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Nonpop playlist

Weet je niet welke liedjes er op de radio gespeeld werden? Gebruik onze service om het te vinden! Onze afspeellijst slaat een Nonpop songlist op van de voorbije 7 dagen.

(nu in Karlsruhe 02:34)
23:57 Subliminal - Hunting For Humans (Kosmoloko 1)
23:53 Hermann Kopp - Putrefaction (Kosmoloko 2)
23:48 November Növelet - The Darkness Of My Mind (Kosmoloko 2)
23:44 Subliminal - Embrace (Kosmoloko 2)
23:40 Hermann Kopp - Vessels (Kosmoloko 2)
23:36 November Növelet - Changing Mind (Kosmoloko 2)
23:31 Haus Arafna - After All These Years (Kosmoloko 1)
23:28 Herz Juhning - Son Of Earth (Kosmoloko 2)
23:23 Subliminal - For Your Eyes Only (Kosmoloko 2)
23:19 Haus Arafna - Lying In State (Kosmoloko 2)
23:16 Maska Genetik - White Tracks (Kosmoloko 1)
23:12 Subliminal - Hunting For Humans (Kosmoloko 1)
23:08 Haus Arafna - Hymn To Despair (Kosmoloko 1)
23:04 Karl Runau - Driven By Instinct (Kosmoloko 1)
23:01 Subliminal - Embrace (Kosmoloko 2)
22:57 Rome - The Orchards (Berlin)
22:53 Dark Sanctuary - Summoning Of The Muse
22:47 Up-Tight - After My Dream (The Night Is Yours)
22:45 49 Americans - Beat Up Russians (E Pluribus Unum)
22:42 Durutti Column - Sketch For Summer
22:36 Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving - Downbeat (Edit aus Yield To Despair)
22:33 Etant Donnes - La Montee Au Ciel (Le Sens Positif, 1987)
22:29 Ain Soph - Uljanov (Live)
22:25 Dark Fount - Almighty Maleficence
22:24 Klangwart And Philippe Petit - Hitzefrei
22:16 Imperia - The Lotus Eaters
22:13 Stoneburner - You Are The Worst (Life Drawing)
22:10 Institut Fuer Feinmotorik - ...ja das ist Kunst!
22:08 First Human Ferro feat. Albireon - Die Niemandsrose (Prosa Profana)
22:04 Nightmarish - February, 62 A.D. (Pompeji)
22:01 Once A Barge - Revelations
21:57 Mortaja - Serpent's Kiss (Bone Chamber)
21:51 Urfaust - Zelfkastijder (Het Aalschuim Der Natie - Split)
21:45 Sal - Malik (Achtung Banditi! EP)
21:38 Pyrolator - Am Ufer (Neuland/1)
21:31 Deep Mountains - Celestial Burial
21:27 Kanipchen-Fit - Fight (Unfit For These Times Forever)
21:25 Trencher - Row Upon Row Of Leper Skulls - Deja Poo
21:22 Voodoo KungFu - Li Xiaolong
21:18 The Left Outsides - Unopened Letters And Unanswered Calls
21:09 Tony Wakeford - Cupid & Death (Cupid & Death)
21:06 Monte Cazazza - To Mom On Mother's Day (To Mom On Mother's Day, 7inch, 1979)
20:59 Burzum - Galgvior (Umskiptar)
20:52 Theologian - The Lies Of The Past Become The Prayers Of The Future (Pain Of The Saints)
20:48 Backworld - Heaven's Gate
20:45 Pale Roses - Sea-Horses (The Rutted Road)
20:40 Stoa - Cantara
20:34 Ujjaya - Slow Trance
20:30 Treha Sektori - Vora Esyeh Konteriah (Endessiah)
20:21 HATI - The Cave (Wild Temple)
20:16 Voivod - Mercury (Phobos)
20:11 Rhys Marsh And The Autumn Ghost - Don't Break Your Heart
20:07 Club Amour - Disconnected
20:04 Sturmpercht - Zur Zwolften Stund' (Schattenlieder)
20:01 Anemone Tube - Turm Des Bösen (In The Vortex Of Dionysian Reality)
19:55 Twilight Circus meets Edward Ka-Spel - Lunar Moth (800 Saints In A Day)
19:51 Rudi Zygadlo - Melpomene (Melpomene 7inch)
19:48 Kammerflimmer Kollektief - Soft Machine (Teufelskamin)
19:43 XTR Human - Axiom (Atavism)
19:39 Alone - Vodi Me
19:35 Maska Genetik - Ernste Stunde (Strada)
19:32 Silent Signals - Electronic Engineer (Tracking The Black Hole)
19:29 Ulver - Another Brick In The Wall ( Oddities And Rarities 1)
19:24 Sunday Strain - Time Is With Me (Destiny.Done)
19:21 Christ Of Kather / Markus Maria Hoff - Bombt Die Dritte Welt Weg
19:17 Ultra Milkmaids - Amr (Ausschnitt)
19:13 Genocide Organ - Kaibil (Obituary Of The Americas)
19:10 Herz Juhning - I Deserve (Faces)
19:06 Khaldera - The Inevitability Of Transition (Ausschnitt, Alteration EP)
19:03 Recit Secret - Malibu Dopo Mezzanotte
19:01 The Jam - In The City
18:57 King Dude - Black Butterfly (Songs of Flesh & Blood)
18:53 Sonne Hagal - Midwinternight
18:50 Darkwood - Der Falken Flug (Unreleased Version)
18:47 Inscissors - Nothing Moves Here Session I (The Circus Of Ichneumons)
18:43 ARM - Enheartened (Enheartened)
18:37 Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body
18:34 Of The Wand And The Moon - SUMMER Solstice
18:31 Anenzephalia - Mindcancer (Instrumentalities)
18:26 USA Out Of Vietnam - Asphodel 1322 (Ausschnitt, Crashing Diseases...)
18:21 Three Winters - At The Centre Of Dystopia
18:17 Mark Van Hoen - Where Were You (The Revenant Diary)
18:13 Unidad Sasao - I Am Not One Of Us
18:08 Hunting Lodge - Sounds Like A Picture (Will, 1983)
18:02 Reutoff - Die Stille Scheint In Der Finsternis (No One's Lullabies)
17:57 Post Scriptvm - W.A.L.S.C.H. (unveröffentlicht)
17:52 Niedowierzanie - Desgracia (unveröffentlicht)
17:49 Kalte Rippchen - Anti (eklusiv)
17:41 Llovespell - Another Common Feature (Demo, unveröffentlicht)
17:38 Nostalgie Éternelle - One Tree (First Version) (unveröffentlicht)
17:33 Jack November - Anglesite
17:22 Drey Principia - Transformation II (exklusiv)
17:17 Sunday Strain - Invisibly (Demo, unveröffentlicht)
17:15 Tervahäät - Marrasvirsi
16:57 Mercydesign & Dither Craf - A Tribute To The Void (, exklusiv)
16:46 The Joy Of Nature - Namarupa (unveröffentlicht)
16:43 First Human Ferro - Windmill Cross (unveröffentlicht)
16:39 Souk El Guerillas - I Don't Speak Arabic (unveröf
16:34 Screen - Imitate (exklusiv)
16:25 Emme Ya - Solar Totem (unveröffentlicht)
16:20 Jon Evans - Murder Scene 3: Genetic Traces (exklusiv)
16:17 Paul Roland - Candyman (unveröffentlicht)
16:12 Antlers Mulm - Arrival (Live Rehearsal Version Autumn 2012)
16:07 Hermann Kopp - Haarmann 1923 (exklusiv)
16:04 The Surreal Funfair - Blow Out The Sun (unveröffent
15:58 Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - She's In Love With A Whip - My Venus In Furs
15:50 Sol Invictus - Hedda Gabbler
15:46 Of The Wand And The Moon - Dirtnap Stories
15:41 Allerseelen - Als Wärs Das Letzte Mal
15:34 Leisure Hive - Nightship 451
15:29 Kirlian Camera - Hymn
15:26 Unto Ashes - Running With The Devil
15:20 Coil - Tainted Love
15:14 Laibach - Ballad Of A Thin Man
15:10 Arcana - In The Wake Of Adversity
15:08 Hide & Seek - Oom Pah Pah
15:04 Sleep Chamber - Warm Leatherette
15:00 Giddle & Boyd - Bonnie And Clyde
14:56 Sonne Hagal - Midwinternight
14:51 Werkraum - Chrystals
14:47 Of The Wand & The Moon - In A Robe Of Fire
14:44 Nebelung - Einsamkeit
14:40 Backworld - The Tide
14:36 Tor Lundvall - Leaves
14:31 6Comm - Doubt To Death
14:24 Karnnos - Land Of Stags
14:18 Current 93 - Niemandswasser
14:14 Sol Invictus - The Return
14:11 While Angels Watch - Solitary
14:06 Aeldaborn - All Darkness Comes
14:02 Berkana - Gefangenschaft
13:56 Tempesta Noire - Wolves And Cathedrals
13:52 Sonne Hagal - Midwinternight
13:47 Werkraum - Chrystals
13:43 Of The Wand & The Moon - In A Robe Of Fire
13:40 Nebelung - Einsamkeit
13:36 Backworld - The Tide
13:32 Tor Lundvall - Leaves
13:27 6Comm - Doubt To Death
13:21 Karnnos - Land Of Stags
13:14 Current 93 - Niemandswasser
13:10 Sol Invictus - The Return
13:08 While Angels Watch - Solitary
13:02 Aeldaborn - All Darkness Comes
12:58 Berkana - Gefangenschaft
12:52 Tempesta Noire - Wolves And Cathedrals
12:49 Sonne Hagal - Midwinternight
12:43 Werkraum - Chrystals
12:39 Of The Wand & The Moon - In A Robe Of Fire
12:36 Nebelung - Einsamkeit
12:32 Backworld - The Tide
12:28 Tor Lundvall - Leaves
12:23 6Comm - Doubt To Death
12:17 Karnnos - Land Of Stags
12:11 Current 93 - Niemandswasser
12:06 Sol Invictus - The Return
12:04 While Angels Watch - Solitary
11:57 Black Tape For A Blue Girl - Fortune Present Gifts Not According To The Book
11:52 Dark Sanctuary - Summoning Of The Muse
11:45 Grido - Oman
11:40 Persephone - Spirit
11:35 Kobe - Bird
11:30 The Disciples Of Astaroth - The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove
11:23 Monumentum - Windfall
11:19 Trail Of Tears - The Arcane
11:15 Ulver - In The Kingdom Of The Blind The One-Eyed Are Kings
11:11 Jarboe - American Dreaming
11:07 Faith And The Muse - Mesmerism
11:03 Arcana - Enigma Of The Absolute
10:57 Llovespell - The River (Last Breath Before Light)
10:53 The High Tide Technology - Catch TV (At Night)
10:46 Antlers Mulm - Warme Stuben (Weihnachtsfunk 3)
10:40 Krtr Ttox - Ms06 (Funkfeuer #3)
10:35 The Royal Engineers - Our Destination (Demo, Funkfeuer #3)
10:32 Quellenthal - Winter (Raketenmusik)
10:29 Raum 41 - Direction (Raketenmusik)
10:23 Beachhead - Let The Sunflowers Sleep At Night (Demo, Funkfeuer #3)
10:20 Llovespell - Another Common Feature (Demo, Nonpop #4)
10:16 H. Johm & D. Michaels - Keep Out The Rain (Demo, Funkfeuer #2)
10:12 Brachial Palsy - 0.4 S - Pulse III (Raketenmusik)
10:08 Llovespell And Jack Or Jive - Winter 2 (Funkfeuer #4)
10:01 Llovespell - A Rainy Thought Of Love (Every Song Is A Llovesong)
09:54 Militær Enhed - II
09:49 Three Winters - At The Centre Of Dystopia
09:47 Ēv Of Isis - Trudging
09:42 Cryme - Blaze The World
09:38 Terence Hannum - Ceremonially Clean (Edit)
09:35 Television Set - Staveley Shed
09:25 Trepaneringsritualen - Edifice Of Nine Sauvastikas
09:21 Ekman - Destiny
09:17 Xiu - Leaving In The Night
09:12 Poena - Likboden (Edit)
09:06 Trepaneringsritualen - Le Seul Vrai Roi
09:02 Imiafan - The Ballroom
08:56 Current 93 - Niemandswasser
08:50 Lux Interna - Horizon
08:48 Phobiatic - Die Kündigung
08:46 Sunday Strain - Untitled
08:42 Author & Punisher - Cauterize (Melk En Honing)
08:36 Birch Book - Stray SUMMER Song
08:33 King Dude - In The Eyes Of The Lord (Love)
08:30 Frank Stokes - What's the Matter Blues
08:27 Cosmic Trip Machine - Little Kid (The Woman Who...)
08:22 Sieben - Come, Raven King (Briton EP)
08:19 OMD - Electricity
08:14 Athan Maroulis with Surface 10 - Ulysses
08:10 Die Selektion - Kuhle Lippen (Die Selektion)
08:09 Japanische Kampfhörspiele - Links
08:03 Cernlab - Scientificmurder (Atomherz)
07:59 Arjopa - Am Ufer Des Jennisei
07:50 Empyrium - Mourners
07:44 CMKK - Gau (Ausschnitt)
07:39 Sal Solaris - Prometheus (Die Scherben 2004-2010)
07:35 Atrium Carceri - Godess (Reliquiae)
07:32 Kammerflimmer Kollektief - Soft Machine (Teufelskamin)
07:29 Solar Bears - Alpha People (Supermigration )
07:24 Heartless - Sadism
07:20 Frakmundt - Chomm Domini, S'Esch Zyt! (Heiwehland)
07:16 Genocide Organ - Kaibil (Obituary Of The Americas)
07:04 Ahab - Antarctica The Polymorphess (The Giant)
06:59 Recoil - Strange Hours (2010)
06:53 Tony Wakeford & Steven Stapleton - Flower Dream Song (Revenge Of The Selfish Shellfis)
06:47 Clock DVA - Sound Mirror
06:43 Zoviet France - Hymen (Eostre, 1984)
06:37 Yn Gizarm - For The Motherwolf
06:34 Death In June - All Alone In Her Nirvana
06:29 Romowe Rikoito - Weilawei
06:23 Karnnos - Land Of Stags
06:21 Ryoji Ikeda - 14 (Super Codex)
06:17 Tumido - Tommot (Nomads)
06:12 Ujjaya - Dead Sea
06:08 Brachial Palsy - 0.4 S - Pulse III (Raketenmusik)
06:03 Les Deux Etendards - AOEekat A
05:58 Wetterläuten - Wetterläuten
05:56 Ikon - Fall Apart
05:50 Andrew King - The Three Ravens (Deus Ignotus)
05:45 The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Stuchat' Kulakom Lestnitsa
05:42 Death In June & Boyd Rice - SUMMER is Gone
05:37 Michael Idehall - Ahakascha (Svartkonster)
05:33 Kara Cephe feat. Wolfgang Weiss - Floorshow (Sisters Of Mercy Cover)
05:25 Coil - SUMMER Substructures
05:19 Fossil Aerosol Mining Project - Relighting The Cinex V2 (The Day 1982 Contaminated 1971)
05:16 Column One - Godesberger Marsch Unter Der Leitung Von Direktor Butin (Prasident Der Sonne...)
05:11 Royal Family and the Poor - Art On 45
05:05 Little Annie & Baby Dee - State Of Grace ( Bonnie Prince Billy)
05:01 Happy Mondays - 24 Hour Party People (Jon Carter's Main Vocal)
04:58 Z'EV - Element L (33 rpm) (Wipe Out, 1982)
04:54 Asmus Tietchens - Dahinter Industriegelande (VA: Three Minute Symphony, 1984)
04:53 Non - Pagan Muzak (Lock Groove 6 - 33 rpm) (1978)
04:43 Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag (7inch, 1979)
04:38 Psychic TV - Tape Sex (Descending, 1985)
04:32 Mark Stewart & The Maffia - Liberty City (Learning To Cope With Cowardice, 1983)
04:26 Esplendor Geometrico - Muerte A Escala Industrial (EG 01, 1981)
04:21 Test Dept. - Compulsion (Machine Run) (Compulsion, 1983)
04:08 Nurse With Wound - The Six Buttons Of Sex Appeal (Chance Meeting..., 1980)
04:03 Laibach - Zmagoslavje Volje (Rekapitulacija 1980-84, 1985)
03:58 Throbbing Gristle - Maggot Death Studio (2nd Annual Report, 1979)
03:55 Monte Cazazza - To Mom On Mother's Day (To Mom On Mother's Day, 7inch, 1979)
03:54 Non - Pagan Muzak (Lock Groove 2 - 33 rpm) (1978)
03:38 Diamanda Galás - Panoptikon (Diamanda Galas, 1984)
03:34 Toll feat. Controlled Bleeding - Brute Freeze (VA: Dry Lungs, 1985)
03:30 Organum - Voice Of The Angel (Tower Of Silence, 1985)
03:27 Sigillum S - Portrait (Sigillum S, 1986)
03:17 P16.D4 - Nippon (Wer Nicht Arbeiten Will..., 1984)
03:12 Clock DVA - Contradict (White Souls in Black Suits, 1980)
03:08 Gerechtigkeits Liga - Schamanischer Zyklus In Der Nacht (The Games Must Go On, 1984)
03:02 Cranioclast - Catch A Fading Polaroid And Put It In Your Pocket (Kolik-San-Art, 1986)
02:58 Halou - Half-Gifts
02:54 Fear Of Dolls - Wax And Wane
02:50 Neil Impelluso - Ribbed And Veined
02:45 Andrea Lane - Violaine
02:40 Trance To The Sun - The Thinner the Air
02:37 Rhea's Obsession - Cicely
02:33 Faith And Disease - Amelia
02:29 An April March - Pink Orange Red
02:19 Godbox - Blood Bitch
02:15 Subdew - Great Spangled Fritillary
02:11 Cocteau Twins - Wax And Wane (BBC Sessions)
02:07 Translucia - Crushed
02:02 The Autumns - Garlands
01:58 Happy Mondays - 24 Hour Party People (Jon Carter's Main Vocal)
01:54 808 State - Pacific State
01:51 Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love
01:48 Durutti Column - Sketch For Summer
01:45 ESG - You're No Good
01:42 Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
01:39 The Durutti Column - Jacqueline
01:37 James - Folklore
01:29 Cabaret Voltaire - Yashar
01:26 The Stranglers - No More Heroes
01:22 Joy Division - Transmission
01:16 Happy Mondays - Hallelujah (Club Mix)
01:12 Iggy Pop - The Passenger
01:08 Kalima - Sparkle
01:00 New Order - Blue Monday
00:56 Haus Arafna - After All These Years (Kosmoloko 1)
00:53 Subliminal - Hunting For Humans (Kosmoloko 1)
00:50 Maska Genetik - White Tracks (Kosmoloko 1)
00:45 November Növelet - Initially (Bluish Eyes) (Kosmoloko 1)
00:42 Subliminal - Embrace (Kosmoloko 2)
00:38 Hermann Kopp - Putrefaction (Kosmoloko 2)
00:33 Maska Genetik - Ocean (Kosmoloko 1)
00:29 Haus Arafna - Lying In State (Kosmoloko 2)
00:25 Karl Runau - Driven By Instinct (Kosmoloko 1)
00:22 Herz Jühning - Der Elektrische Horror (Kosmoloko 2)
00:17 Subliminal - For Your Eyes Only (Kosmoloko 2)
00:13 Karl Runau - Hope For Your Understanding (Kosmoloko 1)
00:09 Haus Arafna - After All These Years (Kosmoloko 1)
00:04 Hermann Kopp - Vessels (Kosmoloko 2)
00:00 November Növelet - Initially (Bluish Eyes) (Kosmoloko 1)

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