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Плейлист Connections Radio

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру Connections Radio за апошнія 7 дзён.

(Зараз у Tunbridge Wells 10:17)
Прамы эфір Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Stool Pigeon
04:51 Genesis - Illegal Alien
04:26 Lindsay Cook - Business & Finance News Pt2
04:23 Scouting For Girls - This Aint A Love Song
04:05 Eugene Wilde - Gotta Get You Home Tonight
03:55 REM - The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight
03:50 Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
03:47 Embrace - Nature's Law
03:44 Haitem Bulgasim from Nationwide Renewablestalks about the growing popularity of renewable energy and how it is now a high priority for many people. - Nationwide Renewables
03:40 Vampire Weekend - This Life
03:31 Glen Campbell - Rhinstone Cowboy
03:19 Eddie Reader - Patience Of Angels
03:13 Tears For Fears - Say Goodbye To Mum And Dad
02:49 Joan Osborne - One Of Us
02:41 We hear from DJ Suat about the importance of connecting with nature as research suggests more than one in five people feel disconnecting from the outdoors. - Nature Music
02:38 Bon Jovi - Because We Can
02:32 Patti Labelle & Michael Mcdonald - On My Own
02:26 John Farnham - You're the Voice
02:22 Aztec Camera - Good Morning Britain
02:12 Head of the AA's Driving Instructor Academy Mark Born chats about the increased learner demand which is making 2025 a great year to become a driving instructor. - Changing gear on a career as a driving instructor
02:09 Crowded HOuse - Oh Hi
02:03 Tiffany - Could've Been
01:57 Paul Simon - The Boy In The Bubble
01:35 James Cant is the CEO of Resusitation Council and would like to see more businesses become Resus Ready. Here he talks about their new campaign. - Charity encourages businesses to become Resus Ready.
01:31 Simply Red - You've Got It
01:27 Sandi Thom - What If I'm Right
01:23 Greg Kihn Band - Jeopardy
00:47 Happy Mondays - Step On
00:42 Looking Glass - Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)
00:38 Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
00:28 Dido - Life For Rent
00:20 Micheal Jackson - Remember The Time
00:10 Elton John - Circle of Life
00:06 Celine Dion - Imperfection
00:02 Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfield - What Have I Done To Deserve This-

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