MORNING STAR RADIO This is a Adventist-Christian radio station, aiming to proclaim the third angel message to all kindred and tongue. It has content for all. Seventh-Day Adventist teachings, community local content just to name a few.
Nabarikiwa na nyimbo tamu toka Kimberly. Mungu awape utume mwema. Amina
kigen peter13.07.2024
listening from the green town kericho kenya
Esdras Kabunga23.10.2023
Very good. Listening to Morningstar TZ from DRC
james makori14.04.2023
Praise God 🙏 James makori from Kisii kenonka
Emerson Musa06.10.2022
Am Elder. Emerson Musa from Kilgoris Kenya. God bless you indeed 🙏 for the good messages.
Fabian Mastaki05.09.2022
Je suis tellement fier de notre chaîne Morning Star Radio. Nous sommes bénis abondamment par les différents chants que vous nous balancez. Je vous suis depuis la République Démocratique du Congo 🇨🇩
Isaac Dimpe MD MPH22.03.2022
Happy to find my radio again .listening in from Uganda.i lived in Dar es salaam and was blessed by this station.keep on your good work
Whitney Samwel11.03.2022
Listening from Mauritius. I’m blessed with the lesson discussion. How can i send my comments?
daisy dazuira09.09.2020
i love the music listening from my computer from Nairobi Kenya