Online Radio Box upotrebljava kolačiće za pružanje najbolje usluge korisnicima. Obrada vaših osobnih podataka mogla bi biti potrebna za omiljene radio postaje i glazbene žanrove, favorite korisnika, recenzije postaja i mnoge druge usluge.
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Radio Studio M, located in Prelog (Croatia), started broadcasting radio program on 1st of July, 1994, and since then has continuously provided its listeners with a rich entertainment and music program, as well as fast, accurate and verified information. The radio broadcasts on the terrestrial frequency 98.8 MHz, for the wider area of city of Prelog and Međimurje. For the last 30 years, special attention has been paid to the preservation of the Međimurje language, music, culture and tradition. In 2024, they celebrated their 30th birthday, and throughout all three decades, the life of the radio program rests on the dedication of their hosts, journalists and technicians.