Precious Memories
02:12 |
Jim Hendricks - What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
02:09 |
Craig Duncan - When They Ring the Golden Bells
02:07 |
The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church - Glory to His Name
02:05 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Crown Him with Many Crowns
02:04 |
James Wall & Osborne Cribb - Saints Go Marching In
02:01 |
Jeremy Fugate - The Old Rugged Cross
01:58 |
Doug Trantham - I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say - Pride of the Parish
01:54 |
John Viers - Kneel At the Cross
01:51 |
Mike Scott - Old Country Church
01:47 |
John Viers - Where The Soul of Man Never Dies
01:44 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Old Time Religion / Give Me Oil in My Lamp
01:42 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Just As I Am
01:38 |
Craig Duncan - In the Sweet By and By
01:36 |
Bible Truth Music - Count Your Blessings
01:34 |
Studio Musicians - I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
01:31 |
Bible Truth Music - Sweet By and By
01:29 |
Wanda Vick - Shoutin' On The Hills Of Glory
01:26 |
Studio Musicians - Jesus, Hold My Hand
01:23 |
Studio Musicians - Count Your Blessings
01:20 |
Benjamin Barker - Nothing But The Blood
01:18 |
Everett Brown - In The Garden
01:16 |
Christian Gospel Choir - When We All Get To Heaven (Instrumental)
01:13 |
Ed Russ - Rock Of Ages-All The Way My Savior Leads Me
01:10 |
Craig Duncan - Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
01:07 |
Jim Hendricks - In The Sweet By And By (Country Mountain Hymns Album Version)
01:04 |
Wanda Vick - I Am A Pilgrim
01:01 |
Jim Hendricks - He Leadeth Me
00:59 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Are You Washed?
00:55 |
Studio Musicians - I Feel Like Travelin' On
00:52 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - Amazing Grace
00:50 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord
00:47 |
Craig Duncan - Swing Low Sweet Chariot
00:44 |
Studio Musicians - Jesus Loves Me
00:42 |
Josh Snodgrass - I am Resolved
00:39 |
Jim Hendricks - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
00:36 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - All Glory, Laud and Honor / Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
00:33 |
Studio Musicians - Church In The Wildwood
00:30 |
Jack Jezzro - What Wondrous Love Is This
00:28 |
Jim Hendricks - Standing On The Promises
00:24 |
Andy Leftwich - Glory To His Name
00:22 |
Jeremy Fugate - Keep on the Firing Line
00:20 |
Nashville Bluegrass Ensemble - O Worship the King / Heavenly Sunlight
00:18 |
Craig Duncan - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
00:15 |
Craig Duncan - I Am a Pilgrim
00:11 |
Mike Scott - Where The Roses Never Fade
00:08 |
Jim Hendricks - Faith Of Our Fathers
00:04 |
Ben Rochester - Never Grow Old