19:30 |
Stephen Davey - WFTH-2025-02-11
19:29 |
Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth - SH-2025-02-18
19:28 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
19:25 |
Michael Card - Look, Ye Saints!
19:22 |
Kevin Inafuku - Psalm 28 - A Morning Prayer
19:22 |
Christopher Harper - Tools Positioner 18
19:20 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - The King of Love My Shepherd Is
19:15 |
Ron Hutchcraft - AWWY-2025-02-11
19:10 |
Forever Be Sure - A Better Promised Land
19:10 |
Christopher Harper - Fatherless Positioner 18
19:05 |
Keith & Kristyn Getty - My Worth Is Not In What I Own
19:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
18:30 |
Pacific Garden Mission - UNSH-2025-02-11
18:29 |
Todd Nettleton - VOM-2025-02-13
18:28 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
18:25 |
Kevin Inafuku - Here I Am
18:22 |
The Wilds - Holy Bible, Book Divine
18:22 |
Christopher Harper - Tools Positioner 18
18:19 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Only Jesus
18:17 |
Harvest Baptist Bible College - He's the Mighty Big God
18:12 |
Christy Galkin - Amazing Grace
18:09 |
Chip Mergott - I Love to Tell the Story
18:09 |
Christopher Harper - Foundation Positioner 12
18:05 |
The Rochesters - He Knows My Name
17:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
16:58 |
Haven - Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart
16:57 |
Golden State Baptist College - My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
16:53 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Come
16:53 |
Christopher Harper - Scripture Focused Positioner 18
16:50 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - Power of The Cross
16:48 |
The London Fox Players - Old Time Religion
16:46 |
Christopher Harper - ABA-2025-02-11
16:43 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Relentless Love
16:39 |
Kelly Hubbard - I Will Glory in My Redeemer
16:37 |
Kevin Inafuku - God Meant it for Good
16:37 |
Christopher Harper - Right Thing Positioner 12
16:34 |
Harvest Baptist Bible Institute - Thank You For The Valley
16:29 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
16:25 |
The Wilds - My Faithful Love
16:21 |
The Hamilton Family - The Light of the World
16:16 |
Christopher Harper - HH-2025-02-11
16:12 |
Ben Everson - God of Wonders
16:09 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
16:05 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - All Because of the Wonderful Cross
16:01 |
West Coast Baptist College - Do They See Jesus in Me?
16:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
15:55 |
Rasmussen Family - Behold Our God
15:52 |
Kevin Inafuku - Psalm 46
15:49 |
The London Fox Players - Do, Lord
15:49 |
Christopher Harper - Invitation Positioner 12
15:45 |
Sovereign Grace Music - The Precious Blood
15:41 |
The Wilds - Only God
15:37 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - The Look
15:37 |
Christopher Harper - Scripture Focused Positioner 18
15:33 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Consider Him
15:30 |
Benjamin Everson - He Lives
15:25 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed
15:21 |
Nathan Clark George - Alas and Did My Saviour Bleed (Live)
15:21 |
Christopher Harper - Wrong Positioner 12
15:18 |
The London Fox Players - Wonderful Words of Life
15:14 |
David Wesley - 10,000 Reasons
15:12 |
Kevin Inafuku - Turn to God
15:12 |
Christopher Harper - Nations Positioner 18
15:09 |
Jeremy Frazor - All Things Through Christ
15:05 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Come Boldly To the Throne of God
15:04 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
15:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
14:55 |
Rasmussen Family - Clear the Stage
14:51 |
Benjamin Everson - In Christ Alone
14:49 |
Michael O'Brien - Stricken Smitten and Afflicted
14:49 |
Christopher Harper - Forgiving Positioner 12
14:46 |
Nathan Clark George - We Rise and Worship
14:30 |
Dr. Carson Fremont - DCF-2025-02-11
14:28 |
Fernando Ortega - Open My Lips
14:23 |
Kevin Inafuku - I Adore You
14:23 |
Christopher Harper - Everyone Positioner 18
14:20 |
Coffey Ministries - Come Now Almighty King
14:12 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Looking Through His Eyes
14:12 |
Christopher Harper - The Truth Positioner 12
14:09 |
draw close & David Lindner - Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me (Peaceful Piano)
14:05 |
Benjamin Everson - The Power of the Cross
14:04 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
14:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
13:59 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - O Worship the King
13:45 |
Russell Kelfer - IHL-2025-02-11
13:40 |
The Preacher's Daughters - The Water Is Wide/ Amazing Grace
13:38 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - I Sing The Mighty Power of God
13:38 |
Christopher Harper - Foundation Positioner 12
13:36 |
Kevin Inafuku - Committed to Serve
13:33 |
Katy Snow, Gregory Wilbur - Lord Jesus Think on Me
13:30 |
Hallal Music - Jesus Paid It All
13:25 |
The Wilds - In Faith I Follow
13:24 |
Christopher Harper - Welcome Positioner 12
13:22 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - In Your Mercy
13:18 |
Barbara Lemon Telecsan - Fairest Lord Jesus
13:16 |
Kevin Inafuku - I Will Serve You, Lord
13:13 |
Nathan Clark George - King Jesus Reigns
13:09 |
Hamilton Family - Rejoice in the Lord
13:09 |
Christopher Harper - Powerful Positioner 18
13:05 |
Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus
13:04 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
13:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
12:45 |
Dr. Doug McLachlan - LR-2025-02-11
12:43 |
The London Fox Players - He's Got the Whole World In His Hands
12:38 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Though You Slay Me (Instrumental)
12:38 |
Christopher Harper - Forgiving Positioner 12
12:36 |
Steve Ivey - All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
12:33 |
David Angell & Phillip Keveren - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
12:26 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
12:23 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - How Can I Fear
12:23 |
Christopher Harper - Many More Positioner 18
12:21 |
Jeremy Fugate - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
12:17 |
Geoff Haynes & Ian Gill - I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
12:15 |
Pacific Garden Mission - FI-2025-02-11
12:11 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Mercy Tree (Instrumental)
12:09 |
Phillip Keveren - Come, Thou Fount
12:08 |
Christopher Harper - Nations Positioner 18
12:05 |
The Wilds - All I Ever Want to Be / In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified
12:04 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11
12:00 |
Christopher Harper - Mission Legal ID
11:57 |
Christopher West - How Great Thou Art
11:56 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Prepare The Way
11:53 |
Leon Siu & Kawika Kahiapo - Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty
11:52 |
Christopher Harper - Difficult Positioner 12
11:50 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Come Thou Fount (Instrumental)
11:47 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Come Thou Fount
11:42 |
Matthew David Montgomery - Is He Worthy?
11:38 |
Jeremy Elliott - More About Jesus
11:36 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
11:35 |
Christopher Harper - Difficult Positioner 12
11:32 |
Zeno - Who You Say I Am (Instrumental Guitar)
11:30 |
David Angell & Phillip Keveren - Great Is the Lord
11:27 |
Keith L. Cooper - Fairest Lord Jesus
11:23 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Like a River Glorious
11:23 |
Christopher Harper - Invitation Positioner 12
11:20 |
Chip Mergott - Nearer My God to Thee
11:11 |
Paul Cardall - Sweet Hour of Prayer
11:11 |
Christopher Harper - Fatherless Positioner 18
11:07 |
Great Worship Songs Players - As the Deer / I Am Thine, O Lord (Instrumental)
11:05 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Amazing Grace (Instrumental)
11:04 |
Christopher Harper - VS-2025-02-11