Radio St. Kitts Nevis 90.7fm in association with WAXJ-103.5fm “St. Thomas” and WDHP-1620am “St. Croix” USVI, prides itself as the Caribbean’s Power House. We’re engaging entertaining, informative, dependable, trustworthy and immediate. Radio St. Kitts Nevis is also stereo and all-digital format. Our format includes Music (gospel, calypso, soca, reggae, r&b, latin, jazz, country and western), Talk Shows, News, Sports and “LIVE” Internet Stream.
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The station’s vision is to deliver high quality radio broadcasting engineered to liberate and strengthen the Kittitian and Nevisian culture while providing promotional and advertising solutions both locally and internationally. Radio St. Kitts Nevis 90.7 FM is bringing FUN back to radio in the Federation of St. Kitts Nevis.
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