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Garut, 103.7 MHz FM
Rating: 4.8 Reviews: 27
REKS FM Garut is Online Streaming from Indonesia, It telecasts its programs in 103.7 frequency, and so much popular in hole area.
54 1

REKS FM Garut reviews

  • 4
    selamat pagi radio #Reks Fm Selamat pagi Dunia Semoga Kita semua diberi kesehatan amiiin !!!
  • 5
    Kumha cara na bang jak hoyong gabung k biang lala hatur nuhun berapa no wa nya bang jak
  • 5
    I enjoy to listen to the radio station I'm from Australia and live in Garut and it is great to hear English songs special the oldies
  • 5
    Assalamu'alaikum wr wb... ngirinng ngadangukeun, abdi di Rangkasbitung Banten, salam kanggo sadayana urang Garut
  • 5
    Bismillah, Reks FM Garut, emang mantap, tak terhalang jarak , waktu...terus semakin maju dan berjaya ..
  • 5
    Slamat siank reksfm garut .
  • 5
    Ieu didieu :)
  • 5
    Kalo band indie jadwal nya hari apa gan
  • 5
    Horor euy
  • 5
    mendengarakan radio reks dari Tangerang jadi berasa di Garut .......lanjutkan!!!!!

Radio contacts

Address: Jl. Raya Cimanuk No.311, Pataruman, Kec. Tarogong Kidul, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat 44151
Phone: +0262 – 234105
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +6281299881037
Facebook: @reksfmadmin
Twitter: @reksfmgarut
Instagram: @reksfmgarut
Tiktok: @reksfmgarut
Youtube: @mdalexful

fax : 0262 – 232826

Time in Garut: 08:53, 03.13.2025

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19:00 Bianglala Pagi
Tempat Curhat Rakyat Kepada Pejabat
23:00 Dunia Wanita
Ragam Informasi Keluarga
00:00 Pesona Tips
Suguhan Tips Menarik
Entire program