23:58 |
Memorex Memories - Curious Alice
23:54 |
Arcis - Marble
23:50 |
Downtown Binary - Nova
23:45 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - slowly in my dreams
23:41 |
OLIVER - At Night
23:36 |
Rosentwig - Beyond The Stars
23:31 |
Oddling - Solstice
23:28 |
Daft Punk - TRON Legacy (End Titles)
23:25 |
Felix Pallas; Klahr - Similarities (Klahr Edit)
23:19 |
Voyage - Paradise
23:15 |
Unfound; Forhill - Creation (feat. Forhill)
23:10 |
Euan Ellis - Winter
23:05 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Frontier
23:01 |
Hello Meteor - Unspeakable Roses
22:56 |
Emil Rottmayer - Momentum
22:54 |
Hotel Pools - Vital
22:48 |
Tesla Boy - Hate
22:44 |
Moon Gem - Magenta
22:40 |
John Dunder - Altostratus
22:36 |
Krosia - Slight Days
22:34 |
Tainsus - Arpyness
22:30 |
Home - Before the Night
22:26 |
Satin Jackets - Welcome Back
22:23 |
Betamaxx - Winter Games
22:20 |
Zombie Hyperdrive - Black Wolf
22:16 |
Decisive Koala - Mainline
22:13 |
Brothertiger - Resonator
22:09 |
Introspektro - Cosmos
22:05 |
Tonebox - Memory Uploaded
22:00 |
System96 - Static
21:56 |
Memorex Memories - In Motion
21:52 |
Alpha Room - S.K.Y.D.I.V.E
21:48 |
Waveshaper - CRT Days (Droid Bishop Remix)
21:45 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Pulse
21:41 |
cerulean - Euphoria
21:37 |
VIQ - Blue Hour
21:31 |
Acidulé - Paris by Night
21:26 |
Fractal Man - Canyons
21:22 |
Graeda - Glimmer
21:17 |
Voyage - Allude
21:12 |
Unfound - Nightflying
21:08 |
Euan Ellis - Breeze
21:04 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Stop and Go
21:00 |
Hello Meteor - Seamless Wave Patterns
20:56 |
Forhill; Oddling - Supernal
20:52 |
Emil Rottmayer - Descend
20:49 |
Hotel Pools - Shadows
20:46 |
Admo - Still Healing
20:43 |
Violation Drive - Digital Road
20:39 |
John Dunder - Hagalund
20:35 |
Krosia - Sunlight
20:31 |
Downtown Binary - Paradox
20:27 |
Funk Fiction - Epitasis
20:25 |
Youth 83 - Window Watcher
20:21 |
De Lorra - Slow Drip
20:17 |
Zane Alexander - V O I D
20:13 |
Decisive Koala - Solstice
20:10 |
Rosentwig - Red Moon
20:03 |
Tonebox - Warp Drive
20:00 |
Arthur Distone - Sunset & Drive (Original Mix)
19:57 |
System96 - Ride
19:53 |
Danger - 0:59
19:49 |
Nightflyer - Night Watcher
19:44 |
Tycho - A Walk
19:41 |
Metatryptic - Signs
19:37 |
Home - Hold
19:31 |
Dynatron - Pulse Power
19:28 |
Galaxy 80 - F L I G H T
19:23 |
DreamStation1986 - Fahrenheit
19:19 |
John Dunder; Krosia - Cold Warm
19:15 |
Brothertiger - Tradewinds
19:10 |
Voyage - Sync
19:05 |
Euan Ellis - Orbit
19:02 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Soluble (Bonus Track)
18:56 |
Hello Meteor - Bright and Overcast
18:50 |
Emil Rottmayer - Detached
18:48 |
Hotel Pools - Daze
18:44 |
Admo - Weekends Aren't Your Thing
18:40 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Dusk
18:36 |
John Dunder - Glass Darkly
18:33 |
Tien - Defender
18:30 |
Pylot - Shadowtask
18:27 |
Francci - Radio Talk
18:23 |
VIQ - Waking dream
18:19 |
De Lorra - Let Us
18:15 |
Krosia; A.L.I.S.O.N - Once
18:12 |
Decisive Koala - Liquid
18:10 |
Rosentwig - Breath
18:05 |
Turbo Knight; Indigo - Shadows
18:01 |
upusen - Good Hour
17:53 |
System96 - Allure
17:49 |
Unfound - Without
17:44 |
DEADLIFE - Our Virtual Hills
17:40 |
Fury Weekend - Dr. Online
17:35 |
Massive Z; Kid Macdonald; NOVARAY - Metropolis
17:32 |
Home - Billiards
17:28 |
Psyk; System96 - Diamond Dust (feat. System96)
17:24 |
Tycho - Into The Woods
17:20 |
Lucy In Disguise - V.T.W.A (feat. Laura Claire)
17:15 |
Forhill - Searching
17:12 |
Decisive Koala; Alpha Room - Guiding Star
17:08 |
Voyage - Align
17:04 |
Euan Ellis - Ultrasonic
17:00 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Closer
16:58 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Shared Universe
16:53 |
Hello Meteor - Breeze Bay
16:48 |
Emil Rottmayer - Distraction
16:44 |
Hotel Pools - Waves
16:40 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Palette
16:35 |
Juno Dreams - Future Horizon
16:31 |
Krosia - Mimosa
16:27 |
Pylot - The Return
16:24 |
Martin Roth - Synth City
16:20 |
Alpha Room - Avatar of Nine
16:16 |
De Lorra - Temporarily Yung
16:11 |
Skjalg A. Skagen - Decades
16:06 |
Rosentwig - Beyond The Stars
16:02 |
Droid Bishop - Star Runner
16:00 |
Rayklin - Falling Out of Place
15:55 |
Brothertiger - Sunset District
15:51 |
System96 - Unbound
15:47 |
Unfound - On the Edge
15:43 |
DreamStation1986 - Galactic Color
15:38 |
Betamaxx - Alpine
15:33 |
Caspro - Homebound
15:29 |
Home - Hold
15:24 |
Lyde - Homeseeker
15:19 |
Lucy In Disguise - Particles
15:15 |
Forhill - Atlas (feat. Unfound)
15:11 |
Voyager - Ephemeral
15:07 |
Voyage - Astra
15:03 |
Euan Ellis - Perpetual Tides
14:59 |
A.L.I.S.O.N; Rosentwig - Launch
14:56 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Hush
14:52 |
Hello Meteor - Rain at the Marina
14:46 |
Emil Rottmayer - Mega (Bonus Track)
14:43 |
Emmx - Insomnia
14:40 |
Hotel Pools - Sequence (feat. Nitewind)
14:35 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Infinite
14:31 |
Diveus - Relayed
14:26 |
Electronic Visions - Gamma Spaces
14:22 |
憂鬱 - 2099
14:17 |
The Toxic Avenger - Sorcery
14:13 |
Barretso - Mirage
14:10 |
The Present Sound - Solitude
14:06 |
Whilefalse - City Vibe
14:04 |
Rosentwig - Galaxy
14:01 |
Virtual Mage - Moondust
13:57 |
Power Glove - Aeon
13:54 |
Zayaz - Waiting for You
13:50 |
System96 - Allure
13:46 |
Graeda - Melatonin
13:43 |
Metatryptic - Signs
13:40 |
Mr. Maen - Slow Love (Original Mix)
13:36 |
Kattch - Square One
13:32 |
Admo - Mirrors in the Sky
13:28 |
Moon Gem - Pink
13:24 |
Memorex Memories - A Way Home
13:21 |
Basement Love - Gentlewave
13:17 |
Lucy In Disguise - Coastal Drive
13:14 |
Forhill - Return
13:11 |
cerulean - Skyway
13:07 |
Maximum Love - Dream Getaway
13:05 |
Synthwave Nation - Chillwave
13:00 |
Euan Ellis - The Light (Instrumental)
12:57 |
League of Legends - Sentinel
12:54 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Fly Me to the Groove
12:51 |
Zane Alexander - Float
12:48 |
Hello Meteor - A Stable Construct
12:44 |
Emil Rottmayer - Farout
12:39 |
Timecop1983; The Bad Dreamers - Back to You
12:36 |
Hotel Pools - Crush
12:32 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Arcadia
12:28 |
Brothertiger - Cape Horn
12:24 |
VIQ - Coastline
12:21 |
Hotel Pools; Forhill - Coco (feat. Forhill)
12:17 |
Waveshaper - CRT Days (Droid Bishop Remix)
12:14 |
The Toxic Avenger; Simone - Falling Apart
12:09 |
Tonebox - Dimensional
12:06 |
Funk Fiction - Aura
12:03 |
Rosentwig - Moonlight
11:59 |
Shortwire - Reconfig
11:56 |
Pyramid - The Race
11:53 |
Home - Blackout
11:50 |
Arcis - Wallerina
11:47 |
System96 - Cathode
11:43 |
Graeda - Severance
11:39 |
Oddling - Cosmogyral
11:36 |
Hotel Pools; Krosia - Hideaway (feat. Krosia)
11:32 |
Alpha Room - Press Start (feat. Zane Alexander)
11:27 |
M|O|O|N - Dust
11:23 |
Mark Holiday; Magnus Deus - Retro Synthwave (Trendsetter Remix)
11:20 |
The Midnight - Nighthawks
11:17 |
Saint Seduce - Satin Ocean
11:13 |
Forhill - Odyssey
11:10 |
DreamStation1986 - Don't Want to Comeback
11:06 |
Josh Dally - Take Me Back
11:03 |
cerulean - Out of Reach
10:59 |
Euan Ellis - Wavy
10:53 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Immolation
10:51 |
Forhill; VIQ - Eventide
10:48 |
Hello Meteor - Indigo Inter-Island Transit
10:44 |
Zane Alexander - Ampersand
10:40 |
Emil Rottmayer - Vision
10:36 |
Lucy In Disguise - Odyssey Point
10:33 |
Hotel Pools - Stardust
10:28 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Elements
10:23 |
Davz - Moments That Pass By
10:18 |
Turbo Knight; Dimi Kaye - Electric Sound (feat. Dimi Kaye)
10:14 |
Voyage - Dynamic
10:09 |
Downtown Binary - Fantasia
10:04 |
A.L.I.S.O.N; Krosia - Spirit
10:01 |
System96; Memorex Memories - Static (Memorex Memories Remix)
09:59 |
Rosentwig - Moments
09:56 |
Krosia - Radiance
09:53 |
Home - Dusk
09:49 |
Broken Sunn - Soul Circuit
09:46 |
System96 - Dream
09:42 |
Graeda - Crystal Haze
09:38 |
Oddling - Divide
09:34 |
Departure - Coastal View
09:30 |
Tonebox - Road Runner 77
09:24 |
Volt Age - Volt's Theme
09:20 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Motif
09:16 |
Feverkin - Alternate Realities pt. I
09:12 |
VIQ - Hurricane
09:06 |
Brothertiger - Ragged Point
09:04 |
Forhill - Iris (Slowed Reverb)
08:58 |
Euan Ellis - Formations
08:54 |
Unfound - Anomaly
08:51 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Momentum
08:46 |
Hello Meteor - Lanai Lookout
08:43 |
Sometimer - Roslyn
08:38 |
Emil Rottmayer - Audia
08:37 |
Zane Alexander - Primetime
08:31 |
Lucy In Disguise - Fantasy Beach
08:30 |
Hotel Pools - Interlude
08:25 |
John Dunder - Pastel
08:21 |
Moon Gem - Yellow
08:17 |
Adam Ford - Absolute
08:12 |
Voyage - Origin
08:09 |
OSC - Lipstick & Lollipops (Vapor Edit)
08:05 |
Pong Man - Gravitation
08:01 |
Arcis - Speed Boat Theme
07:57 |
Rosentwig - Imagination
07:53 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Outlines
07:50 |
Home - New Machines
07:46 |
Sheaf - Nocturne
07:42 |
System96 - Perception
07:37 |
o b i o - Via Stellarum
07:34 |
ALEX - Odyssey
07:29 |
SelloRekt LA Dreams - A Dystopian Fixation
07:25 |
Mr. Serpent - Oak Beach
07:20 |
憂鬱 - Slow
07:17 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Swft
07:13 |
Electronic Visions - Sustain
07:09 |
Graeda; Adam Ford - Myopic
07:05 |
Psyk; Lucy In Disguise - Trinity Triangles
07:01 |
Forhill - Supernal
06:57 |
Euan Ellis - When the Sun Sleeps
06:53 |
Unfound - Arrival
06:49 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Drizzle // Flash Flood
06:43 |
Hello Meteor - Laridae
06:38 |
Emil Rottmayer, She's Not Real - Distraction
06:33 |
Tonebox - See Through Reality
06:28 |
Lucy In Disguise - Lilac
06:25 |
Hotel Pools - Mellow
06:20 |
Youth 83 - Wave Rush
06:17 |
Oddling - Make Believe
06:14 |
Zane Alexander - Ampersand
06:09 |
Voyage - Origin
06:03 |
Tycho - Cypress
05:59 |
Kattch - Oniric
05:56 |
Rosentwig - Fallen
05:52 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Horizons
05:48 |
Home - Flood
05:41 |
MALO - March of Progress
05:37 |
Olivine - Solar
05:33 |
Bvsmv - Sideways in Dreams
05:31 |
Synthwave Nation - 80s Chill
05:24 |
Memorex Memories - Pictures of Purple Skies
05:21 |
John Dunder - Karibo
05:16 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Golden Dust
05:12 |
Hotel Pools; VIQ - Splash (feat. VIQ)
05:07 |
Deltavolt - Solar Flare
05:04 |
System96 - Rumors
05:01 |
Introspektro - You Make Me Like This
04:56 |
Euan Ellis - Electricity
04:52 |
Brothertiger - Akiba
04:48 |
Unfound - Intercept
04:45 |
Forhill - Iridescent
04:42 |
Hello Meteor - Swimming Eyes
04:37 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Magnetic
04:33 |
Emil Rottmayer - Force
04:30 |
Admo - Polygon
04:26 |
Croma Sintetica - Loop
04:24 |
Lucy In Disguise - Skylights
04:22 |
Hotel Pools - Vacation
04:18 |
Hotel Pools; Memorex Memories - Distance
04:15 |
Amber Moon - Hello Again
04:13 |
Zane Alexander - Paths
04:08 |
Voyage - Time
04:03 |
System - Manarola
03:59 |
Kattch - Será
03:56 |
Sørcery - Astrogate (feat. EVANS)
03:53 |
Rosentwig - Red Moon
03:49 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Fusion
03:45 |
Electronic Gems; Voyage - Eternal
03:41 |
Home - Flood
03:38 |
Pylot - Enigma
03:35 |
Vincenzo Salvia - The Pineapple Pizza Slayer
03:30 |
Electronic Visions - Revolutions Pt.1
03:27 |
Duett - Network
03:23 |
Memorex Memories - In Motion
03:20 |
VIQ - Rise
03:16 |
Sonic Gap - The Pyramid
03:12 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Space Echo
03:07 |
Fractal Man - Dreams of the Desert
03:04 |
F.O.O.L - Lost
03:00 |
Scandroid - Awakening (Instrumental)
02:56 |
Euan Ellis - Driftwood
02:52 |
Stilz; The Encounter - Test Pilot
02:45 |
Unfound - Reach
02:42 |
Forhill; Krosia - Division
02:38 |
Hello Meteor - The Tropic Sport Lounge
02:34 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Moonlight
02:30 |
Emil Rottmayer - Limit (Bonus Track)
02:26 |
Admo - Better Days
02:22 |
Youth 83 - Euphoria
02:18 |
Hotel Pools - Limits
02:15 |
Starlink - Wavewavewave
02:13 |
Zane Alexander - la canne à sucre
02:07 |
Downtown Binary; The Present Sound - Polaris
02:02 |
Lucy In Disguise - Distorted Memories
01:57 |
Windows 96 - Caligula
01:54 |
Whilefalse - Insight
01:51 |
Rosentwig - Void (Remastered 2023)
01:46 |
Jasper de Ceuster - Perspective
01:44 |
Krosia - Moving
01:41 |
Oddling - Ascend
01:38 |
Powernerd - Dark Triads
01:34 |
Brothertiger - Sundown
01:28 |
Voyage - Time
01:25 |
Duett - Faraway
01:22 |
Evertt - Lost Tape
01:17 |
Lazerhawk - So Far Away
01:13 |
Cloud Battalion - Storm City
01:10 |
A.L.I.S.O.N - Stellar
01:06 |
Shikimo - Shimmer Isle
01:02 |
Enøize - be there for you
00:58 |
A.L.I.S.O.N; Rosentwig - Retrovailles
00:54 |
Euan Ellis - Forest Friends
00:51 |
LukHash - Lullaby
00:44 |
Unfound - Reach
00:41 |
Baton - Vivid Memories
00:37 |
Hello Meteor - Kyanite
00:31 |
Eagle Eyed Tiger - Frontier
00:28 |
Emil Rottmayer - Deep Water
00:24 |
Admo - Dream Link
00:19 |
Forhill - Apparition
00:16 |
Hotel Pools - Flashing Sirens
00:12 |
cerulean - Standstill
00:08 |
Zane Alexander - Momentum
00:05 |
Saffari - Transmission
00:01 |
Lucy In Disguise - Tangerine Evening