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Radio Mega Haiti 1700 AM Florida and 103.7 FM Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haïtien is one of the largest Haitian radio stations representing south. The broadcasting company form US is overseeing the management of Radio form US for more than a decade now. The transmission of the Mega reaches over 750,000 Haitians in South Florida which make the second largest community in the state. Jean Alex Saint Surin is the CEO (PDG) of the station. The content mainly consists of French and Creole and small contributions of English. The Caribbean music overpowers the listeners with Kompa, Zouk, Salsa, Compass etc and others. Apart from music Radio Mega broadcasts News, Sports programs, cultural programs, Sports and internationale stories.
bonjour map koute radio a depi USA Delaware nan aucune ka pasteur a pa sipoze kanpe kominion an sil fe sa pasteur apap kontruire lap kraze
Yon gran mèsi ak staff méga pou travay lan e supo ak popilasyon an e e bon travay
Sophonie Moïse21.12.2021
Mèsi pou sipò nou ak popilasyon an
emma coco05.10.2021
Bonjou Radio Mega, Mwen félicite nou pou bon travay nap fe ya. Mwen tande vagabond ak sapate kap menace vi kek journaliste se paske yo jwen responsab nan société ya ki mete ak yo ki pou manje moun ak kidnapping men yo dwe kompran tout vagabond sa yo ke la vie yo kout se vole yap mâche vole, kidnappé moun, fe démagogie pou yo paye les l état ak tout ti vole sal ke yo mete Zam nan main yo. Li le li tan pou salopri sa yo retire ko yo nan pays ya. Se yo ki ap fini ak pays ya konsa. Kombyen politicien yo kidnappe? Yo pa janm Viktim alo yo pa vle we pep la ak journaliste ki ap fe bon travay . Malpropreté yo. Viv Tout équipe Boukante La Pawol, viv tout équipé Bob C, viv tout équipé Louko Désir, viv tout moun ki honnête ki ap fe on bon travay nan pays ya. Aba tout vole politiciens, magouilleurs, kidnape, e lot salop ri ki ap mete Zannoub nan main vagabonds. Bravo pou tout journalist kap ouvri Zye nou pep haitien. Guerrier Henry Mwen apprécié ou ampil pou bon travay ou e bon courage! Bon Dieu béni nou tout journalist . Okay
natoo anacacis31.03.2021
Bonswa pèp Mega kòman nou ye? Mesyem yo svp di on mo pou mwen stp poum ka gen on to kouran pou mwen nn svp mwen ret fermathe mesi davans oui mesyem yo gro travay kenbe la
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