23:56 |
She's Holdin' You Back - Ghalia Volt
23:52 |
SHAKE IT LADY - Manu Lanvin & The Blues Devils
23:47 |
Can You Help Me Brother - The Butanes
23:45 |
You Cant Come In - Midnite Johnny
23:28 |
Perdant blues - Paul Personne
23:25 |
Writing On The Wall - Coco Montoya
23:21 |
What The Blues Is All About - Boo Boo Davis
23:15 |
Refugee Blues (Live) - David Ronaldo & The Dice
23:12 |
GIVE IT TO ME - Red Beans & Pepper Sauce
23:06 |
Close To My Fire - Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa
23:02 |
Karma's Gonna Kick Your Ass - Guy Verlinde
22:58 |
Happiness - DND
22:55 |
Love Like War - The Cadillac Three
22:50 |
Top of My List - The Weber Brothers
22:47 |
Curse Of Beauty - Barbara Blue
22:43 |
She Calls Me Kingfish - Christone "Kingfish" Ingram
22:39 |
One's Too Many - Big Joe Shelton
22:36 |
I Me Mine - Monster Mike Welch
22:32 |
OH YEAH - Christopher Bock
22:29 |
Glory Glory (feat. Gina Coleman) - Misty Blues
22:28 |
22:23 |
Spendin' My Dimes Away - Moe Joe
22:18 |
10 Same Old Story - Guitar Jack Wargo
22:16 |
Aurelie - The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling
22:13 |
Colors Of Jealousy - Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip
22:08 |
You To Hold On To - Tommy Castro
22:05 |
My Way Or The Highway - Bernard Allison (feat. Cloin James)
22:01 |
21:55 |
Call My Name - Eva Carboni
21:51 |
I'll be living you - Terry Scott
21:47 |
NEW DAWN - Luca Burgalassi
21:38 |
Strong Persuader (next door) - Atama Bentley, Sam Kelly, Richard Sadler
21:33 |
Bluesman's Child - Kyla Brox
21:28 |
WildRoot Boogie - The WildRoots
21:27 |
Someday You'll Win - Liz Mandville Greeson
21:24 |
The Way It Is - Black Cat Biscuit
21:21 |
J'ai jeté l'éponge - Mama's Biscuits
21:18 |
What Are We Doing - Rich Chorné
21:14 |
My Road Lies In Darkness.wav - Charlie Musselwhite
21:12 |
Sister I Understand - Sunday Wilde
21:06 |
Stop breaking down Blues - Justin Maurice Duo Blues
21:04 |
Sailor's Grave On The Prairie - Juke Joint Jonny
21:00 |
20:54 |
Better Me - Katie Knipp
20:51 |
Since I Met You Baby - Gary Moore
20:47 |
09 CROSSROADS - Philippe Kerouault
20:45 |
Chitlin Con Carne - Junior Wells
20:42 |
Stone Broke - Red's Blues
20:37 |
Blow Them All To Pieces - Starlite & Campbell
20:29 |
Talking To Strangers - Shemekia Copeland
20:28 |
20:23 |
The Ballad of Johnny & Louise - Wily Bo Walker & E D Brayshaw
20:21 |
Catch The Morning Train - Thaddeus Declouet
20:16 |
Love Coupons - Travis Haddix
20:10 |
The Chemist - LaVendore Rogue
20:05 |
Saints of New Orleans - Neal Black & Larry Garner
20:03 |
Extra Boom - Tomislav Goluban
20:01 |
Hound Dog - Georgia Randall
19:57 |
Leave My Wife Alone - John Lee Hooker
19:55 |
Dance Like Fire - Ben and the Innocent Criminals Harper
19:52 |
Love Sake - Brown Brothers
19:47 |
Chasser-les-dragonsi - BB Blues since 1988
19:43 |
I Want To - Bobby Rush
19:39 |
Shout Sister Shout - Ghalia Volt
19:33 |
World's End Blues (Live) - David Ronaldo & The Dice
19:28 |
Dirt Road - Boo Boo Davis
19:26 |
Be Good To Yourself - Coco Montoya
19:22 |
Pistols On The Levee - The Cadillac Three
19:19 |
Mostly Stable - The Weber Brothers
19:14 |
Hope We Live to See the Day - Big Joe Shelton
19:09 |
I Got My Mojo Working - Moe Joe
19:06 |
It Shocks Me Out - The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling
19:03 |
Missing That Woman - Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip
18:57 |
Enough of that - Fenzl Experience
18:50 |
I'm Still Your Man - The BluesBones
18:46 |
Pour Nos Enfants - Rod Barthet
18:44 |
I'm Going Home to Jesus - Como Mamas
18:38 |
Lost Young Love - Barbara Blue
18:35 |
Time To Move - Monster Mike Welch
18:32 |
Le Blues Responsable - Christopher Bock
18:28 |
02 Go Cross Town - Guitar Jack Wargo
18:27 |
18:26 |
Little Axe - Little Axe
18:22 |
Keep On Walking - Tri Continental
18:11 |
Rock On Bluesman - Popa Chubby
18:05 |
Blues Everywhere I Go (feat. Gina Coleman) - Misty Blues
18:02 |
FINDING LOVE AGAIN - Luca Burgalassi
17:57 |
As The Years go passing By - Atama Bentley, Sam Kelly, Richard Sadler
17:55 |
Howling for my Baby - Night Train
17:50 |
Sugar Sweet - Brad Wilson
17:44 |
(I'm Your) Hoochie Coochie Man - Eddy Clearwater
17:38 |
Catch The Blues - Eric Clapton
17:35 |
Devil's Bridge - Kyla Brox
17:32 |
Won't Share My Shoes - DND
17:29 |
The Unsung - Guy Verlinde
17:28 |
17:25 |
Somewhere (Reprise) - Tommy Castro
17:23 |
Any Ole Way - Corte
17:21 |
Paulys birthday boogie with jools holland - Vladimir Luniov
17:18 |
Smokestack Lightnin' - Howlin' Wolf
17:16 |
The Rapture - Chad Elliott
17:13 |
Put You Down - Scott Ellison
17:09 |
Daily Blues - Daddy Mack Blues Band
17:06 |
Southern Rag - Blind Blake
17:02 |
The Panic Is On - Tyler Yarema and His Rhythm
16:58 |
For You - Gaelle Buswel
16:55 |
Stroll On - Eric Clapton & The Yardbirds
16:51 |
Mr. Distraction - Val Starr & The Blues Rocket
16:45 |
Funeral Song - The Jujubes
16:39 |
Whiskey And Water - Ken Valdez
16:35 |
Friends - Mighty Bosscats
16:29 |
A Part Of Me Is Broken (Part Two) - Starlite & Campbell
16:28 |
16:22 |
Hit That - Haute Fréquence
16:18 |
Coming Down With the Blues - Dorothy Moore
16:13 |
Train Song - Debbie Bond
16:11 |
Hayloft Blues - Tomislav Goluban
16:08 |
21-Juin - BB Blues since 1988
16:04 |
I'm The One - Bobby Rush
16:00 |
Insomnia - Ghalia Volt
15:55 |
East St Louis - Boo Boo Davis
15:51 |
Hunted Man (Part 1 and 2) (Live) - David Ronaldo & The Dice
15:42 |
What I've Known For a Very Long Time - Joe Bonamassa
15:40 |
Once In A Lifetime Thing - Marcia Ball
15:35 |
Late Last Night - Coco Montoya
15:32 |
Dressed Up To Die - The Cadillac Three
15:28 |
08 Don't Go Daddy - The Weber Brothers
15:27 |
Black Prairie Blues - Big Joe Shelton
15:24 |
Scratch and Sniff - The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling
15:17 |
Two Trains Runnin' (Two Bears Ridin') - Moe Joe
15:14 |
I Just Keep Loving Her (Mada Sukinanda) - Johnny Burgin
15:11 |
7 Years - Big Daddy Wilson
15:06 |
Do Your Personal Thing - Larry Garner
15:03 |
Home To Momma - Sunday Wilde
14:59 |
Don't Waste My Time - Red's Blues
14:56 |
Got Love If You Want It - George Shovlin Blues Band
14:50 |
Are You Real - Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip
14:46 |
Rolling on the Bayou - Rock'n'Stock
14:44 |
New Deal Blues - Allen Brothers
14:40 |
The Shoals - Barbara Blue
14:35 |
Walking to You Baby - Monster Mike Welch
14:32 |
Sexy Lady - Christopher Bock
14:29 |
09 More Than You Know - Guitar Jack Wargo
14:28 |
14:25 |
Dink's Blues (feat. Gina Coleman) - Misty Blues
14:21 |
ALWAYS ON - Luca Burgalassi
14:13 |
Hallelujah - Kyla Brox
14:09 |
This Woman Rockin' - Joseph Stephen
14:05 |
It's Alright - Deak Harp
14:01 |
Avenue de l'amour - Paul Personne
13:56 |
Big boss man - Jack Mono Blues
13:51 |
Hooker V Brown (Jesse James) - Atama Bentley, Sam Kelly, Richard Sadler
13:46 |
Ninja Bout Cha - Randy Mcallister
13:44 |
New York City - G. Love & Special Sauce
13:43 |
The Scratch (Instrumental) - James Brown
13:39 |
When The Batle Is Over - Shemekia Copeland
13:36 |
Chitlin Con Carne (Alternate) - Junior Wells
13:32 |
Mellow Down Easy - HowellDevine
13:29 |
Shoestring Budget - Southern Hospitality
13:28 |
13:25 |
Waltering In Montreal - Nico Wayne Toussaint
13:21 |
You've Changed My Mind - Bonnie Raitt
13:19 |
Don't Cry Sister - J.J. Cale
13:16 |
Linda Lu - Mojo
13:11 |
Lullaby of the Leaves - Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa
13:06 |
Alone - DND
13:04 |
The Way You Are - Guy Verlinde
13:00 |
Bring It On Back - Tommy Castro
12:57 |
Walking by Myself - Gary Moore
12:53 |
Feat.Beverly Jo Scott THE DEVIL DOES IT RIGHT - Manu Lanvin & The Blues Devils
12:50 |
Blues, Booze & Rock'n'Roll - Manu Lanvin
12:46 |
Better Days - Neal Black & Larry Garner
12:42 |
The Voting Machine - Starlite & Campbell
12:39 |
Further on Up the Road - Fred Chapellier feat. Neal Black
12:32 |
Peace on F-book - Jaime Dolce
12:29 |
Chocolate Man - Eric Bibb
12:28 |
12:23 |
Running With Ghosts - Troy Redfern Band
12:18 |
Crise-molle - BB Blues since 1988
12:14 |
Do The Right Thing . - Tomislav Goluban
12:10 |
Gunslinger (Live) - David Ronaldo & The Dice
12:06 |
One Monkey Can Stop A Show - Bobby Rush
12:04 |
Hop On A Ride - Ghalia Volt
11:59 |
I'm Getting Old - Boo Boo Davis
11:55 |
11:49 |
A Chip And A Chair - Coco Montoya
11:47 |
4 Chords & The Proof - The Cadillac Three
11:43 |
I Just Want Your Love - The Weber Brothers
11:40 |
Ears Like a Mule - Big Joe Shelton
11:38 |
Good Morning Little School Girl - Moe Joe
11:34 |
Bones' Cantina - The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling
11:31 |
Get Out - Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip
11:28 |
Le Blues du Routier - Christopher Bock
11:24 |
Take This Hammer (feat. Gina Coleman) - Misty Blues
11:21 |
THE RIVER - Luca Burgalassi
11:16 |
Ground Zero - Go Sane
11:12 |
My Ring - Jimmy Johnson
11:08 |
Too Young To Remember - Christone "Kingfish" Ingram
11:06 |
The Village>Stuck In the Middle>The Village - Chicago Farmer
10:58 |
Too Far - Barbara Blue
10:53 |
In Case You Care - Monster Mike Welch
10:49 |
07 Let It Ride - Guitar Jack Wargo
10:44 |
365 - Kyla Brox
10:41 |
Cool Little Girl - Lena & The Slide Brothers
10:34 |
Old Black Coat - Henry McCullough Blues Band
10:29 |
Dust To Stone - Michael Harrison Blues
10:28 |
10:23 |
Moving on Up - Bernard Allison
10:19 |
Whole Lotta Rosie - Atama Bentley, Sam Kelly, Richard Sadler
10:15 |
Ground Hog Blues - John Lee Hooker
10:12 |
Rainin' All The Time - B.B. King
10:08 |
Mean Ole Texas Shuffle - Dennis Herrera
10:04 |
What's The Matter With The Mill? - Muddy Waters
09:58 |
They Call Me Mo' - Mo & The Reapers
09:52 |
Blue and All Alone The Jujubes - The Jujubes
09:45 |
Dream - John Littlejohn
09:41 |
All I can take - Mariëlla Tirotto & the Blues Federation
09:37 |
All Night Long - Junior Wells' Chicago Blues Band
09:33 |
Pumpkin's Boogie - Johnny Burgin
09:30 |
Never Get To Win - Sunday Wilde
09:28 |
I'm Trouble (Hillbilly Bongo Blues) - Red's Blues
09:25 |
Ode to My Mother - Kat Pearson
09:20 |
Last Night On The Highway Part 2 - Robert Jon & The Wreck
09:16 |
My Baby Left Me (With The Big Town Playboys) (Live) - Jeff Beck
09:13 |
she's a devil inside - Dirty Deep
09:11 |
You'll Be Sorry One Day - Slim Harpo
09:08 |
Up and Down - Boogie Bombers
09:04 |
Tell Him He Got To Go - Willie Kent & Willie James Lyons
08:59 |
Wanna go for a ride? - Night Train
08:54 |
Shot Gun Blues - Blues Brothers
08:48 |
Down the road - Henrik Freischlader
08:45 |
she was a lady - OCB
08:43 |
Willow - Barrence Whitfield & The Savages
08:38 |
Jesus is Coming Soon - Cowboy Junkies
08:29 |
Killers on the Run - Wily Bo Walker & E D Brayshaw
08:28 |
08:26 |
Happy Valentine's Day - Shemekia Copeland
08:22 |
Triste-histoire - BB Blues since 1988
08:18 |
Shine The Light On Me - Starlite & Campbell
08:15 |
Substance Boogie (Live) - David Ronaldo & The Dice
08:12 |
Kaj God Blues - Tomislav Goluban
08:09 |
Sure Had A Wonderful Time - Boo Boo Davis
08:04 |
Can't Afford To Die - Ghalia Volt
08:00 |
BACK TO THE ROOTS - Luca Burgalassi
07:57 |
Sur la route qui défile - Kaelig Frederic
07:53 |
Caroline Brings - Guy Verlinde
07:49 |
TV Mama - Bobby Rush
07:46 |
07:42 |
You Got Me (Where You Want Me) - Coco Montoya
07:38 |
Scratchin' Yo Itch - Big Joe Shelton
07:35 |
Hillbilly (ft Elvie Shane & Ketch Secor) - The Cadillac Three
07:32 |
Highway Highway - Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip
07:29 |
Goodbye Old Dame - DND
07:28 |
07:26 |
I'm Already Gone - John Earl Walker
07:20 |
Withdrawal - The Weber Brothers
07:18 |
Let It Shine - Moe Joe
07:15 |
Losing Ground - The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling
07:12 |
How Long Blues (feat. Gina Coleman) - Misty Blues
07:09 |
Last Crossroad - Christopher Bock
07:05 |
Swing That Thing - Luke Winslow-King
07:02 |
Les fleurs du mal - Fred Blondin
06:58 |
VooDoo - Georgia Randall
06:52 |
Song Of The River - Barbara Blue
06:48 |
I Ain't Saying - Monster Mike Welch
06:44 |
Choose Me - Kyla Brox
06:41 |
05 Philco Radio - Guitar Jack Wargo
06:37 |
Black Cat Bone - Atama Bentley, Sam Kelly, Richard Sadler
06:32 |
Why don't you do right? - The Jujubes
06:28 |
In The Wee Hours - Junior Wells
06:27 |
I Got A Woman - Linsey Alexander
06:23 |
I'm Tore Down - Old Bluesters
06:19 |
This world is not your friend - Danny Brooks
06:15 |
Real Good Lovin' Tonight - Nico Duportal
06:11 |
Have A Real Good Time - Trampled Under Foot
06:08 |
I Wanna Go Back Home - Tommy Castro
06:04 |
Rockabilly Boogie - Five Bluesmen
06:00 |
Alabama jail - Orville and the Woodbox
05:57 |
Your the one - Robin Trower
05:53 |
Come On In This House - Magic Sam
05:50 |
Get You A Woman - Marcia Ball
05:44 |
The Gingerbread Man - The Louisiana Blues Brothas
05:40 |
Standin' On Top Of The World - R.B.Stone
05:36 |
Every Day Of Your Life - Jimmy Johnson
05:32 |
I Feel so Bad - John Mayall
05:29 |
Maybe Next Week Sometime No 2 - Allen Brothers
05:27 |
05:23 |
Rock & Roll - Christone "Kingfish" Ingram
05:18 |
Take Me Back - Michael Lee Firkins
05:14 |
My New Woman - Michael Mills Band
05:11 |
The Only Thing That's Wrong With You (Is Him) - Christoph "Jimmy" Reiter
05:06 |
Tout Tout Bas - The Hobblers
05:02 |
Same old life - The Marshals
04:59 |
Bye Bye Baby - Little Chevy
04:56 |
Kansas City Blues - Big Joe Williams
04:54 |
Me den nwina - Roland Tchakounte
04:50 |
Alexander's Ragtime Band - Bessie Smith
04:46 |
Just Because - John Jackson
04:43 |
Red lights - Mojo Makers
04:40 |
Blues - Kussay and The Smokes
04:35 |
Sweet Angel - Rachelle Plas
04:32 |
Kool Cat Strut - Barbara Diab
04:29 |
Hurry Up Baby - Johnny Burgin
04:28 |
04:24 |
Déésse-en-simili - BB Blues since 1988
04:20 |
Searchin For My Baby - Tomislav Goluban
04:18 |
Boo's Boogie Woogie - Boo Boo Davis
04:14 |
STARING AT THE MOON - Luca Burgalassi
04:11 |
Laid-Back & Easy (Live) - David Ronaldo & The Dice
04:06 |
Hell Is Not Gonna Deal With You - Ghalia Volt
04:03 |
You're Gonna Need A Man Like Me - Bobby Rush
04:00 |
The Torch - The Cadillac Three
03:55 |
(I'd Rather Feel) Bad About Doin' It - Coco Montoya
03:52 |
03:48 |
Can't Come Back - Big Joe Shelton
03:43 |
It Takes Two - Micke Bjorklof & Blue Strip
03:38 |
Detroit Blues - Red's Blues
03:33 |
A Different Side of Me - The Weber Brothers
03:29 |
Who - Moe Joe
03:28 |
03:26 |
Choose Wisely - The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling
03:19 |
Hit Or Miss (feat. Gina Coleman) - Misty Blues
03:15 |
Business Queen - Christopher Bock
03:11 |
Severed - Barbara Blue
03:06 |
The Bus Stop - Atama Bentley, Sam Kelly, Richard Sadler
03:02 |
It Hurts Me Too - The Jujubes
03:00 |
Let You Go - Kyla Brox
02:50 |
Afraid Of My Own Tears - Monster Mike Welch
02:45 |
06 Losing it - Guitar Jack Wargo
02:42 |
Ballad Of Robin Winter-Smith - Richard J. Dobson
02:37 |
I Got Time - Kris Barras Band
02:36 |
Whiskey Time (Running Whiskey's extended ending) - Supersonic Blues Machine
02:31 |
Will Never Stop - Sunday Wilde
02:29 |
Pie In The Sky - Shemekia Copeland
02:28 |
02:23 |
Reign Down Fire - Khalif Wailin' Walter
02:19 |
Another One Going Down - Berdon Kirksaether & The Twang Bar Kings
02:17 |
Them There Eyes - Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa
02:12 |
la nuit - Daniel Blanc
02:08 |
Be My Baby - LAJA
02:03 |
Mammon's Little Baby - 3rd Door
02:01 |
Both Sides Of The Blues - Guy Verlinde
01:57 |
Walking the Dog - King Louie & La Rhonda Steele
01:54 |
Colors - DND
01:51 |
I Heard the Angels Singin' - Eric Bibb
01:48 |
Tenessee Burning - DD's Brothers
01:43 |
Easy - Boogie Bombers
01:37 |
Trop pour un soir - Kaelig Frederic
01:32 |
Women, Drugs and Alcohol - Tommy Castro
01:29 |
Another Life Goes By - Christone "Kingfish" Ingram
01:28 |
01:25 |
Don't Go Away - Elliott Murphy
01:22 |
Rock me Baby - Farlight
01:14 |
Thank Ya' - The Campbell Brothers
01:10 |
01:06 |
Early In The Morning - Junior Wells
01:01 |
She Likes It - Georgia Randall
00:52 |
If You've Ever Loved A Woman - Linsey Alexander
00:49 |
Sifting Through The Sand - David Bray
00:45 |
Saturday night - Jack Bon
00:41 |
A cold night - Dirty Deep
00:39 |
Sunnyland Slim - My Baby, My Baby
00:37 |
What's new - Blues Eaters
00:35 |
Chrombalt Blue - Andy J Forest
00:32 |
Lead Me On - Jimmy Johnson
00:30 |
Laisse couler - Manu Lanvin & the Devil blues
00:29 |
00:25 |
Sugar Daddy - Shari Puorto Band
00:23 |
Baby, I Love You - Chris Bergson Band
00:18 |
16 pick a ball of coton - lubos bena & matej ptaszek
00:13 |
I'm The Beast From The East - POPA CHUBBY
00:07 |
8 men 4 women - Barbara Blue Blues Band
00:04 |
L?amour C?est Pas - Rod Barthet