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Radio Saltire

Горад Эдынбург, 107.2 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 4.6 Ацэнак: 8
Radio Saltire - Community Radio From the Heart & Soul of East Lothian
41 0

Зараз у эфіры Radio Saltire

Прамы эфір The Rezillos Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonight
20:50 Sweet Action
20:46 Manfred Mann's Earth Band Blinded By the Light
Плейлист Radio Saltire

ТОП трэкі на Radio Saltire

BILL LASWELL - Eternal DriftBill Laswell — The Drift
Franz Ferdinand - "Bullet" (Bullet - Single)Franz Ferdinand — Bullet
Kate Hudson - Talk About Love '02-2024'Kate Hudson — Talk About Love
Manic Street Preachers, the - UmbrellaManic Street Preachers — Afterending
The Tornados - TelstarThe Tornados — Telstar
The Monkees - The Monkees (Theme Song from the Show)The Monkees — (Theme From) The Monkees
Luther Vandross - Emotional LoveLuther Vandross — Emotional Love
GEORGE EZRA - Green Green GrassGeorge Ezra — Green Green Grass
Raye - Oscar Winning Tears.RAYE — Oscar Winning Tears.

Водгукі аб Radio Saltire

  • 3
    Just discovered you. Really like it. However can your male presenter in the afternoon (Monday after 2pm) move the microphone away from his mouth. The distortion is unnecessary and easy fixed. Thanks.
  • 5
    Great music this morning keep up the good work just started listening via TD1 Radio enjoying the choice
  • 4
    Nice Station, good music. Hello from the USA
  • 5
    I heard a song on Wednesday morning about 8 45 it was about a man going to a pub with his mate but I didn’t get the name of the song
  • 5
    Im biast if course but Jenna plays some fab tunes. Its such a mix its great i taught her well. Mum xx
  • 5
    Love this station, great music and not playing the usual boring and repetitive so called tunes day after day !
  • 5
    Hi this is grate from East lothian
  • 5
    I rarely listen to radio stations, used to be a big radio 1 fan when Steve Wright, John Peel were on, also liked radio Caroline and Luxembourg, but wanted to thank Jim for giving The Phoenix Choir in Leith a plug and for not playing the same old manufactured pop we hear on other stations, where you know what songs coming next too.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 5 Civic Square Tranent
Тэлефон: +44 1875 612222
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +44821020524
Facebook: @RadioSaltire
Twitter: @radiosaltire
Instagram: @radiosaltirefm

Час у горадзе Горад Эдынбург: 00:53, 03.14.2025

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