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Miniex dilettant tal-festi ghax fejn twielidt ma kellniex festa. Pero' ma smajtx xejn s'issa li waqt il-marċijiet kien hemm ghanda kazijiet fein ixxerdet droga, xorb bla razan u tfajliet nofshom arwenien! u nisħaq u nghid li il-knisja holqot il-piki fil festi. Minghajr ma ntawwal, il parruċani ħolqithom il-knisja u evolvu fil-pulitka!
Rosanne Demanuele14.05.2022
Naqbel 100 fil-mija ma Peppi Azzopardi. Jiena ex-ghalliema. Ghax ma tarawx x'ghamlet il-Fillandja biex it-tfal ma baqghux jitilqu mill-islola? Assessjar kontinwu huwa l-ahjar. Inhallu l-ezamijiet, ghal min irid jaghmilhom! Hela ta'hin ghal hafna. Li kieku jkompli fih it-taghlim u imbaghad addio privat, it-tfal ikunu jistghu jaghmu aktar sports u jkollhom aktar hin liberu. Tinsewx ukoll li ghandna hafna tfal obezi
Raphael Mizzi09.04.2020
Information about the radio
RTK Mission
To shed Christian light on everyday life and enrich people’s lives by informing, educating, entertaining and connecting with them through programmes that deliver well-balanced news reflecting the truth, inspiring knowledge-building discussion programmes, religious programmes, magazine programmes and general format entertainment shows.