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Плейлист Champion's Circle Kids Radio

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру Champion's Circle Kids Radio за апошнія 7 дзён.

(Зараз у Jos 21:30)
23:40 Storynory - Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors
23:34 Logan Marshall - 27 - The Story of Stephen, the First Martyr
22:52 Joelee Chamberlain - From Eden to the New Jerusalem
22:49 Kids Corner - Jesus Blesses the Children
22:43 Storynory - The Creation and Adam and Eve Bible Story
22:26 Logan Marshall - 11 - The Story of Samson, the Strong Man
21:59 CBN Super Book - 3 - Zaccheaus
21:57 Various - People of God
21:11 Listener Kids - My God Is So Big... plus more
20:27 Joelee Chamberlain - The book of Acts
20:12 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 27 - The Tent Where God Lived Among His People
20:08 Kids Corner - The Story of Dorcas
20:04 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 07 - The Angel by the Well
20:01 Kids Corner - Jesus Feeds 5,000 People
19:58 Various - Yes, Lord, Yes
19:53 Judson Mancebo - You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)
19:50 Hillsong Kids - anthem of praise
19:46 Judson Mancebo - Lead Me To The Cross
19:44 Various - Seek Ye First
19:38 Judson Mancebo - Hosanna
19:30 Kids Corner - The Story of Paul and Silas
19:29 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
19:23 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 11 - The Story of a Journey after a Wife
18:22 Hillsong - 1 Hour of Kids Worship Music
18:20 Various - What A Mighty God We Serve
18:15 Hillsong Kids - your eyes
18:13 Hillsong Kids - never give up
16:59 Max Lucado/Randy Frazee/Karen Hill - The Story for Children, a Storybook Bible - Part 2
16:58 Various - King of Kings
16:54 Kids Corner - The Good Neighbor
16:54 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
16:50 Judson Mancebo - Agnus Dei
16:41 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 26 - How Aaron Made a Golden Calf and What Became of It
16:14 CBN Super Book - 15 - Heores of the Bible
16:04 Kids Corner - The Story of Esther
15:55 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 08 - The Rain of Fire That Fell on a City
15:52 Judson Mancebo - Thy Word
15:40 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 18 - A Lost Brother Found
15:13 CBN Super Book - 11 - PaulUnknownPt2
15:06 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 10 - How an Angel's Voice Saved a Boy's Life
15:05 Various - Ah, Lord God
14:38 CBN Super Book - 9 - Love Your Enemies
14:36 Various - Jesus, Name Above All Names
14:32 Crossing The Read - Don Nave - CrossingTheRedSea-DonNave
14:32 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
14:28 Kids Corner - The Story of Deborah
13:59 CBN Super Book - 13 - Promise of a Child
13:49 Logan Marshall - 20 - The Story of the Angel by the Altar
13:47 Various - I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of
13:10 CBN Super Book - 10 - PaulUnknown Pt1
12:58 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 24 - How the Sea Became Dry Land, and the Sky Rained Bread
12:57 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
12:50 Logan Marshall - 04 - The Story of Abraham and Isaac
12:36 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 32 - How the Long Journey of the Israelites Came to an End
12:09 CBN Super Book - 4 - SermonMount
12:06 Various - He Is Lord
12:04 Various - Oh, How He Loves You and Me
12:04 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
12:01 Various - Cast Your Burdens
11:59 Various - He Is Exalted
11:43 Fairlight - KC-MARYS-MIRACLE 001
11:37 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 23 - The Night When a Nation Was Born
11:23 Logan Marshall - 10 - The Story of Gideon and His Three Hundred Soldiers
11:12 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 03 - The Great Ship that Saved Eight People
11:06 Judson Mancebo - Worthy Is The Lamb
10:58 05 Abraham
10:55 Hillsong Kids - Superhero
10:49 07 JosephInEgypt
10:45 Judson Mancebo - Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
10:43 Various - The Trees Of The Field
10:40 Christian.Net - Rise and Shine Christian Songs For Kids
09:46 Listener Kids - Give Me Oil in My Lamp (Featuring Michael Tait) PLUS MORE
09:31 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 33 - What a Wise Man Learned from an Ass
09:28 Hillsong Kids - night song
08:42 Listener Kids - Oh How I Love Jesus (Featuring Michael Tait)
08:37 Kids Corner - The Easter Story - Part 1: The End In Sight
08:28 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 04 - The Tower That Never Was Finished
08:25 06 JosephsCoatOfManyColors
08:08 Logan Marshall - 23 - The Story of Jesus, Part 3
08:04 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 30 - The Scapegoat in the Wilderness
08:00 Kids Corner - Jairus's Daughter
08:00 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
07:30 CBN Super Book - 7 - Jesus Friend of Sinners
07:26 John Le Mesurier - Water? No It's Wine!
07:09 Logan Marshall - 22 - The Story of Jesus, Part 2
07:07 Various - Cast Your Burdens
06:50 Logan Marshall - 23 - The Story of Jesus, Part 3
06:42 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 17 - How Joseph's Dream Came True
06:42 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
06:28 Logan Marshall - 02 - The Story of Noah and the Ark
06:26 Various - Shine, Jesus, Shine
05:59 CBN Super Book - 4 - SermonMount
05:53 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 10 - How an Angel's Voice Saved a Boy's Life
05:49 Judson Mancebo - Agnus Dei
05:11 CBN Super Book - 10 - PaulUnknown Pt1
05:11 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
05:07 Hillsong Kids - night song
05:06 Various - Alive, Alive
05:04 Various - Mighty Is Our God
04:53 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 16 - From the Prison to the Palace
04:50 Logan Marshall - 16 - The Story of Elijah, the Prophet
04:46 Kids Corner - The Story of Deborah
04:42 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 30 - The Scapegoat in the Wilderness
04:40 Various - People of God
04:36 Judson Mancebo - Now Behold The Lamb
04:36 Paul Roland Gogo - Champion's Circle Kids Radio Promo
04:30 Judson Mancebo - Worthy Is The Lamb
04:29 Various - King of Kings
03:50 Joelee Chamberlain - John the Baptist
03:16 CBN Super Book - 5 - Isaiah
03:11 isreal houghton - we lift our hands
03:06 Isreal Houghton - i lift up my eyes
03:05 Various - Victory Chant
03:02 Hillsong Kids - anthem of praise
02:51 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 00 - Introduction
02:30 Storynory - Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors
02:27 Various - He Is Lord
02:19 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 21 - The Voice from the Burning Bush
02:05 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 33 - What a Wise Man Learned from an Ass
01:53 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 03 - The Great Ship that Saved Eight People
01:45 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 04 - The Tower That Never Was Finished
01:42 Kids Corner - Jesus Feeds 5,000 People
01:30 Logan Marshall - 08 - The Story of Moses, the Child Who Was Found in the River
01:14 Logan Marshall - 10 - The Story of Gideon and His Three Hundred Soldiers
01:09 Judson Mancebo - Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)
01:05 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 07 - The Angel by the Well
00:56 Logan Marshall - 09 - The Story of the Grapes from Canaan
00:54 Various - He Has Made Me Glad
00:45 Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - 27 - The Tent Where God Lived Among His People

Усталюйце дадатак Online Radio Box для вашага смартфона і слухайце любімыя радыёстанцыі онлайн, дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся! Цяпер ваша любімае радыё ў вас у кішэні, дзякуючы нашаму зручнаму дадатку.