I stumbled upon Voice of Grace when driving in Lebanon and searching for radio station with good music during my commute to Beirut back in 2016. Needless to say, the hymns and prayers from this radio station strengthened my faith in Christianity and continue to be a source of light and hope during difficult times. I especially love learning about the lives of saints and their teachings. It's a good reminder that the Christian struggle in this world has been perpetual - yet facing these worldly struggles with grace and loving kindness elevate us and allow us to transcend any adversity.
Rema D.Najm13.11.2020
The best radio station, very rich in holy prayers I recommend it to all Christians
Nada Rezk Sallom Alzahlawi19.03.2020
Naj Syagha17.03.2020
Michel Bitar06.03.2020
Great Station, but too many interruptions.
Foaud Azar05.03.2020
Information about the radio
يمكنكم الاستماع إلى صوت النعمة:
١. على الموجة FM عبر الترددات التالية:
- بيروت: ٩٧.٩.
- طرابلس وحمص والساحل السوري: ٩٤.٥.
- الكورة وأنفه وشكا: ٩٣.٧.
٢. www.antiochpatriarchate.org/radio.php
٣. يمكنكم تحميل البرنامج الخاص بالإذاعة: ”Voice of Grace“ من متجري Apple Store و Google Play.
Radio contacts
AOMC - Balamand - Al Koura - North Lebanon - Lebanon