Live |
John Andrew Schreiner - Cares Chorus
16:12 |
Instrumental Pian - Jos la Picioarele-ti
16:10 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 4 in F Major, RV. 20: IV. Corrente. Presto
16:08 |
Mykel Armstead - Intro To More (Instrumental)
16:08 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
16:02 |
Marian Zamfir - Listen
15:58 |
Noel Ft. Lauren Daigle - Chris Tomlin
15:54 |
Mark Baldwin - Indescribable
15:52 |
Michael Marc - Hallelujah
15:49 |
Tabara 477 - Abba, Tatal meu
15:48 |
L’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande - Jeux d'enfants, Petite Suite d'Orchestre, Op. 22: V. Le bal
15:45 |
Bob Cranham - How Lovely On The Mountains
15:41 |
Draw Me Close To You - Langa Tine Vreau
15:36 |
Paul Wilbur - Blessed Is The Man
15:36 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
15:32 |
Instrumental Pian - Sunt un Pribeag fara de tara
15:29 |
Trammell Starks - Higher Ground
15:24 |
Vivi Chronholm - Oh, The Glory
15:19 |
Feast Worship - Have Your Way
15:16 |
Instrumental Pian - Joy To The World
15:12 |
FairHope Records - You Are My God
15:08 |
Phillip Keveren & David Angell - Give Thanks
15:07 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Da-mi aripi
15:00 |
Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Power Of Your Love
14:57 |
Saura Cherkassy - Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 16: II. Scherzo. Vivace
14:53 |
Peg & The Rejected - Sound So Soothing (Instrumental)
14:50 |
Lee Johnson - Amazing Grace
14:47 |
Mykel Armstead - We Worship You (Instrumental)
14:42 |
Tabara 477 - Traiesc pentru Tine
14:40 |
Paul Mickelson - Blessed Assurance
14:36 |
Phillip Keveren & David Angell - Shout To The Lord
14:36 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
14:32 |
Diana Scridon - Emanuel, Dumnezeu cu noi
14:29 |
Franz Schubert, Harriet Krijgh, Magda Amara - Nacht und Träume, Op. 43 No. 2, D. 827
14:26 |
Maranatha! Music - Father I Adore You
14:25 |
Vivaldi Consort - III. Largo
14:21 |
Vivaldi Consort - I. Largo
14:17 |
Isaura Dinca - Imnuri de slava
14:16 |
Harry Kvebak - Ingen Er Sa Tryg I Fare
14:12 |
Dino Kartsonakis - New World Symphony (2nd Movement) - Only Trust Him
14:09 |
FairHope Records - Wonderful Peace
14:06 |
Eugene Friesen & Paul Halley - Pictures In A Pond
14:03 |
Jesse Crawford - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
14:03 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
14:00 |
Catalin Ciucuclescu - Tu esti scaparea mea
13:56 |
Mantovani And His Orchestra - The Holy City
13:51 |
Open Hands - Too Cute
13:44 |
Betania Worship Dublin - O, Cat de Bun
13:40 |
Mykel Armstead - When I Think (Instrumental)
13:36 |
Vivi Chronholm - Stubborn Love
13:36 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
13:33 |
Don Marsh - Near The Cross
13:28 |
At The Cross - La Calvar
13:24 |
Jonathan DuBose Jr. - Medley... In The Name Of Jesus, This Is The Day, He Has Made Me Glad, When We All Get To Heaven
13:20 |
Stephen Hammer - Vivaldi: Oboe Concerto in F, R.457 - 1. Allegro non molto
13:17 |
Tim Brace - I Love To Tell The Story
13:13 |
Maranatha! Music - As We Gather / The Steadfast Love Of The Lord
13:08 |
Esther Brooks - Day By Day (Swedish Melody) & Day By Day (''godspell'')
13:06 |
Profides - Vis
13:06 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Cea mai buna muzica
13:00 |
Vasile Pop - Ma duc la Golgota
12:56 |
Phillip Keveren & David Angell - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
12:52 |
Marian Zamfir - Water of Life
12:47 |
Trammell Starks - Onward Christian Soldier
12:41 |
FairHope Records - Mourning Into Dancing
12:40 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 12 in A Major, RV. 32: III. Grave
12:40 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Cea mai buna muzica
12:34 |
Quiet Time Players - Speak To My Heart
12:29 |
Marian Zamfir - In Your Name
12:25 |
Esther Brooks - The Name Of Jesus Medley
12:21 |
Kevin Christian - God Bless The Broken Road
12:18 |
Bronn Journey - Wondrous Love / Were You There
12:17 |
Leonard Pennario - Waltz in D-Flat Major, Op. 64, No. 1, "Minute Waltz"
12:14 |
John Menlove - Ain't Jesus Good
12:10 |
John Mashinot & David Patterson - The Ash Grove (Traditional Irish Hymn) -- Irish Hymns
12:08 |
Little Roy Lewis - The Bells Of Saint Mary's
12:08 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
12:03 |
FairHope Records - Like A Shepherd
11:53 |
Joaquín Rodrigo, Thibaut García, Ben Glassberg, Orchestre National Du Capitole De Toulouse - Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez: II. Adagio
11:48 |
Vasile Pop - Du-ma in sfanta cetate
11:44 |
Elim Harmony - Domn peste veacuri
11:41 |
John Leavitt - How Firm A Foundation
11:37 |
Instrumental Pian - Inima Supusa
11:35 |
Claes Nilsson - As I Watch You Bloom
11:34 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Da-mi aripi
11:30 |
John Mock - Word Of God, Across The Ages
11:28 |
Various - Because He Lives
11:24 |
Sam Levine - Lord, I Want To Become A Christian
11:18 |
Christine Drescher-Jones & Richard Jones - Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
11:12 |
Joe Gransden - A Child of God
11:12 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
11:08 |
Praise and Worship, Christian Instrumental Guitar Music - In Christ Alone (Instrumental Version)
10:58 |
Gustav Mahler, Daniel Barenboim, Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Mahler: Symphony No. 5 in C-Sharp Minor: IV. Adagietto. Sehr langsam
10:56 |
John Menlove - Why Should I Lose My First Love
10:55 |
Instrumental Pian - La multi ani
10:49 |
Dino Kartsonakis - It Is Well With My Soul
10:47 |
Music For All - Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer
10:43 |
Paul Wilbur - Shadow Of El Shaddai
10:39 |
Dino Kartsonakis - People Need The Lord
10:33 |
Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Shout To The Lord
10:33 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
10:30 |
Instrumental Pian - Azi Domnul e Pastorul meu
10:26 |
Ana Florea - Acasa
10:21 |
Praise and Worship, Christian Instrumental Guitar Music - Our God (Instrumental Version)
10:16 |
FairHope Records - Revive Me
10:13 |
Swante Bengtsson - Nearer, Still Nearer
10:09 |
FairHope Records - Have Mercy On Me
10:09 |
Roger Hudson - Holy, Holy, Holy
10:07 |
Trammell Starks - On Jordan's Stormy Bank
10:07 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
10:02 |
John Mehler & Kenneth Nash - I Love You, Lord
09:58 |
Jim Hammerly - Praise You
09:56 |
Esther Brooks - Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
09:52 |
Music For All - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
09:51 |
David Huntsinger - Thou Art a Gracious God, and Merciful
09:47 |
FairHope Records - As The Deer
09:45 |
Elizabeth Wallfisch - Concerto Op. 3 No. 6 in A Minor for solo violin, Allegro
09:42 |
FairHope Records - I Need Thee Every Hour
09:39 |
Diana & Sara Scridon - Craciunul a sosit
09:38 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Da-mi aripi
09:33 |
Joe Gransden - Christ Liveth in Me
09:29 |
Instrumental Pian - Crucea-i ascultarea
09:29 |
Sam Skelton & Lee Johnson - He Leadeth Me
09:26 |
Adam LaVerdiere - It's Electric (Can You Feel It)
09:23 |
Instrumental Worship Project - I Can Hear Your Voice (Instrumental)
09:21 |
Joseph Sullinger - What a Wonderful World
09:20 |
Johann Sebastian Bach, Cologne Chamber Orchestra, Helmut Muller-Bruhl - Overture (Suite) No. 2 in B Minor, BWV 1067: VII. Badinerie
09:17 |
Various - The King Is Coming
09:15 |
Lawrence B. Keesler - Jesus Er Mer Enn Alt For Meg (Jesus Is All The World For Me)
09:13 |
Da Sein - Until The Mourning
09:10 |
Revive Feat Ile Stancu Bereczki - In Numele Tau
09:07 |
Don Marsh - Abide With Me
09:06 |
Mons Leidvin Takle - Jeg Løfter Mine Øyne Opp Til Fjellene
09:05 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
09:03 |
Bud Tutmarc - Simply Beautiful
08:57 |
Donald Hayes - I Love The Lord
08:53 |
Jonathan DuBose Jr. - What A Mighty God We Serve
08:49 |
Vivi Chronholm - Holy, Holy, Holy
08:45 |
Roger Hudson - Be Thou My Vision -- Guitar
08:40 |
Sam Levine - In The Garden
08:38 |
Don Marsh - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
08:38 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
08:34 |
Vivi Chronholm - We Worship And Adore Thee & How Great Thou Art
08:28 |
John Mock - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
08:22 |
Martin Jacoby - Monday
08:20 |
Don Marsh - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
08:17 |
Frank de Bruine - Vivaldi: Oboe Concerto in A minor, R.463 - 2. Largo
08:13 |
Bob Cranham - We Are Gathering Together
08:09 |
Trammell Starks - Softly And Tenderly
08:06 |
Ingmar Nordström - Dar Rosor Aldrig Dör
08:06 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Recomandare
08:02 |
Bud Tutmarc - Shepherd Of Love
07:58 |
Instrumental Christian Songs, Christian Piano Music, Steve Petrunak - How Great Is Our God (Instrumental Version)
07:54 |
Elevation Worship Ft. Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes - The Blessing
07:48 |
John Menlove - Sweet Fellowhip & Sing Unto The Lord
07:46 |
Mark Magnuson - Holy, Holy, Holy
07:40 |
Maranatha! Instrumental - The Heart Of Worship
07:35 |
Wait On The Promise - There Is A Redeemer
07:35 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Cea mai buna muzica
07:30 |
Joe Gransden - My Saviour First of All
07:27 |
Norman Söreng Wright & Charles S. Kendall - I Love You Truly
07:23 |
Swante Bengtsson - Thy Wonder, O Lord
07:22 |
L'Orchestre De La Suisse Romande - The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act II, Tableau III: XII. Divertissement d. Candy Canes. Russian Dance
07:17 |
Nick Coetzee - Jouney To Heaven
07:13 |
David Huntsinger - Arioso
07:10 |
Terry McMillan - When The Saints Go Marching In
07:08 |
Music For All - Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven
07:05 |
Vivaldi Consort - II. Largo
07:05 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Cea mai buna muzica
07:02 |
Chris Tomlin - Our God is Greater
06:58 |
Instrumental Pian - Cu Isus vreau sa-mi continui calea
06:54 |
Joe Gransden & Sam Skelton - The Lord Bless You And Keep You
06:51 |
Frédéric Chopin, Jan Lisiecki - 12 Études, Op. 10: No. 3 in E Major
06:46 |
Vineyard - What Can Separate
06:43 |
Ottorino Respighi, Orchestra Filarmonica Della Scala, Riccardo Chailly - Antiche danze ed arie per liuto, Suite No. 3, P. 172: I. Italiana. Andantino
06:42 |
Harry Kvebak - Klippe Du Som Brast For Meg
06:39 |
Peg & The Rejected - Sing It Out At Street Level (Instrumental)
06:36 |
De Partea Mea - Diana Pup
06:36 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Aplicatie Android
06:31 |
Open Hands - Take Your Time
06:26 |
University Of Pretoria Camerata - Indodana
06:22 |
Serguei Popov - Time
06:19 |
Instrumental Pian - O, De-as avea eu limbi o mie
06:14 |
Winay - Amazing Grace
06:10 |
Joe Gransden & Sam Skelton - Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
06:07 |
European Philharmonic Orchestra - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Excerpt)
06:05 |
Larry Turner - Just A Closer Walk With Thee
06:03 |
Vivaldi Consort - II. Allegro
06:03 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Cea mai buna muzica
06:00 |
Instrumental Pian - Tu ma conduci Grupul Eldad
05:56 |
Jim Brickman - Thinking Of You
05:55 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto 'La notte' in G Minor per flauto, archi e basso continuo, RV 439: III. Presto
05:52 |
Sebastian Winskog - Meadow
05:48 |
Trammell Starks - Blessed Assurance
05:41 |
Frederick Vaughn & Derrick Jackson - I Am Thine O Lord
05:39 |
Instrumental Hymns & Worship - There Is Power In The Blood
05:34 |
Ottorino Respighi, Saskia Giorgini - 6 Pieces for Piano, P. 44: No. 3, Notturno
05:34 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Cea mai buna muzica
05:31 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 9 in E Minor, RV. 16: III. Giga. Allegro
05:27 |
Jonathan DuBose Jr. - Oh, It Is Jesus
05:24 |
Music For All - Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
05:21 |
Phillip Keveren & David Angell - Fairest Lord Jesus
05:20 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Cello Concerto in E Minor, RV 409 (arr. J. Lloyd Webber for 2 cellos and orchestra): II. Allegro
05:16 |
Joe Gransden - Face to Face
05:11 |
Joe Gransden - I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
05:08 |
Stephen Hammer - Vivaldi: Concerto for 2 Oboes and 2 Clarinets in C Major RV559 - 2. Largo
05:08 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
05:02 |
Christine Drescher & Richard Jones - Amazing Grace -- Harp & Woodwinds
04:56 |
Kevin Scott - Hombre De Integridad • Man Of Integrity
04:51 |
Andrej Grozdanov & Davor Simunic - At the Cross
04:49 |
Paul Mickelson - The Lord's Prayer
04:47 |
Instrumental Pian - De n-ai fi Tu de partea noastra
04:43 |
Peg & The Rejected - Don't Take It Out On Me (Instrumental)
04:39 |
Norman Söreng Wright & Charles S. Kendall - Bridal Chorus From Lohengrin
04:37 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 3 in D Minor, RV. 14: II. Corrente. Allegro
04:36 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Da-mi aripi
04:33 |
Lee Johnson - Battle Hymn Of The Republic
04:29 |
Vineyard - Never Run Dry
04:28 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 5 in B Minor, RV. 36: III. Giga. Presto
04:24 |
Here I Am To Worship - Lumina Lumii
04:20 |
Trammell Starks - He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
04:15 |
Instrumental Pian - Stiu ca Tu nu vrei nici jertfe si nici daruri
04:11 |
Roger Hudson & Thom Head - I Need Thee Every Hour
04:11 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Aplicatie Android
04:07 |
Ingmar Nordström - Var Jag Gar I Skogar, Berg Och Dalar
03:59 |
Coty Sloan - Fields Of Life
03:55 |
Smitty Price & Harlan Rogers - The Love Of God
03:53 |
Vivaldi Consort - IV. Allegro
03:50 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 4 in F Major, RV. 20: III. Sarabanda. Andante
03:47 |
Vasile Pop - Nu mergi de la mine Isus
03:45 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 11 in D Major, RV. 9: II. Fantasia. Presto
03:40 |
Norman Söreng Wright & Charles S. Kendall - Liebestraum
03:37 |
Little Roy Lewis - Wildwood Flower
03:35 |
Jean-Philippe Rameau, Christian-Pierre La Marca - Suite in G Major, RCT 6: No. 14, Les sauvages - Arr. for Solo Cello - Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin
03:31 |
Bronn Journey - Victory In Jesus
03:31 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Aplicatie Android
03:30 |
Instrumental Pian - Lord, I Need You
03:24 |
Jules Massenet, Nicola Benedetti, London Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Harding - Meditation: Méditation Thaïs
03:20 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto in E flat Major per flauto, archi e basso continuo, RV 375: I. Allegro non molto
03:17 |
FairHope Records - Be Thou My Vision
03:14 |
Camille Saint-Saëns, Sheku Kanneh-Mason, Katherine Thomas, CBSO Cellos - Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: 13. The Swan (Arr. Hodge for Cello, Harp & Ensemble)
03:11 |
The O'Neill Brothers Group - I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (Instrumental Version)
03:06 |
Ralph Lofton - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
03:05 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Da-mi aripi
03:02 |
Simona Epure - Tu esti paza vietii mele
02:58 |
Sam Levine - The Healing Tree
02:54 |
John Andrew Schreiner - We Choose The Fear Of The Lord
02:51 |
Feast Worship - Spirit
02:46 |
Fine Arts Quartet - Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667, "Trout Quintet": III. Scherzo. Presto
02:42 |
Terry McMillan - I've Got A Feeling
02:38 |
Serguei Popov - Ancient Days
02:35 |
Music For All - Love Divine All Loves Excelling
02:34 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Aplicatie Android
02:30 |
Instrumental Hymns & Worship - Because He Lives
02:27 |
Wait On The Promise - Steven's Song
02:22 |
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra - Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90, "Italian": I. Allegro vivace
02:19 |
Maranatha! Music - As The Deer
02:14 |
Harvest Arad - Om al Durerii
02:11 |
Lee Johnson - For All The Saints
02:08 |
Instrumental Pian - E o minune
02:05 |
Andra - Din Ceruri Ninge Alb
02:05 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Aplicatie Android
02:02 |
Jim Brickman - Passage Of Time
01:59 |
Paul Mickelson - The Love Of God
01:55 |
Brentwood Jazz Quartet - I Love To Tell The Story
01:53 |
Mons Leidvin Takle - O apne Ditt Hjerte For Herren
01:52 |
Larry Turner - Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus & It's Just Like His Great Love
01:49 |
Adam LaVerdiere - This Is Just The Beginning
01:47 |
Vivaldi Consort - IV. Allegro
01:42 |
Kevin Scott - Tu Gloria • Your Glory
01:37 |
Joe Gransden & Sam Skelton - There Is A Fountain
01:34 |
The Darol Rice Silver Saxophones - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
01:33 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Da-mi aripi
01:31 |
Dave Cleveland - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
01:27 |
Relaxing Guitar Group - Seek Ye First (Instrumental Version)
01:24 |
Camille Saint-Saëns, Yo-Yo Ma, Kathryn Stott - The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125: XIII. The Swan (Arr. for Cello and Piano)
01:22 |
Lorin Whitney - My Song Of Songs
01:19 |
Instrumental Pian - Indeajuns mi-e Doamne doar Harul Tau
01:16 |
Frank de Bruine - Vivaldi: Oboe Concerto in A minor, R.463 - 3. Allegro
01:14 |
Don Marsh - Rejoice, The Lord Is King
01:12 |
Music For All - Jerusalem
01:10 |
John Mehler & Kenneth Nash - I Will Celebrate
01:06 |
Elim Harmony - Cerul Tu Deschide
01:03 |
Trammell Starks - The Humble Heart
01:03 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
01:00 |
Jesse Crawford - Abide With Me
00:58 |
Thomas Morley, Fair Oriana - Flora, Wilt Thou Torment Me
00:54 |
Antonio Vivaldi - Violin Sonata No. 6 in C Major, RV. 1: I. Preludio. Andante
00:51 |
Paul Mickelson - Not Dreaming
00:50 |
Paul Wilbur - The Aaronic Blessing
00:46 |
John Menlove - The Promised Land God Gave Us
00:43 |
Gaither - The Glorious Impossible
00:41 |
Henry Lindroth - Den Signade Dag
00:38 |
Instrumental Hymns & Worship - Are You Washed In The Blood
00:36 |
David Huntsinger - Bouree
00:36 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
00:32 |
Vineyard - Cherry Blossoms
00:27 |
Andrej Grozdanov & Davor Simunic - How Great Thou Art
00:24 |
Christine Drescher-Jones & Richard Jones - Simple Gifts
00:20 |
FairHope Records - Teach Me Your Ways
00:17 |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Stephen Cleobury, Choir of King's College, Cambridge - Ave verum corpus
00:15 |
Lifeway Kids Worship - Making Decisions (Instrumental)
00:11 |
Trammell Starks - The Lily Of The Valley
00:08 |
Frank de Bruine - Vivaldi: Oboe Concerto in C, R.447 - 2. Larghetto
00:05 |
Robert Delofeu - Sketches of
00:05 |
Radio Aripi Spre Cer - Radio Aripi Spre Cer
00:02 |
BBSO Cristi Cazacu - Daca poporul meu