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Smile Radio Playlist

Nevíte, jaká píseň se hrála v rádiu? Použijte naši službu a zjistěte to! Náš seznam skladeb ukládá Smile Radio seznam skladeb za posledních 7 dní.

(nyní v Huddersfield 20:10)
23:56 Rob Bridge @RobBridgeMusic - True Romance
23:55 The home of the best - Independent Music, Great shows & entertainment
23:52 Terrified Daisy @DaisyTerrified - Hearts on Fire
23:44 COMMUNIC @communic - My Temple Of Pride
23:44 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
23:40 Will Johnson-Dublon @weareyoghurtpot - Only Here
23:35 Sugartown Slim @SugartownSlim - Catching Fireflies
23:32 Pavillion @Pavilion Band - In Control
23:32 More Easy Listening till Dawn - The Easy Listening Hours
23:28 Millenium Theory @MilleniumTheory - Sweet Memories
23:26 The Crushing Violets @crushingviolets - Back to Neptune
23:25 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
23:25 Kiddhillz - A smile and Hello from...
23:25 1:30pm Fridays - Chipp Ahoy
23:19 Dirty Mind detroit - Cuz I Love You Live In Garden City Park
23:16 ROWSIE @RowsieBand - Willingness
23:15 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
23:09 Jenna Wolfe @jennawolfmusic - dark side of the moon
23:05 Magpie Sally @magpie sally - Straitjacket
23:00 Jim Hudson @jimhudsonmusic - Bones
23:00 Welcome to the Easy Listening Hours - The Easy Listening Playlist
22:58 The Darren Holland Project - Kids in America
22:55 The Bloodshots @the bloodshots - No Way Out
22:54 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
22:54 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
22:53 Eliza May @ElizaMayMusic - A Smile and Hello from...
22:49 Backyard Casino @backyardcasino - Nine Lives
22:49 Our Favourite of the Night - The Indie Rock Playlist
22:46 Caffeine @CaffeineHQ - Shadows
22:43 The Routine @wearetheroutine - Do It For You
22:39 Dead Echoes @echoesdead - Don't Count On Me
22:36 Rosa Caelum @RosaCaelum - Jerusalem
22:35 Listen a variety of ways - The Indie Rock Playlist
22:32 Palps - Love, Always
22:28 Marples @marples - I've Been Shown
22:25 Weekend Recovery @weekendrecmusic - 'No Guts All The Glory'
22:24 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
22:21 As Sirens Fall @assirensfall - The Wide Awake Club
22:17 Wrex @WeAreWREX - Recovery
22:16 Listen Now to some great Rock - The Indie Rock Playlist
22:13 Peacock Method - Love is Blue
22:13 The Sound Lab @TheSoundLabYES - Soundlab Saturdays!
22:12 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
22:08 SLOW CINEMA - Sizzler
22:04 The Kid and I @TheKidandIMusic - Morning Song
22:03 More Rock #comingup - THE INDIE ROCK PLAYLIST
22:00 The Collisioneers - Midnight Show
21:59 Robbie Maroon @RobbieMaroon - A smile and Hello from Oz with...
21:57 First Frontier @firstfrontieruk - Insist
21:56 Silent Stranger - A Smile and Hello from...
21:54 Grade 2 @grade2iow - Midnight Ferry
21:50 Damn The Wolves @DamnTheWolves - Dying To Come Back To Life
21:50 Get a free music promo #IndieArtists #IndieBands - The Indie Rock Playlist
21:46 Kris Bell @krisbellmusic - Dead Man
21:45 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
21:42 Trick Shot @trick shot band - Nothing I'd Rather Do
21:41 Dont forget to check out our Venue - The Indie Rock Playlist
21:38 The Ramshackle Army @RamshackleArmy - Rise And Fall
21:35 Single by Sunday @SingleBySunday - Reputation
21:34 BREAKFASTS - from 6am wake up & #Smile
21:30 Broken to Brave @BrokenToBraveTX - Symphony in D
21:29 Sweeper - Time for another hit
21:24 Chavez Cartel - Dead Weekend
21:21 Jordan Red @jordanredband - Awake
21:21 send us your #UnsignedMusic - THE INDIE ROCK PLAYLIST
21:17 Victory Vizhanska @VVVizhanska @abbyk @ap tobleronbass - Orange Bang
21:16 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
21:13 Sickpay - Quiet As A Joke
21:09 Lovechild @LOVECHILD5 - Teach me
21:08 Submit Your music - The Indie Rock Playlist
21:04 The Haciendas @HaciendasThe - Joker
21:00 Trucker Diablo - Rock Kids Of The 80s
21:00 Non Stop #IndieRock #LiveOnair - THE INDIE ROCK PLAYLIST
20:59 My Kind Of Chaos @mykindofchaosau - Calm Down Karen
20:57 Ekko Park @ekkopark - All Eyes On Me
20:54 The Violent Inzident @ViolentInzident - I Love Nu Metal
20:50 3Mind Blight @3mindblight - Paranoid
20:50 Lyndon Rivers - Check out this great artist with Something
20:47 Radio Rejects @radio rejects - Monsters
20:45 Under The Influence @TheUti - Body Parts
20:41 NOTHING BUT REAL @NothingbutReal5 - Therapy toy
20:37 Saving Jackie @savingjackie101 - It's Critical
20:36 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
20:31 Lung Glass @lungglassband - Make It Better
20:27 SkinsNBones @NbonesSkins - Forever On
20:27 1:30-3:30PM UK TIME #FRIDAYS - Catch Chipp Ahoy Fridays
20:24 DVL @DVLBand - Eternity
20:19 CHROMA @CHROMAbanduk - Don't Mind Me
20:10 Blud Red Roses @BludRedRoses - Falling
20:06 Shotgun Mistress @ShotgunMistress - Save Me From Myself
20:02 Play Dead @PLAYDEADbandUK - Shes Only Pretty in the Dark
20:01 @stonianj - Late night #Rockmusic #nsfw
19:58 Bon Viveur @BonViveurBand - Hungover
19:54 Loz Campbell @rock loz - What You Doing It For
19:52 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Home of the best #Britrock #NowPlaying
19:50 The K's - Chancer
19:47 Man eat Grass @ManeatGrass - Outta Hibernation
19:47 The Sound Lab @TheSoundLabYES - Saturdays from 1p.m
19:43 Muddibrooke @MuddiBrooke - Devil
19:38 Danko Janes @dankojones - Farewell
19:38 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
19:36 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Brit Rock N Smiles till 12
19:33 The Merchants @TheMerchants UK - Hostile
19:29 Blue Stragglers @BlueStragglers1 - Mine All Mine
19:26 Gatsby @gatsbyDK - Damned If You Do
19:25 #musicDiscussionMondays - Monday's from 5pm
19:21 Psyence @PsyenceUK - Retrospect
19:18 Apathy Avenue @ApathyAvenue - Something Greater
19:14 The Charlie Marshall Effect @cmeffect - You don't know what it's Like
19:13 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
19:13 Cobbler - A Smile and Hello from...
19:12 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Only the Best Brit Rock N Smiles
19:08 Stone Deaf @Stone Deaf Band - Polaroid
19:05 DRES @weareDRES - Circles
19:01 The Magic Es @wearemagicuk - Keep the Good People Around
19:00 This is Your Smile Radio - Playing tomorrows brightest stars today
19:00 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - the Best Brit Rock Sun-Thurs 8 till midnight
18:56 Edge of 13 @edgeof13UK - Into the light
18:52 Balado @balado band - Depths of Your Despair
18:49 Healthy Junkies @HealthyJunkies - Tricky Situation
18:48 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
18:48 The Napiers - Check out this amazing band
18:45 snake eyes @wehavesnakeeyes - 40 winks
18:41 StanLei @StanLei music - Love belief
18:40 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The Best Brit Rock Now on till Midnight
18:37 Marseille @marseilleband - Thinker
18:34 Fragile Creatures @FragileCreature - Grandaddy
18:33 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
18:29 Never Stay Down @NeverStayDown - Make Me Feel Alive
18:29 Pluggin Baby - Saturday 8am Promo - Smile Radio
18:28 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Brit Rock Coming right up
18:27 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
18:23 The Gulps @TGulps - Surrender
18:20 Candy Coffins @CandyCoffins - A Victory Like This
18:19 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Brit Rock on the way...
18:16 The Mojo Slide @TheMojoSlide - To Kill A Monkey
18:13 Mishappenings - @Mishappenings1 - I Met Her in a Vape Shop
18:09 King Cujo @KingCuj0 - In My Vein
18:08 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The Best of the British
18:04 Reliant @WeAreReliant - Do What You Want
18:01 Tyrannosaurus Nebulous @T Nebulous - Deal with my Evil
17:57 Aubrey Straw - Apnoea
17:56 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
17:52 Totten Bridge - Control
17:46 The Lazy Dayz @TheLazyDayz1 - Will You Follow Me?
17:44 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Home of the best #Britrock #NowPlaying
17:40 Nightblade @NightbladeRocks - Further From The Truth
17:36 Castlecombe Drive - Away
17:35 #Advertise your #event #gig or #Party - e-mail: [email protected]
17:32 The Kut @thekutgirlsrock - On My Own
17:28 12 Hour Avenue @12houravenue - Worth the Days
17:27 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
17:25 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Brit Rock N Smiles till 12
17:22 Dead Dirty Dinosaurs @DinosaursDead - Bad Timing
17:19 Distant Drum @DistantDrumBand - Reaching For Air
17:13 Rosellas @RosellasBand - Before The Storm
17:13 Pluggin Baby - Thursday 4pm Promo - Smile Radio
17:10 Halcyon - Seize Me
17:06 Wild Horse @wildhorserockuk - Angles (Clean - Radio Version)
17:04 Serotones @SerotonesUK - Better Than This
17:03 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
17:03 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
17:01 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Only the Best Brit Rock N Smiles
16:57 Skyfever @Skyfever1 - The Wait
16:54 Regent @Regentrockband - Freight Train
16:50 The Clockworks @daclockworks - Can I Speak To A Manager Please
16:50 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - the Best Brit Rock Sun-Thurs 8 till midnight
16:46 Dead Reynolds @dead reynolds - P.S (I Loathe You)
16:43 Marie-Thérèse @MT Marietherese - LUNA
16:38 The Crooks @TheCrooksUK - Frankie
16:38 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
16:37 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
16:37 Will Buck - Come listen to this Indie Artist
16:35 The Superlatives @TheSuperlatives - CN73
16:32 The Ruby Tuesdays - She's Got You
16:31 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The Best Brit Rock Now on till Midnight
16:30 Sack @Sacktheband - Talafornia
16:25 TOKEO - King Of The Town
16:22 Junior Bill @juniorbillmusic - Boys from the Jungle
16:21 Ritchie Stonian Johnston @smilebarvenue @smileradio3 - Goodtimes, good music, #BIGSMILES
16:20 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Brit Rock Coming right up
16:19 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
16:16 The Reverse @TheReverseMusic - Which Way Out
16:13 Floor Model @ModelFloor - Black Ice Daze
16:13 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Brit Rock on the way...
16:09 Freedivers - The End of the World
16:04 Come at the King @comeatthekinguk - Overgrown
16:01 MOOT @mootbook - I Want To Be Like Clint Eastwood
16:00 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The Best of the British
15:58 David Peril - A Smile and Hello from...
15:58 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
15:57 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:56 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
15:56 Retro Firefly @retro firefly - Check this amazing artist out!
15:55 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
15:55 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
15:54 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:54 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:53 Wild Horse @WildhorserocksUk - Come check out this amazing band!
15:51 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
15:50 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
15:50 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
15:49 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
15:48 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
15:48 James Passey Smile Radio
15:47 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:46 The Great Leslie @TheGreatLeslie - A Smile and Hello from ..
15:46 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
15:46 Sweeper - Time for another hit
15:45 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:44 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:44 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
15:43 @smileradio3 - No.1 for the Best #IndependentMusic
15:43 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
15:42 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:42 Anastasia Elliot - Shes got some new music...
15:41 The Sound Lab @TheSoundLabYES - Saturdays from 1p.m
15:41 The Glass Skies - Check out this awesome band
15:41 Sweeper - Time for another hit
15:40 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:39 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
15:38 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
15:38 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
15:37 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
15:37 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
15:36 The home of the best - Independent Music, Great shows & entertainment
15:36 The Napiers - Check out this amazing band
15:35 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
15:35 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:34 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
15:34 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:33 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
15:33 Eliza May @ElizaMayMusic - A Smile and Hello from...
15:33 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
15:32 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
15:31 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:31 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
15:31 Wild Horse @WildhorserocksUk - Come check out this amazing band!
15:30 The home of the best - Featured Artists
15:30 @smileradio3 - No.1 for the Best #IndependentMusic
15:29 www.smileradio.co - Submit your #unsignedMusic
15:29 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:28 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
15:27 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
15:23 Whitefeathers @WHTFTHRS - Rip Us Apart
15:23 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
15:20 JahOfYork - Organic (2023)
15:19 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
15:18 Fridays 1:30pm #Live on @smileradio3 - Catch Chipp Ahoy
15:13 The Utopiates @TheUtopiates - The Sun Also Rises
15:13 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
15:12 Welcome to Smile Radio - A big hi from Jakey J
15:12 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
15:09 The Glass Skies @theglassskies - Memories
15:05 Weedway @WeedwayMusic - Ithcy
15:04 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
15:04 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
15:00 Tommy Prine - Tommy Prine - Reach the Sun
14:56 The Milk Carton Kids - The Milk Carton Kids - Running On Sweet Smile
14:56 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
14:53 Welcome to Smile Radio - A big hi from Jakey J
14:52 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
14:50 Velour Academy - pulsar
14:46 Alex Nicol - Been A Long Year
14:41 Deaf Mother - Revenge
14:41 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
14:40 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
14:40 Smile Radio #GetIN - The home of the best #Indie & #Entertainment
14:36 Jazz Robertson - Walls Of Jericho
14:36 Anastasia Elliat - Dropping by to smile and say hi!
14:32 Michael Spellman - Sacred
14:31 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
14:28 HCK9 @ HCK9 - Insomnia feat PEAKS!
14:25 The Napiers @thenapiersband - Nothing Stays The Same
14:24 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
14:20 BITTER KISSES - Doctor's Note
14:15 Kieran - Why Did I Care
14:14 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
14:11 Miles and the Chain Gang @MilesWrites - Charlie
14:08 The Humdrum Express @HumdrumExpress - One Man's Tat (is Another Man's Treasure)
14:07 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
14:03 Flamuel @flamuel - See-Through
14:03 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
14:03 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Heres a #promo for one of our shows!
13:59 Gareth Dunlop - Right About Ready
13:58 Digsby - Check these guys out...
13:57 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
13:57 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
13:54 It Man - White Heat
13:51 Klemens Hannigan - Never Loved Someone So Much
13:51 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
13:50 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
13:50 Sweeper - Time for another hit
13:46 The Brae - Born to Run
13:45 Robbie Maroon @RobbieMaroon - A smile and Hello from Oz with...
13:42 Red Tide - Faint Line
13:41 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
13:37 Everpole - The Static
13:36 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
13:32 EIGHT - Take It Back
13:28 Snows of Yesteryear @@snowsofyes - Something Shatters (edit)
13:24 Mike Ross @spindriftmike - Ugly Brain
13:23 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
13:23 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
13:21 BREAKFASTS - from 6am wake up & #Smile
13:21 Sweeper - Time for another hit
13:17 Mystery Romance - So Far Away
13:17 THE GILHOOLYS @thegilhoolys - A Smile and Hello from...
13:14 Sunbirds @SunbirdsMusic - Hey!
13:13 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
13:10 Another Day - A Sticky Situation
13:08 Courtney Hadwin @CourtneyHadwin - That Girl Don't Live Here
13:07 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
13:06 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #newmusicalert #comingup
13:02 Scotty Dunning - House Party
12:59 Red Ant Band @redantbanduk - Feels Like Magic (Album Version)
12:56 Jemma Johnson - Sing it with me
12:55 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
12:52 Operation Garland @OperationGarla1 - The Right Pilll
12:49 The Survival Code @thesurvivalcode - We Are Just Fooling Ourselves
12:48 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
12:44 Judd Harris - Take Me Down
12:44 Anastasia Elliot - A smile and Hello from...
12:41 Wild Horse @WildhorserocksUk - Tangled
12:40 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
12:39 #musicDiscussionMondays - Monday's from 5pm
12:35 David H Campbell - Footprints (radio mix)
12:35 Retro Firefly @retro firefly - Check this amazing artist out!
12:34 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
12:34 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
12:31 January Fire @january fire - Content
12:27 Mars Sucks @Marssucks band - DIG
12:26 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
12:22 The Jesse Tree @thejessetreeuk - Other Side by The Jesse Tree
12:19 Kill, The Icon ! - Heavy Heart
12:18 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
12:14 Radio Ghosts - Pop Song
12:14 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
12:13 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
12:10 Sarah-Jane Thomas - Smoke About It
12:07 Imperial Leisure @ilband - Wiggle
12:04 The Milk Men - Little Miss Attention
12:03 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
12:03 @smileradio3 - No.1 for the Best #IndependentMusic
12:02 Robbie Maroon @RobbieMaroon - Catch the Wonderful land of Oz Tuesdays 4pm
11:58 Fatal Vision - Breakers (Duet Version)
11:53 For a while - Midnight for Now
11:53 The Best #NewMusic - #IndieMusic #MusicVibes
11:52 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
11:48 The Goodstock Project @the gsproject - This Rain
11:45 Jonathan Roy @JonRoyOfficial - Back to the Moon
11:44 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
11:41 NZONDI - Teenage RockStarr (Original Music Inspired by the Vampire Novel ShapeDrifters)
11:39 JOHN DREDGE & THE BALCONY SHIRTS BAND @johndredge - Double Agent Working Alone
11:39 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
11:35 The Deep Drags - Wake Up Cinderella
11:34 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
11:31 Firestations @fire stations - Undercover
11:28 Pollyanna Blue - Stray
11:27 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
11:24 Vanity Mirror @vanitymirror69 - Dandelion Wish
11:22 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
11:21 Ritchie Stonian Johnston @smilebarvenue @smileradio3 - Goodtimes, good music, #BIGSMILES
11:18 LT @LTMusicAus - Act Your Age
11:17 The Great Leslie @TheGreatLeslie - A Smile and Hello from ..
11:17 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
11:16 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
11:13 Howl Baby Howl - Walking a lot
11:10 Luvleigh - SUV
11:09 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
11:08 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
11:08 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #newmusicalert #comingup
11:03 Majic - On the Edge
11:00 World Goes Round @wgr band - Please Please (Dr. Preach Remix)
11:00 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
10:56 Tom Bright - Remarkable Things
10:56 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
10:52 Becca James @becca james - Innocent Days
10:49 The Pocket Gods @thepocketgod - Noel This Is An Escalator
10:48 Zack Fowler - Thought About Me
10:47 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
10:47 @smileradio3 - No.1 for the Best #IndependentMusic
10:46 Pluggin Baby Coming Soon - Emma Scott @Plugginbaby
10:46 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Heres a #promo for one of our shows!
10:43 Livestocks - No-Romance
10:42 Smile Radio #GetIN - The home of the best #Indie & #Entertainment
10:39 Parker - Ruin My Life
10:37 Liam Smyth - Kinda
10:36 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
10:32 Vertical Perspective - For Your Glory
10:29 Nylon Union - The One
10:28 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
10:23 KEELEY @KEELEYsound - Seeing Everything
10:22 Sweeper - Time for another hit
10:21 The Kairos @TheKairos1 - Price on Peace (P.O.P)
10:20 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
10:16 MELO - Paralyzed
10:13 COUCHBOY @Couchboymusic - SUMMER
10:12 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
10:09 Martin MöTT Epp - All Outta Love
10:09 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
10:07 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
10:07 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Heres a #promo for one of our shows!
10:05 James Passey @passey james - Castles in the Air
10:04 Silent Stranger - A Smile and Hello from...
10:03 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
10:03 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
09:59 Coastal Fire Dept. @CoastalFireDept - Cry Your heart out
09:57 Gold Frames - Burning Bridges
09:56 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
09:56 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
09:55 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #newmusicalert #comingup
09:51 The Modern Kind (feat. Bailey Watson) - Poison
09:49 Crooked Ties - That Time Of Night (demo)
09:48 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
09:44 I Forget Myself @iforget myself - Light Up
09:44 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
09:39 Oli Brown & The Dead Collective - Everything You Want
09:36 Just A Ride @Justaridepage - Waiting
09:32 Liam Fender @LiamFender - Time Comes Around
09:29 The Bawl Slant @bawl the ft. Pittsburgh Slim - Fluorescent Pink
09:28 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
09:25 Regent - Regent - Can't You See
09:18 Samh - Animal
09:18 House of Wolves - Check out this amazing band...
09:17 #Advertise your #event #gig or #Party - e-mail: [email protected]
09:17 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Heres a #promo for one of our shows!
09:15 Carol Keogh - A Pair of Packed Valises (before the Dunbrody), 1849
09:15 Smile Radio #GetIN - The home of the best #Indie & #Entertainment
09:11 Why Not Frank - Waiting for Ready for
09:11 Neea River - A Smile and Hello from...
09:08 Teeniest @teeniest5 - Billie Eilish Won't Follow Me
09:07 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
09:03 The Heat Inc. - Get Wild
08:59 Standin' Man - Changin' Wind
08:58 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
08:55 Alex Lipinski - Idiot Station
08:52 The Exhales @@TheExhales - Silver Smile
08:48 House Of Wolves @HOWtheband - Give Me A Moment
08:47 @smileradio3 - No.1 for the Best #IndependentMusic
08:44 The Routine @wearetheroutine - Hairbands On My Wrist
08:44 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
08:39 Ewan MacFarlane - At One With Gravity
08:35 Drew Davies @DrewDaviesMusic - Codename Softboi
08:34 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
08:31 Reverend Genes @reverendgenes - Someday
08:31 Anastasia Elliot - Shes got some new music...
08:27 The Decrees - Matter of Time
08:26 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
08:25 Pluggin Baby - Thursday 4pm Promo - Smile Radio
08:22 Backyard Casino @backyardcasino - My Pleasure
08:19 Lindsey Brown - Tango!
08:19 High Gain Pity Party - A Smile and Helllo
08:18 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
08:13 Rogue FX - The Fifth Step
08:08 Lucky Thief - Landlubber
08:08 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
08:07 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
08:03 Shambolics @shambolicsmusic - Never Gonna Change
08:00 LEBROCK - Running Wild
07:58 Terry Emm & Maz O Connor - The Leaving
07:54 Ålesund - Rode Off Into The Sun
07:50 The Exhales @TheExhales - Call On Karma
07:50 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
07:47 Superhighwayman @superhighwayman - "Jerry Springer"
07:46 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
07:43 Kelsie Kimberlin @KelsieKimberlin - Road Trip
07:39 Scott Matthews - New Skin
07:36 Pete and Tom On Song @peteandtomonso1 - Night's Closing In
07:33 HOOK - Autumn Eyes
07:32 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
07:29 Forge Hounds @ForgeHounds - Redcoat
07:25 Death of the High Street @dothsband - Age Of Bronze
07:24 Pluggin Baby - Saturday 8am Promo - Smile Radio
07:20 Crosslands Fold @crosslandsfold - The Tide Master
07:15 Retro Firefly @retro firefly - Where did you go
07:15 The Pulltops - A Smile And Hello from...
07:11 Downtown Patriots - Your Burden
07:10 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
07:07 Partinico Rose @PartinicoR - Undeclinable Ways
07:03 Lost Pirates @lostpiratesband - HeyYou
07:02 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #MusicSubmissions open for all #Indieartists
07:00 Perfectparachutepicture @pppband - White Noise
06:56 Trick Shot @trick shot band - Nothing I'd Rather Do
06:53 VIVAS @VivasBandUK - Out to get me
06:51 Devon Sants - Steppin' Stone
06:51 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - #IndieBands #IndieArtists looking for that @SmilebarVenue
06:47 Marples @marples - I've Been Shown
06:45 Muddibrooke @MuddiBrooke - Cellar
06:44 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - More Back2Back #IndieMusic #Comingup
06:41 Into the Blood @into blood - What About It
06:40 LunariaN l@unariantheband - A smile and hello from...
06:37 The Hermitts @thehermitts - The Moors
06:36 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
06:35 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Heres a #promo for one of our shows!
06:31 Breandán Fitzpatrick - Sweet Return
06:29 Danko Jones @dankojones - Guess Who's Back
06:28 The AJM Show @theajmshow - A Smile and Hello from...
06:28 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Get some #free #airtime to #promo your #music
06:24 Hurricane #1 - Awake at 9
06:20 MELØ - Let Love In
06:20 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
06:19 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - Check out @smilebarvenue #Huddersfield
06:16 Mercy Kelly @MercyKelly Band - Fever
06:13 Birrell or Biscuit @craigdbirrell - Silly Billy
06:13 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
06:08 Mc3LROY @mc3lroymusic - Just A Chance
06:07 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
06:03 Muo Duo - Ruby Rose
06:00 The Darren Holland Project @TheDarrenHolla1 - War Machines
06:00 Ritchie Stonian Johnston - The #NewMusicPlaylist
05:58 Jamie Jamal and Matt Winter @MrJamieJamal - Flowers
05:55 Wuzy Bambussy - 2 Miles High (feat. Kat Harrison)
05:55 Jakey J - #Indiepopplaylist #onairnow
05:52 Madison Leigh @madisonlmusic - Let Me Go
05:48 Reclaim Vienna @ReclaimV - Infamous
05:44 SOUP - Supplies
05:40 Sindresu - daydream
05:40 Sweeper - Time for another hit
05:39 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
05:37 Time to act - Hope
05:33 ABBY K. @AbbyKMusic - Better On My Own
05:30 Symbol Soup - Overdressed
05:26 Katherine Aly @itskatherinealy - Misty Me
05:25 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
05:20 Casely - Trinidad
05:16 Natalie Shay @NatalieShay - New Wave
05:13 Jonathan Roy - 21 DAYS
05:08 District 13 @curtaincallgrp - Forever This Way
05:08 Jakey J - more #indiepop #comingup
05:04 The Niños Chaos - It's enough just to be
05:01 Dragon Welding @WeldingDragon - Here Come The Rainbows
04:57 Thom Artway @thomartway - Can't Wait
04:53 Garnet - Lights Go Down (feat. Daniel Baron)
04:49 Judah Sevteen @JudahSevteen - It's You
04:45 Killer Whale @killerwhalemusic - Our Father
04:41 Fury Weekend @FuryWeekend - Velvet Rain (feat. RAVDINA)
04:36 Gefahrgeist @gefahrgeist - Graceless
04:35 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
04:31 Izmeiah Brown @Izmeiah - Another Year
04:27 David Pearl - Follow You Home
04:27 Jakey J - a shout out #comingup
04:24 James Reid @Jreidmusic1 - Happy
04:20 Lady B - Distant Shores
04:16 Nouveau Arcade @NouveauArcade - Hard Times
04:13 Tonia @typheeb - Dream Boat
04:09 Centre Excuse @centreexcuse - Joy Joy Joy
04:08 THE GILHOOLYS @thegilhoolys - A Smile and Hello from...
04:08 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
04:04 Laurie Biagini @laurie biagini - Do What You Gotta Do
04:00 Daniel Hatton - Boyish-Charm
04:00 Jakey J - #Indiepopplaylist #onairnow
03:00 Unsigned by Matt Wherry
02:57 Karmacoda @Karmacoda - Fire
02:55 Vox Deluxe - Riverside
02:51 The Common View @th3commonview - Cigarettes and Regrets
02:51 Narelle Summers Show Jingle
02:48 The Far North @Thefarnorthband - This House is Ours
02:44 Frantics @Frantics - End Of the Line
02:41 Regent @Regentrockband - Freight Train
02:35 whAte @whaterockband - Brainman
02:34 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
02:28 VONAMOR @VonamorB - Empire
02:25 Pixie Moonshine @PixieMoonshine - River Wild
02:24 Ritchie Stonian Johston - #liveonair #breakfast #IndieMusic
02:21 Rachel - Maybe We Could Be Something
02:16 Palps - AVA
02:16 @smileRadio3 - #bestmusic #goodtimes
02:12 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie @let sleeping - State of Sedation
02:08 Ronan - Better Me
02:07 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
02:06 The home of the best - Featured Artists
02:04 Alto Key @AltoKeyMusic - Burning Up
02:00 Fatal Vision @fatalvisionband - Haven't We Been Here Before
01:58 Bikini Test Failure @Testfailure - Are We Having A Good Time Yet?
01:53 The Utopiates @TheUtopiates - Alpha
01:48 Phil Mitchell Band @Crossroadspiano - Never Let It Die
01:44 The Rumble Skulls @rumbleskulls - Understand
01:40 TolbertToz @TolbertToz - Sweet Jayne
01:40 Fridays 1:30pm #Live on @smileradio3 - Catch Chipp Ahoy
01:36 Sally Rose @xosallyrose - Twisted Game
01:32 The Unknown Brothers @UnknownBrosWa - All For Show
01:31 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
01:28 Drew Blank @DrewBlankMusic - Favorite Drive Thru Girl
01:25 Orange Creek Riders @OrangeCreekRdrs - Guardian Angel
01:21 Donnie Vie @kingofpowerpop - All My Favorite
01:18 Lee Ford @LeeFordMusic - My Best Friend
01:15 Frankie Raye @frankie raye - Theadora
01:15 Will Buck - Check out this great Indie Artist...
01:14 Pluggin Baby - Saturday 8am Promo - Smile Radio
01:11 Sergeant Buzfuz @Buzfuz - Rare & Racy
01:09 Chris Pellnat @musicianchris1 - Stupid Child
01:08 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
01:03 The Dead Daisies @TheDeadDaisies - "Long Way To go" (Live version)
01:00 Tom Houston @tomhoustonmusic - Campbell's Lament
00:56 Paul Lewis & Romeo Rage - Ghost Town
00:55 Welcome to the Easy Listening Hours - The Easy Listening Playlist
00:53 James Ethington III - Becca
00:52 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
00:48 Hurricane Highway @HHOfficialBand - Ride This Road
00:44 Ivan Moult @IvanMoult @Bubblewrapwales @Beastpruk - Toxic
00:42 The Lucky Face @TheLuckyFace - Different Times
00:37 Tom Bright @tombrightmusic - Blood & Water
00:37 The Glass Skies - Check out this awesome band
00:36 @SmileBarVenue smilebarandvenue.co.uk - 38 Wakefield Road, Huddersfield
00:33 Miles and the Chain Gang @MilesWrites - Charlie
00:29 Andy Comley @andycomleymusic - Caroline
00:25 Madre Sun @MadreSun - Black River
00:21 Mikey Long Trio - On The Road
00:18 Casting the runes @officialrunes - Dresser In The Corner
00:13 Calum Baird @calumbairdsongs - Some Call This Normal
00:12 ADVERTISE WITH US - www.smileradio.co
00:09 Joe Martin - Crocodile tears
00:06 Great Mountain Fire @grtmntfr - What You Want Me To Be
00:02 Leaving Overmorrow - Storm

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