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Playlist da Kamikaze Radio

Não sabe que música tem tocado no rádio? Utilize o nosso serviço para encontrá-la! Nossa playlist armazena uma lista de faixas da Kamikaze Radio dos últimos 7 dias.

(agora em Ladelund 17:03)
Ao vivo Killing Noise - Drink my piss
12:00 4KnoX - AFD
11:59 bORDERpAKI - Angry White Man
11:57 Wombles - Same old same
11:55 Artless - Erleuchtung
11:53 Propagande Network - Smann
11:50 Klotzs - der neue Still
11:46 Dix - Fractal Sand
11:43 Dr. Dexter - 83 - 1.000
11:39 Protocolo Montrea - Infierno
11:37 Pommes oder Pizza - Problemdeutscher
11:35 REIMI - Burnout Syndrom
11:33 Guerrilla Urbana - Engendros
11:29 Wonderska - (Wir sind) wonderSka
11:26 Scallwags - No Pasarn!
11:23 Chaos Commute - Mirror
11:20 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Brixton / Al amanecer
11:18 The Maladroits - 83 - Teenge Angst
11:16 Subversiv - Wut
11:12 Incoming Leergut - Kneipenschlgerei
11:10 The Heroine Whores - Burn the Stage
11:07 Nicki Smirnoff & Friends - AfDExit
11:04 Das frivole Burgfrulein - Urlaub in den Misantropen
11:00 The Warriors - Face Down
10:58 the Vagoos - the devil & me
10:56 Terrorist in mind - All Life Long
10:52 Jason Devore - Turn it Off
10:49 Dan Scary - Stiefvaterland
10:46 Die Grne Welle - Scheisse
10:42 Kracht - Affirmation
10:40 Manege Frei - Nackt furzen!
10:37 Das frivole Burgfrulein - Ungebumst am Fliesentisch
10:34 Wrters schlEchte - 83 - Bottom level
10:31 Ichsucht - Nasser Asphalt
10:28 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Notgemeinschaft Peter Pan / Wer nichts weiss der muss viel glauben
10:27 Bierdosen Freunde - Justizsystem VS: Biertrinker
10:23 The Baboon Show - Forwad In Reverse
10:20 Bad Absalam - Worst Year
10:16 Lion's Law - Sewer Rats
10:13 Buen Viaje - 83 - Cuanto valor tengo
10:11 All fucked Up - Nur ein Geschft
10:07 Zelle-B - Dortmund
10:05 Arrested Denial - 83 - Alles geht
10:02 The Bermones - Geisterbahn
09:57 Forklift Assassins - Wheel Man
09:55 Blutige Knie - Wanne voller Geld
09:51 marode - Die Dummen
09:49 Franz Fuexe - Bleda ois Scheisse
09:46 Die Expressionisten - Work On Display
09:43 Ein Gutes Pferd - Robotertauben
09:41 Heroes'n Ghost - 83 - For nothing at all
09:40 Sonic Abuse - Iceman
09:36 Einhorn - Ruhelos
09:33 Shirley Holmes - Niemand drin
09:31 The Suicide Kings - Down and out
09:30 Crude Caress - Traumatised Generation
09:28 The Innocent Prostitutes - Flasche
09:26 Enduring Freedom - L.O.N.
09:23 Projekt=Freies Lrmen - Wirste alt
09:20 Risiko. Deluxe - Cannabis gegen Nazis (Demo)
09:18 BRUCH - Heute ich, Morgen du
09:15 Das frivole Burgfrulein - Bock auf Punkrock
09:13 Bastard Royalty - Generation Scum
09:10 Forever young Viktoria - Kinksi
09:07 Nebenwirkung - Viel Zeit beibt uns nicht mehr
09:05 The Grabowskis - Bewegung
09:02 Parole Spasz - Was bin ich ?
08:59 The Baboon Show - Walk The Walk
08:58 SCHAISZE - bravo hitz 161 - lieber hacke als hcke
08:57 PestFest - Welcome to the crisis
08:56 Oi!tercreme - Faster Harder Oiter
08:53 Breath Bright Brder - Lieblingsband
08:51 Die Radierer - Washingtoner Washing Br
08:49 Nordwand - Shithead
08:46 The Roxies - Animals
08:43 Rampage Kids - Adipositas
08:42 Christmas - Always Keep Giving Up
08:40 Peter Pan Speedrock - Get you High
08:38 Shock Generators - Saturday night Freakshow
08:35 Alternativls - Entschuldigung
08:32 City Light Thief - Wild Truth
08:30 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Muerto en Pogo / Mascalzone
08:27 The Answer Is No - Getting To Me
08:25 The Serpent's Nest - It Means Something
08:21 Lion's Law - Lonely Road
08:19 Reverend Elvis and the Undead Syncopators - I hate people
08:19 Sex Gods - L.O.V.E.M.A.S.H.I.N.E.
08:17 nummerfnf! - Ungeduldig warten
08:15 4 Zimmer Kche Bad - Liebe ist fr alle da
08:12 Alltagsdasein - Herr Psychiater
08:11 Kremlin SS - Quiero Mas Droga
08:08 Mest - When We Were Young
08:05 Kloode - Weekendsong
08:03 IKNOW - The last day of dictator
07:59 Johnny Flesh&the Redneck Zombies - Frankensteins Hot Rod
07:57 Erbrochene Herzen - Saufen gehen
07:54 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Flaschenkindaer / Hafenspelunke
07:52 Bastards on Parade - Drunken Haze
07:50 Acidos Populares - Delincuencia
07:45 Herdek Filek - Ledy
07:42 The Bolokos - Caribbean Dream
07:39 B.S. System - 83 - Bitter
07:35 Valium - Med Skrmen Som Skydd
07:33 Christmas - Cracksong
07:30 Goodbye Johnnys - Shopping bag
07:27 Flatline Walkers - On the walk
07:23 Wheres Mary Jane - Wrong Side Of The Bed
07:21 Mouser - No Pasaran!
07:16 Katharticus - Can't Box Me In
07:13 Katharticus - Foreign Bottlers
07:11 Las Vin Up - Martes, Juves, Lunes
07:08 ScheissedieBullen - Anwohner Raus!
07:04 Die Schwarzen Schafe - Die Schwarzen Schafe / Jetzt Kommen die Jahre
07:02 Like A Motorcycle - High Hopes
06:59 Shudder and Spit - 80 - Disrupted by Bliss
06:57 Radical Radio - Hey Hey
06:54 Die Frohlix - Das Lied Zum Sonntag
06:51 Gimp Fist - 80 - The violent few
06:48 Psicosis Critica - Anti-Lider (con Randy)
06:45 yok - Putzroboter
06:42 Asthmateufel - Harald
06:40 Libido Challenge - Antmagedon!
06:37 Elmar - Im Zimmer um die Ecke
06:33 Burn Pilot - Hit the City
06:30 Elephant Jane - Swan Song
06:27 Rattengift - Dreck muss weg
06:24 Chris von der Dssel - NSAFD
06:18 Mando Diao - You Can't Steal My Love
06:16 Don Kanaille - Kindheitstrauma A
06:14 Maniacs - 80 - Execution
06:12 Terrorgruppe - 83 - Die Gesellschaft ist Shculd
06:09 ZONA 84 - El funeral
06:05 Heathcliff - Circles
06:03 Kaptain Kaizen - Es gibt immer was zu tun
05:59 KV12 - Euer Recht
05:56 The VooDoo Love Gods - Chinese Spy
05:53 Schnuppe - Bier fr die Girls
05:51 No Murder No Moustache - Cuttin' 9-5
05:50 BicahunaS - Ich will
05:47 Hamburger Abschaum - Nich' mein DIng (live)
05:44 Kommando Marlies - Die Hoffnung stirbt zuerst
05:43 mr. burns - Halber Hahn
05:41 Dankeschatz - Schwarzgalligkeit
05:37 Cadet Carter - Lift Me Up
05:35 C4Service - from shore to shore
05:32 Besetzt - Klischee
05:31 Kollateralschaben - 80 - Verstopftes Klo
05:28 Pickle Juice - I Don't Like You
05:25 Raise my Kilt - 1982
05:21 Adolf & The Piss Artists - Red Star Diary
05:18 Lokusschlonte - Brilon
05:14 Das Blanke Extrem - 15,1 %
05:12 BicahunaS - Erfolg
05:11 Mann kackt sich in die Hose - Das Pack
05:09 Sidewalk Surfers - Part of me
05:06 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Terrorgruppe / La sociedad tiene la culpa
05:04 Lance Armlong - Ladyboy
05:01 Lesbian Rank Ingferno - Lebende Beweise
04:59 DiE WuT - Dreck
04:57 paddelnohnekanu - bel & gefhrlich
04:52 Familie Hesselbach - Warnung vor dem Hunde
04:49 The Damned - Disco Man
04:46 Confuzzed - Can't Deal
04:45 Polischeie - El gato y el ladron
04:43 Wildschweineimer - Deutscher Wurm
04:41 Plastikschmidt - Mnnerlippen
04:38 Dosenbier - Los Kremos II
04:37 Schmutzstaffel - Spieerschweine
04:35 tzend - Verdammt Arbeitsamt
04:29 Heiter bis wolkig - Forever punk
04:26 Mrderblues - 83 - Wand
04:22 Die Kellerratten - Kein K.O.
04:21 DISCO//OSLO - 80 - Allesfresser
04:18 Band ohne Anspruch - Da geht noch mehr
04:15 The Distillers - Drain The Blood
04:11 Kira Kanoa - Siempre Antifascista
04:09 Inner Conflict - 83 - Heimatfront
04:06 Cato Street Conspiracy - Diggin' Out
04:04 AKD - Herz am linken Fleck
04:02 Chris von der Dssel - Wir sind mehr
03:57 Evacuate - Aceh Calling
03:55 The Del-Chronics - Burglar
03:53 Acid Blood - Bleeding Out
03:50 Harbour Rebels - Euer Hass
03:46 SchlagsAite - Ich hasse sie
03:44 MESS//AGE - 87 - Moments of Mayhem
03:42 Derita Sisters - The war of teh motherfuckers
03:41 Kevin Pascal - Junggesellenabschied
03:38 Rasta Knast - 80 - Trug
03:35 Blowfuse - 02. Wish
03:30 Dead Years - Mind Circles
03:27 Die Dukes of the mist - So wie der einer heisst...
03:26 The Doo Wutz - Throw This Dog A Bone
03:24 I.R.A. - Firmes Amplificado
03:21 Waarz Up - Dein leben
03:17 Dogs On Sail - J's Diary
03:14 Der feine Herr Soundso - Steuerboard Schlagseite
03:11 Koukoulofori - HalluziNation
03:09 Mped Lads - Nipster
03:07 Terrorist in Mind - Die Reise ins Nichts
03:03 Radio Schizo - Hassbadfeat.
03:01 Lone Creep - Bougie Punk
03:00 Weekly Carouse - Lieber Popsongs
02:56 Bowandarrow91 - Crimson City Rebellion
02:53 Modern Saints - Not a care in the world
02:49 Lazy Bastards - 80 - As long as we are still young
02:47 Bombfors - Arbetarklass
02:45 Crack it! - No Fear
02:42 Sin Compromiso - Ni Un Paso Atras
02:40 Rabatz - Afghanix-tan
02:37 Zero Taste - Super GauLand
02:34 Brutal Verschimmelt - Yes, ve gan!
02:32 Oi Polloi - Linux
02:28 Raffnix - Wutbrger
02:27 Die Biberbrder - Biber und nazis
02:24 AKD - Herz am linken Fleck
02:22 Boom Boom Kid - 83 - Por Argentinos
02:20 T-Killas - Rock it steady
02:18 Noopinion - 2000 Years
02:14 La Coflanza - Stillstand
02:13 tito's bojs - Gott ist tot
02:10 KILLBITE - 83 - Brilliant HellBand
02:08 Notgemeinschaft Peter Pan - 80 - Kein Existenzrecht
02:06 HDQ - No one wants to lose a friend
02:03 The Glitterbombs - LGB (with the TNB)
02:00 RE-Wollte - Fick Die Reichen
01:58 Barb Wire Dolls - Your escape
01:55 Mighty Hallelujah Terzet - 2 Drunk 2 Fuck
01:53 Ex Nerven - Pupils Pupils
01:52 No Times A Charm - Genecide Jo
01:49 Emritos - Amigos
01:47 Twisted In A Layby - Twisted In A Layby
01:44 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Die Kunstbanausen / In dieser Nacht
01:43 Weekly Carouse - Fickt Die AFD
01:40 Systemo feat. DivaKollektiv - Abbruch - Nordwand - NoExit - Gegen das Vergessen
01:38 Tortuga - No good friend around
01:35 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Index Of / Estoy vivo
01:31 Nixda - Lass uns trinken
01:27 Jovi Skyler - Rumble
01:25 ZYSTEM - BILD dir deine Meinung
01:23 The Inserts - Komm her!
01:19 Akne Kid Joe - Heute im Spamordner
01:15 The Generators - 30 Seconds
01:11 Akne Kid Joe - What AfD thinks we do
01:08 Garage 16 - Feuer und Flamme
01:06 Fremdkrper - Philister tanzen nicht!
01:02 A.T.I. - Treppendilemma
00:58 Midoh - Unter meinen Freunden
00:55 Weekly Carouse - Back to CaliVOERDia
00:52 Scobben - Hallo Hamburg
00:50 T.I.M. ft The Phantom - I wanna Leave
00:49 Casual Bastards - 80 - WTFWJD
00:46 Larry 73 - Adrenaline
00:44 Eye for an eye - Kraina
00:41 The Hunns - Time Has Come Today
00:38 Strike me Down - O! Say can you see
00:35 Dritte Wahl - Zeit bleib stehen!
00:32 Art Halk - Schlechter Einfluss
00:28 Heathcliff - Keep This Light On
00:26 berwachungsmodul - 2000 Leute
00:19 For I Am - Power Behind The Throne
00:16 Wirrsal - Jger und Gejagte
00:13 Burntmill Ghosts - Paradise
00:11 Blank When Zero - The Scars
00:08 Bands from Argentina and from Germany - Kwirl / Telephone
00:05 The Restless - zurck zur Freiheit
00:03 Fornhorst - Ein bisschen traurig aber hey
00:00 YT 1300 - Mace

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