aktuell |
Municipal Waste - Dingy Situations
21:22 |
Ghost - Square Hammer
21:18 |
Slayer - Crionics
21:15 |
Skid Row - Rattlesnake Shake
21:11 |
Scorpions - Send Me An Angel
21:06 |
Saxon - The Secret Of Flight
21:05 |
Rock Nation GT add
21:02 |
Satyricon - K.I.N.G
20:53 |
Paralyzed Sun - Dying Everyday
20:48 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Under the Graveyard
20:42 |
Megadeth - Trust
20:38 |
Overkill - In Union We Stand
20:33 |
Overkill - Coma
20:27 |
Morbid Angel - God Of Emptiness
20:24 |
Obituary - Sentence Day
20:24 |
Rock Nation GT add
20:21 |
Obituary - Chopped in Half
20:19 |
Municipal Waste - Breathe Grease
20:14 |
Metal Church - Metal Church
20:10 |
Megadeth - Train Of Consequences
20:05 |
Morbid Angel - The Righteous Voice
20:00 |
Metallica - Metal Militia
19:54 |
Metal Church - Beyond the Black
19:50 |
King Diamond - Eye of the Witch
19:45 |
Megadeth - Hangar 18
19:40 |
Lost Society - No Absolution
19:38 |
Lost Society - Kill (Those Who Oppose Me)
19:33 |
King Diamond - Sleepless Nights
19:27 |
Lost Society - I Am the Antidote
19:22 |
Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
19:17 |
Lazarus A.D. - Black Rivers Flow
19:13 |
Kittie - Charlotte
19:08 |
King Diamond - Abigail
19:06 |
Iron Reagan - Fuck the Neighbors
19:01 |
Havok - From The Cradle To The Grave
18:59 |
Iron Reagan - A Dying World
18:55 |
Iron Maiden - Flight of Icarus
18:54 |
18:50 |
Havok - Covering Fire
18:44 |
Green Jellÿ - Three Little Pigs
18:40 |
Extincion - La Grieta
18:35 |
Exodus - The Toxic Waltz
18:31 |
Drowning Pool - Tear Away
18:25 |
Dokken - Night by Night
18:21 |
Dio - Holy Diver Remastered
18:15 |
Def Leppard - Hysteria
18:10 |
Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
18:05 |
Death Angel - Hatred United / United Hate
18:01 |
Chevelle - Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)
17:56 |
Death Angel - Aggressor
17:52 |
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face
17:48 |
Cradle of Filth - Temptation
17:42 |
Chevelle - Self Destructor
17:38 |
Chevelle - Mars Simula
17:34 |
Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood
17:31 |
Butcher Babies - Igniter
17:26 |
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
17:20 |
Avalanch - Levántate y Anda
17:16 |
Anthrax - Medusa
17:12 |
A.N.I.M.A.L. - Lejos de casa
17:08 |
4arm - Fragment of a Dream
17:04 |
Butcher Babies - I Smell a Massacre
16:56 |
4arm - Eyes of the Slain
16:51 |
Livewire - Thunderstruck
16:44 |
4arm - Lights Out
16:40 |
Testament - Brotherhood of the Snake
16:37 |
Morlitts - The Dark Forest
16:36 |
16:36 |
Rock Nation GT add
16:35 |
16:31 |
COBRA SPELL - The Midnight Hour
16:26 |
Foo Fighters - Best of You
16:23 |
Pantera - Becoming
16:19 |
THE HALO EFFECT - Feel What I Believe
16:14 |
Rammstein - Deutschland
16:09 |
Foo Fighters - Times Like These
16:09 |
16:03 |
MOONSPELL - Alma Mater (Live)
15:58 |
COBRA SPELL - Addicted To The Night
15:54 |
Judas Priest - Firepower
14:50 |
14:45 |
Anthrax - Among The Living
14:38 |
Iron Maiden - Afraid to Shoot Strangers
14:34 |
Stratovarius - Eagleheart
14:30 |
Pantera - Strength Beyond Strength
14:30 |
Rock Nation GT add
13:28 |
Satyricon - K.I.N.G
13:23 |
Guns N' Roses - Dust N' Bones
13:20 |
Coal Chamber - Sway
13:15 |
W.A.S.P. - Rebel In The F.D.G.
13:10 |
Pantera - I'm Broken
13:06 |
Slayer - South Of Heaven
12:59 |
Type O Negative - Anesthesia
12:44 |
Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
12:39 |
Sodom - M-16
12:35 |
Slayer - Spirit In Black
12:32 |
Slayer - Fight Till Death
12:30 |
Municipal Waste - Dingy Situations
12:26 |
Ghost - Square Hammer
12:22 |
Slayer - Crionics
12:19 |
Skid Row - Rattlesnake Shake
12:15 |
Scorpions - Send Me An Angel
12:10 |
Saxon - The Secret Of Flight
12:10 |
Rock Nation GT add
12:06 |
Satyricon - K.I.N.G
12:01 |
Satyricon - Commando
11:57 |
Paralyzed Sun - Dying Everyday
11:52 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Under the Graveyard
11:42 |
Overkill - In Union We Stand
11:37 |
Overkill - Coma
11:31 |
Morbid Angel - God Of Emptiness
11:29 |
Obituary - Sentence Day
11:28 |
Rock Nation GT add
11:25 |
Obituary - Chopped in Half
11:23 |
Municipal Waste - Breathe Grease
11:18 |
Metal Church - Metal Church
11:14 |
Megadeth - Train Of Consequences
11:09 |
Morbid Angel - The Righteous Voice
11:04 |
Metallica - Metal Militia
10:58 |
Metal Church - Beyond the Black
10:54 |
King Diamond - Eye of the Witch
10:49 |
Megadeth - Hangar 18
10:45 |
Lost Society - No Absolution
10:42 |
Lost Society - Kill (Those Who Oppose Me)
10:37 |
King Diamond - Sleepless Nights
10:31 |
Lost Society - I Am the Antidote
10:26 |
Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
10:21 |
Lazarus A.D. - Black Rivers Flow
10:17 |
Kittie - Charlotte
10:12 |
King Diamond - Abigail
10:10 |
Iron Reagan - Fuck the Neighbors
10:05 |
Havok - From The Cradle To The Grave
10:03 |
Iron Reagan - A Dying World
09:59 |
Iron Maiden - Flight of Icarus
09:59 |
09:54 |
Havok - Covering Fire
09:48 |
Green Jellÿ - Three Little Pigs
09:44 |
Extincion - La Grieta
09:39 |
Exodus - The Toxic Waltz
09:35 |
Drowning Pool - Tear Away
09:29 |
Dokken - Night by Night
09:25 |
Dio - Holy Diver Remastered
09:20 |
Def Leppard - Hysteria
09:14 |
Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
09:09 |
Death Angel - Hatred United / United Hate
09:05 |
Chevelle - Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)
09:00 |
Death Angel - Aggressor
08:56 |
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face
08:52 |
Cradle of Filth - Temptation
08:46 |
Chevelle - Self Destructor
08:42 |
Chevelle - Mars Simula
08:36 |
Butcher Babies - Igniter
08:30 |
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
08:24 |
Avalanch - Levántate y Anda
08:20 |
Anthrax - Medusa
08:16 |
A.N.I.M.A.L. - Lejos de casa
08:12 |
4arm - Fragment of a Dream
08:08 |
Butcher Babies - I Smell a Massacre
08:01 |
4arm - Eyes of the Slain
07:55 |
Livewire - Thunderstruck
07:44 |
Testament - Brotherhood of the Snake
07:41 |
Morlitts - The Dark Forest
07:40 |
07:40 |
Rock Nation GT add
07:35 |
COBRA SPELL - The Midnight Hour
07:31 |
Foo Fighters - Best of You
07:28 |
Pantera - Becoming
07:23 |
THE HALO EFFECT - Feel What I Believe
07:18 |
Rammstein - Deutschland
07:14 |
Foo Fighters - Times Like These
07:13 |
07:07 |
MOONSPELL - Alma Mater (Live)
07:02 |
COBRA SPELL - Addicted To The Night
06:59 |
Judas Priest - Firepower
05:54 |
05:49 |
Anthrax - Among The Living
05:42 |
Iron Maiden - Afraid to Shoot Strangers
05:38 |
Stratovarius - Eagleheart
05:35 |
Pantera - Strength Beyond Strength
05:34 |
Rock Nation GT add
04:32 |
Satyricon - K.I.N.G
04:27 |
Guns N' Roses - Dust N' Bones
04:24 |
Coal Chamber - Sway
04:19 |
W.A.S.P. - Rebel In The F.D.G.
04:14 |
Pantera - I'm Broken
04:10 |
Slayer - South Of Heaven
04:03 |
Type O Negative - Anesthesia
03:59 |
Toba - Suffocate
03:54 |
Testament - Practice What You Preach
03:53 |
03:48 |
Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
03:43 |
Sodom - M-16
03:39 |
Slayer - Spirit In Black
03:36 |
Slayer - Fight Till Death
03:34 |
Municipal Waste - Dingy Situations
03:30 |
Ghost - Square Hammer
03:27 |
Slayer - Crionics
03:23 |
Skid Row - Rattlesnake Shake
03:19 |
Scorpions - Send Me An Angel
03:14 |
Saxon - The Secret Of Flight
03:14 |
Rock Nation GT add
03:10 |
Satyricon - K.I.N.G
03:06 |
Satyricon - Commando
03:01 |
Paralyzed Sun - Dying Everyday
02:56 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Under the Graveyard
02:51 |
Megadeth - Trust
02:46 |
Overkill - In Union We Stand
02:41 |
Overkill - Coma
02:35 |
Morbid Angel - God Of Emptiness
02:33 |
Obituary - Sentence Day
02:33 |
Rock Nation GT add
02:29 |
Obituary - Chopped in Half
02:27 |
Municipal Waste - Breathe Grease
02:22 |
Metal Church - Metal Church
02:18 |
Megadeth - Train Of Consequences
02:13 |
Morbid Angel - The Righteous Voice
02:08 |
Metallica - Metal Militia
02:02 |
Metal Church - Beyond the Black
01:58 |
King Diamond - Eye of the Witch
01:53 |
Megadeth - Hangar 18
01:49 |
Lost Society - No Absolution
01:46 |
Lost Society - Kill (Those Who Oppose Me)
01:41 |
King Diamond - Sleepless Nights
01:35 |
Lost Society - I Am the Antidote
01:30 |
Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
01:25 |
Lazarus A.D. - Black Rivers Flow
01:21 |
Kittie - Charlotte
01:16 |
King Diamond - Abigail
01:15 |
Iron Reagan - Fuck the Neighbors
01:10 |
Havok - From The Cradle To The Grave
01:07 |
Iron Reagan - A Dying World
01:03 |
Iron Maiden - Flight of Icarus
01:03 |
00:58 |
Havok - Covering Fire
00:53 |
Green Jellÿ - Three Little Pigs
00:48 |
Extincion - La Grieta
00:43 |
Exodus - The Toxic Waltz
00:39 |
Drowning Pool - Tear Away
00:34 |
Dokken - Night by Night
00:30 |
Dio - Holy Diver Remastered
00:24 |
Def Leppard - Hysteria
00:18 |
Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
00:13 |
Death Angel - Hatred United / United Hate
00:09 |
Chevelle - Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)
00:04 |
Death Angel - Aggressor
00:00 |
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face