23:59 |
Nicolae Furdui Iancu si Dinu Iancu Salajan - Deschide usa crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
23:57 |
Raoul - In Decembrie Tarziu by RADIOPLAY.RO
23:54 |
Stefan Hrusca - Dalbu-i dealul by RADIOPLAY.RO
23:52 |
Tavi de la Negresti - Noi umblam sa colindam by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:56 |
Ghi?? Munteanu - Noapte binecuvântat?
22:53 |
Boney M - The First Noel by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:49 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Leru-i Doamne by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:45 |
Wham! - Last Christmas by
22:43 |
Stefan Hrusca - Tre pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:38 |
Celine Dion - I'm your Angel by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:36 |
Tinu Veresezan - Poveste de Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:32 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Intr-un miez de noapte by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:29 |
Dan feat. Shay - Take me home for Christmas by
22:26 |
Nicoleta Guta - S-a Nascut Iisus by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:22 |
Adelina Morar - A Venit Craciunul, Mama by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:20 |
Frank Sinatra - Mistletoe and Holly by
22:15 |
22:12 |
The Pussycat Dolls - Santa baby by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:11 |
Stefan Hrusca - Ciucur verde de matasa by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:09 |
Fuego - Existente De Colind by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:06 |
Florin Sasarman - Noi In Seara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:03 |
Crina Horincar - Colo-n sus, in vremea aceea by RADIOPLAY.RO
22:00 |
Fuego - La Multi Ani by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:58 |
Brenda Lee - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree by
21:55 |
Stefan Hrusca - Leru-i, da leru-i ler by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:51 |
Fuego - Sarbatorile Au Venit by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:49 |
Frank Sinatra - Jingle Bells by
21:45 |
Celine Dion - Don't save it all for Christmans Day by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:40 |
Carmen Serban - Mos Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:38 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Steaua sus rasare by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:34 |
Celine Dion - These are the Special times by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:31 |
Frank Sinatra - Let it snow by
21:27 |
Stefan Hrusca - Colindam Doamne colind by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:25 |
Veta Biris - Sara Craciunului nost by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:21 |
Sanda Ladosi - E Iarna Si E Seara Iar by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:19 |
Ashanti - We wish you a merry christmas by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:16 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Intr-un miez de noapte by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:11 |
Tinu Veresejan - Aprinde maicuta lampa by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:07 |
Fuego - Buna Seara Gazda Mare by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:05 |
Carmen Serban - Trei pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
21:02 |
Denisa - La Nunta In Calea Galilei by RADIOPLAY.RO
20:57 |
Raoul - Deschideti poarta by RADIOPLAY.RO
20:54 |
Mihai Traistariu - The First Noel by RADIOPLAY.RO
20:52 |
Stefan Hrusca - Zoriori de ziua by RADIOPLAY.RO
20:12 |
Colinde de Craciun - Asta-i seara de Craciun Nou 2024
20:09 |
Vasile Mugur - Noi Umblam Si Colindam by RADIOPLAY.RO
20:05 |
Andra - Din Ceruri Ningen Alb by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:58 |
Alex De La Orastie - Coborat by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:54 |
Nicoleta Guta - Noaptea Magica by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:49 |
Stefan Hrusca - Bun Gind by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:46 |
Boney M - Ill Be Home For Christmas by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:42 |
Tinu Veresezan - Mama by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:38 |
Raoul - Craciu Fericit by RADIOPLAY.RO
19:10 |
Vladuta Lupau - Colinde romanesti - COLAJ 2023
19:08 |
19:03 |
Stefan Hrusca - Coborat-a coborat by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:58 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Seara de Craciun frumos by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:55 |
Madalina Manole - Colind by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:51 |
Ghita Munteanu - Nunta din Cana Galileii by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:47 |
Colindatorii Bihorului - Seara Lui Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:41 |
Tavi de la Negresti - Colo sus si mai in sus by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:39 |
Alexandra Durgheu - Ferice - I Ferice by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:39 |
Glas Transilvan Studio - Introducere by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:34 |
Stefan Hrusca - Sfanta Maica lui Iisus by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:31 |
Ariana Grande - Last Christmas by
18:27 |
Celine Dion - dont save it all for christmans day by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:22 |
Vanessa Williams - Do you hear what i hear by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:19 |
Alex De La Orastie - Asta - I Seara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:14 |
Fuego - Deschide Usa Crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:11 |
Alexandru Arsinel - O brad frumos by RADIOPLAY.RO
18:06 |
Carmen Serban - Deschide usa crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
17:05 |
Colinde 2019 - 2020
17:00 |
Stefan Hrusca - Rujmalin verde frunzos by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:57 |
Andra - O ce veste minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:54 |
Fuego - Din raiul cel luminos by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:52 |
Denisa - Prorocirile by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:46 |
Fuego - Nicaieri Nu-i Ca Acasa by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:42 |
Tinu Veresezan - O lacrima si un fulg de nea by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:39 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Maria si Iosif colinda by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:35 |
Raoul - Din an in an by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:33 |
Stefan Hrusca - Domnului si-a nost Domn by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:30 |
Ghita Munteanu - Trei pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:28 |
Denisa - Domn, Domn Sa - Naltam by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:22 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Deschide usa, crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:20 |
MIRA - Din An In An
16:15 |
Nicoleta Guta - Poveste De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:10 |
Paula Seling - Colindam, Colindam by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:08 |
Stefan Hrusca - Afara ninge linistit by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:06 |
Christmas - Disney Jingle Bells by RADIOPLAY.RO
16:02 |
Kelly Clarkson - Underneath the Tree by
15:59 |
Fuego - Noapte De Vis by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:47 |
Andrada Barsauan - COLAJ - Colinde Romanesti 2023
15:45 |
Rudolph feat. The Red Nosed Reindeer - Burl Ives by
15:42 |
John Legend - Bring ne love by
15:40 |
Colinde Copii - O, ce veste minunata... by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:36 |
Ghita Munteanu - Totu-i alb in jurul meu by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:33 |
Cleopatra Stratan - La Betleem colo-n jos by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:31 |
Stefan Hrusca - Pom inramuratu by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:25 |
Raoul - Am plecat la colindat by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:21 |
Elton John - Step into Christmas by
15:16 |
Alexandra Cret - A Venit Seara Cea Mare by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:13 |
Felician Dinis - Asta - I Sara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:10 |
Boney M - Oh Christmas Tree by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:09 |
Stefan Hrusca - Fiul Domnului by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:05 |
Boney M - Ill Be Home For Christmas by RADIOPLAY.RO
15:04 |
Nineta Popa - Iata Vin Colindatori by RADIOPLAY.RO
14:15 |
14:12 |
Fuego - Mos Craciun cu plete dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
14:06 |
Tinu Veresezan - Iarna bine ai venit by RADIOPLAY.RO
14:04 |
Stefan Hrusca - Asta-i fata cea frumoasa by RADIOPLAY.RO
14:00 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Ingerii soptesc by RADIOPLAY.RO
13:56 |
Ghita Munteanu - La rosu la rasarit by RADIOPLAY.RO
13:52 |
Colinde Copii - Negativ1... by RADIOPLAY.RO
13:09 |
Carmen de la Salciua - Colinde 2020
13:07 |
Rozes - Christmas by
13:04 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Maria si Iosif colinda by RADIOPLAY.RO
13:01 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Astazi s-a nascut Hristos by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:58 |
Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone by
12:55 |
Stefan Hrusca - Vine marea by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:51 |
Ghita Munteanu - Crestinilor noi astazi by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:48 |
Meghan Trainor - My kind of Present by
12:45 |
Elena - E Craciun Si Ninge by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:42 |
Fuego - Flori De Mar Cad La Fereastra by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:39 |
Stefan Hrusca - Sus, sus, sus, pa linga luna by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:36 |
Tinu Veresezan - Ninge lin by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:34 |
Nineta Popa - Sculati Gazde by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:31 |
Fuego - Sus Boieri , Nu Mai Dormiti by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:27 |
Celine Dion - these are the special times by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:26 |
Boney M - Pettit Papa Noel by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:21 |
Stefan Hrusca - Inaintea iestor curti by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:20 |
Colinde Copii - Domn Domn... by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:16 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Ingerii soptesc by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:13 |
Alex Rada - Sus In Poarta Cerului by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:09 |
Fuego - Buna seara om bogat by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:06 |
Stefan Hrusca - Zaurel de zaurel by RADIOPLAY.RO
12:01 |
Alex De La Orastie - Colindam Doamne Colind by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:58 |
Boney M - Hark the Herald angel sing by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:56 |
Christmas - disney jingle bells by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:50 |
Ariana Grande - Santa tell me by
11:49 |
Stefan Hrusca - Trei pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:45 |
NSYNC - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by
11:40 |
Celine Dion - The Magic of Christmans Day by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:35 |
Boney M - Maries Boy Child Oh My Lord by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:31 |
Andra - Heaven and Nature sing by
11:30 |
Colinde Copii - Negativ6 Doom, domn... by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:26 |
Stefan Hrusca - Crestinilor, noi astazi by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:23 |
Fuego - Din an in an by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:20 |
Boney M - Darkness Is Falling by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:17 |
Vasilica Pustiu - Colinda Craciunului by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:13 |
John feat. Yoko Plastic Ono Band & Harlem Community Choir - Happy XMAS by
11:08 |
Stefan Hrusca - Colindul Ardealului by RADIOPLAY.RO
11:04 |
Carmen Serban - O ce veste minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:58 |
Hanson - Silent night medley by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:55 |
Coldplay - Christmas lights by
10:52 |
Fuego - La Multi Ani by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:47 |
Stefan Hrusca - Colindam Doamne colind by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:43 |
Raoul - Craciun fericit by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:39 |
Nicoleta Guta - Vine Seara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:35 |
Alex De La Orastie - Sfanta - I Seara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:31 |
Paul McCartney - Simply having a wonderful Christmas time by
10:29 |
Colinde Copii - O, ce veste minunata... by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:26 |
Fuego - Cad Foi Din Calendar by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:23 |
Paula Pasca - Asta seara-i sara sfanta by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:19 |
Denisa - Deschide Usa Crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:15 |
Josh Groban feat. Faith Hill - The first Noel by
10:12 |
Mihaela Belciu - Ce-ati vazut pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:08 |
Stefan Hrusca - Pa strada din Viflaem by RADIOPLAY.RO
10:04 |
Andreea Drugaş - Într - Un Sat Din Galileea by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:45 |
Vladuta Lupau - Colaj cu cele mai frumoase colinde
09:42 |
Glas Transilvan Studio - Acum prorocirile by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:37 |
Boney M - Little Drummer Boy by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:33 |
Ghita Munteanu - La rosu la rasarit by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:30 |
Carmen Serban - Flori de mar by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:27 |
Tinu Veresezan - De nasterea Domnului by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:23 |
Stefan Hrusca - Numai Noaptea by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:20 |
Boney M - Feliz Navidad by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:16 |
Cleopatra Stratan - A venit, a venit, iarna by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:14 |
Alex De La Orastie Linu - I Lin by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:10 |
Nicoleta Guta - Noaptea Magica by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:06 |
Boney M - Little Drummer Boy by RADIOPLAY.RO
09:03 |
Stefan Hrusca - La Viflaim by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:58 |
Nicolae Guta - Lauda Domnului Sfant by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:53 |
Nemuritorii - Deschide Usa Crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:50 |
Mariah Carey - All i want for Christmas is You by
08:46 |
Tinu Veresezan - Se aud copii pe strada by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:42 |
Stefan Hrusca - Ninge la fereastra by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:38 |
Fuego - E Vremea Colindelor by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:36 |
Colinde Copii - Mos Craciun... by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:32 |
Fuego - Sus La Poarta Raiului by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:27 |
Home Alone - Please come home for christmas by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:22 |
Nicoleta Guta - Poveste De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:20 |
Stefan Hrusca - Dimineata lui Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:18 |
Daryl Hall feat. John Oates - Jingle bell rock by
08:15 |
Fuego - Colindam Doamne by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:13 |
Home Alone - Jingle Bells Rock by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:09 |
Raoul - Anul Nou Cu Bucurie by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:07 |
Stefan Hrusca - Fiul Domnului by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:04 |
Raoul, Steliana Sima, Mariana Ionescu Capitanescu - Stele De Ghiata by RADIOPLAY.RO
08:01 |
Alex De La Orastie O Ce Veste Minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:57 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Seara de Craciun frumos by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:54 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Florile dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:52 |
Ducu Bertzi - Sara de Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:48 |
Alessia Cara - Make it to Christmas by
07:48 |
Stefan Hrusca - Urare by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:42 |
Ghita Munteanu - O ce veste minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:40 |
Fuego - Mama In Zi Sfanta by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:36 |
Ghita Munteanu - Din raiul cel frumos by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:33 |
Ducu Bertzi - Florile dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:30 |
Stefan Hrusca - Sculati gazde by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:28 |
Home Alone - Rocking around the christmas tree 2 by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:25 |
Alexandra - O Ce Veste Minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:22 |
Tinu Veresezan - De nasterea Domnului by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:18 |
Ghita Munteanu - Copil pentru o zi by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:15 |
Liam Payne feat. Dixie D’Amelio - Naughty List by
07:10 |
Boney M - Maries Boy Child Oh My Lord by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:04 |
Stefan Hrusca - Hristos de nu se nastea by RADIOPLAY.RO
07:02 |
Nineta Popa - Deschide Usa Crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:58 |
Alex De La Orastie - Deschide Usa Crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:55 |
Nicoleta Guta - Cand Vin Sarbatorile by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:52 |
Nicoleta Guta - S-a Nascut Iisus by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:46 |
Mihai Si Radu Sicoe Alaturi - Florile - S Dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:43 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Astazi s-a nascut Hristos by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:39 |
Pentatonix - Amazing Grace by
06:37 |
Tinu Veresezan - Poveste de Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:33 |
Ghita Munteanu - Totu-i alb in jurul meu by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:29 |
Stefan Hrusca - Cerul si pamantul by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:27 |
Cristian Fodor - I-auzi gazda ori n-auzi by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:26 |
06:23 |
Nicolae Guta - Azi Din Cer A Coborat by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:19 |
Alexandra Cret Si Marinel Jeflea - Vin Colindatorii Iara by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:17 |
Carmen Serban - Trei pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:13 |
Sanda Ladosi - E Iarna Si E Seara Iar by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:10 |
Stefan Hrusca - Viflaime Viflaime by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:05 |
Raoul - De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
06:01 |
Fuego - Iarna Mea Si Iarna Ta by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:58 |
Grup Copii Comuna Baita - In Cetatea Imparateasca by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:54 |
Ghita Munteanu - Nunta din Cana Galileii by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:51 |
Denisa - Trei Pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:49 |
Colinde Copii - Domn Domn... by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:48 |
Nineta Popa - Trei Pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:44 |
Stefan Hrusca - Cetinita cetinioara by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:40 |
Ghita Munteanu - Crestinilor noi astazi by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:38 |
Colinde Copii - Ziurel de ziua... by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:34 |
Ghita Munteanu - Fluierul cel pastoresc by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:31 |
Răzvan De La Oradea - Veselește-te, Domn Bun by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:28 |
Stefan Hrusca - Ce-ati vazut pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:25 |
MIRA - Draga Mosule by
05:22 |
Boney M - Jingle bells by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:19 |
Tinu Veresezan - Ninge lin by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:15 |
Calin Crisan - Deschide usa crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:11 |
Boney M - White Christmas by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:08 |
Nineta Popa - Colindam Doamne Colinda by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:06 |
Alex De La Orastie - Viflaime by RADIOPLAY.RO
05:00 |
Tinu Veresezan - Iarna bine ai venit by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:58 |
Stefan Hrusca - Sfanta-i sara de Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:55 |
Boney M - Oh Christmas Tree by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:51 |
Ghita Munteanu - Aseara pe inerate by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:49 |
Home Alone - Rocking around the christmas tree 2 by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:45 |
Vladuta Lupau - De Craciun
04:39 |
Stefan Hrusca - Hristos de nu se nastea by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:38 |
Madrigal - Mos Craciun cu plete dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:33 |
Queen - Thank God it's Christmas by
04:32 |
Raoul - Craciun fericit (Acapella) by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:29 |
Boney M - Feliz Navidad by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:24 |
Tinu Veresezan - Flori de gheata by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:21 |
Fuego - Coborat-a coborat by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:19 |
Stefan Hrusca - Sfanta-i sara de Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:17 |
Colinde Copii - Ziurel de ziua... by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:12 |
Vladuta Lupau - Coborat-a, coborat
04:10 |
Denisa - Marut Margaritar by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:08 |
Fuego - Mos Craciun Cu Plete Dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
04:04 |
Backstreet Boys - Christmas Time by
04:00 |
Nicoleta Guta - Crenguta De Brad by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:55 |
Carmen Serban - Deschide usa crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:50 |
Stefan Hrusca - Rujmalin verde frunzos by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:48 |
Glas Transilvan Studio - Iisus prunc by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:45 |
Sia - Santa's coming for us by
03:41 |
Kelly Clarkson feat. Brett Eldredge - Under the Mistletoe by
03:38 |
Fuego - Sfinte sarbatori by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:33 |
Ghita Munteanu - Fluierul cel pastoresc by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:32 |
Stefan Hrusca - Cand fost-a micut prunc Iisus by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:29 |
Tinu Veresezan - Crenguta verde de brad by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:26 |
Cleopatra Stratan - A venit, a venit, iarna by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:21 |
Raoul - Din an in an by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:20 |
Fuego - Urare by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:16 |
Stefan Hrusca - Cerul si pamantul by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:12 |
Fuego - Craciun In Romania by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:07 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Deschide usa, crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
03:03 |
Céline Dion - Happy Xmas by
02:57 |
Marius Ciprian Pop, Cristian Pomohaci Si Ciprian Martis - Colinda Trei Păstori by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:52 |
Ghita Munteanu - Deschide usa crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:48 |
Fuego - Noapte de vis by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:45 |
Nicoleta Guta - Crenguta De Brad by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:39 |
Celine Dion - im your angel by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:36 |
Ghita Munteanu - Trei pastori by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:32 |
Colinde Copii - Din an in an... by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:30 |
Fuego - Floricica by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:26 |
Boney M - Jingle bells by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:20 |
Boney M - Crysmas Medley Holy Night Snow by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:17 |
Andra - Merry Christmas Everyone by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:14 |
Nicoleta Guta - Vine Seara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:10 |
Nicolae Guta - Asa S-a Nascut Hristos by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:07 |
Stefan Hrusca - Ian iesi gazda by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:06 |
Ashanti - We wish you a merry christmas by RADIOPLAY.RO
02:02 |
Fuego - Sfinte Sarbatori by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:59 |
Boney M - Darkness Is Falling by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:57 |
Denisa - O Ce Veste Minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:54 |
Cleopatra Stratan - Florile dalbe by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:50 |
Stefan Hrusca - Pe strada din Viflaim by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:43 |
Jador, Camelia si Iulian Dumitrache - Colinde Traditionale
01:40 |
Fuego - Colindul Copilului by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:38 |
01:34 |
Stefan Hrusca - Dicea peste vale by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:29 |
Denisa - Colindam Doamne Colind by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:26 |
Paula Seling - Colindam Colindam by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:21 |
Ghita Munteanu - O ce veste minunata by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:18 |
Denisa - Linu - I Lin by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:16 |
Stefan Hrusca - Aseara pe-nserate by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:13 |
Andra - Deschide Usa Crestine by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:09 |
Ghita Munteanu - Din raiul cel frumos by RADIOPLAY.RO
01:05 |
Nicolae Guta - Lauda Domnului Sfant by RADIOPLAY.RO
00:22 |
COLINDE 2019 - Carmen de la Salciua
00:19 |
Stefan Hrusca - Dimineata lui Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
00:15 |
Colinde Copii - Negativ1 Mos Craciun... by RADIOPLAY.RO
00:12 |
Andreea Todor - Mandra - I Sara De Craciun by RADIOPLAY.RO
00:08 |
Tinu Veresezan - O lacrima si un fulg de nea by RADIOPLAY.RO
00:05 |
Carmen Serban - Flori de mar by RADIOPLAY.RO
00:02 |
Stefan Hrusca - Colindul Cerbului by RADIOPLAY.RO