Definitely love tour culture and this radio station is exceptional where Trinidad and Tobago culture is concerned
Peter Edwards07.07.2020
Birthday blessings to you brother Valentino .keep your eye on the ball a century on the wall .this is the upeising play every brother is not a brother
S reid25.08.2019
Fantastic Truly is cultural to the "T"....Appreciated..Living in New York for almost 40 yrs. Wack Radio makes u feel like u r home in trinidad and tobago...Thank u so much .In a class all by yourself .Kudos to your knowledgeable and well informed educated DJS and invited guests/hosts....Excellent....
Marlon Ling01.07.2019
True cultural radio station
William Daniel06.02.2019
I am living in st v.i for almost 50 years, I am from San f' do I listen to you, good station.
Radio contacts
129C Coffee Street, San Fernando. Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
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