Live |
Signum Regis - On the Nile
23:07 |
P.K.Mitchell - All Hail the Power
23:02 |
Narnia - The Return of Aslan
22:58 |
Demon Hunter - Summer of Darkness
22:54 |
Disciple - Face
22:49 |
Switchfoot - Concrete Girl
22:43 |
Chasing the Victory - The Night your Guardian fell asleep
22:39 |
Agape International Choir - Wouldn't It Be a Drag/Change of Heart
22:36 |
Neal Morse - Another World
22:30 |
Sacrecy - Forgive
22:26 |
Fireflight - Keeping Me Alive
22:18 |
Ken Hensley - The Last Dance
22:14 |
Chasing Victory - The Killer is me
22:09 |
Barebones - To die for
22:05 |
Rick Cua - Forever Yours
22:01 |
Barren Cross - A Face in the Dark
21:54 |
Ajalon - Holy Spirit Fire
21:50 |
Stryper - To Hell With The Devil
21:44 |
Theocracy - Bethlehem
21:39 |
Skillet - Fingernails
21:35 |
Bellarive - Halleluja, to saving Grace
21:31 |
Seventh Day Slumber - What I Need
21:27 |
Ken Tamplin - Hard Times Comin'
21:23 |
Randy Stonehill - Norman's Kitchen
21:21 |
Charles McPheeters - Practice What You Preach
21:17 |
The Lou Gramm Band - Single Vision
21:14 |
Revelation X - Salvation
21:10 |
12 Stones - Lifeless
21:06 |
Randy Matthew - Small Circle of Friends
21:01 |
Gwen Stacy - Hey God, this Song's for you. I hope you like it
20:57 |
P.O.D. - Southtown
20:54 |
Kutless - Carry On
20:48 |
Guardian - The Rain
20:44 |
Ascend the Hill - Awake
20:38 |
Seventh Avenue - Future tale
20:33 |
Mehida - Wings of Dove
20:30 |
Dead Poetic - Cannibal vs. Cunning
20:25 |
Kerry Livgren - Turn on the Lights
20:23 |
Larry Norman - Forget Your Hexagram
20:19 |
Golden Resurrection - Never look back
20:15 |
HB - Loaded
20:11 |
Jeff Scheets - Superman
20:07 |
Metal Praise - Rock of Ages
20:03 |
Leviticus - I'm a Believer
19:59 |
The Letter Black - Care to much
19:54 |
Scandinavian Metal Praise - Great in Power
19:48 |
Bloodgood - Changing Me
19:41 |
7 Days - Wisdom calls
19:37 |
Signum Regis - Let us go
19:32 |
P.K.Mitchell - Onward christian Soldiers
19:27 |
Narnia - Break the Chains
19:24 |
Love Song - Little Country Church
19:21 |
Disciple - Touch
19:16 |
Switchfoot - Learning to Breathe
19:13 |
Chasing the Victory - Ascension and Escape
19:09 |
Whitecross - Living in a Lost World
19:05 |
Neal Morse - Outside Looking In
19:00 |
Sacrecy - Anxious Eyes
18:58 |
Fireflight - Now
18:53 |
Ken Hensley - Think Twice
18:49 |
Moment of Truth - Kind of a Woman
18:46 |
Barebones - Wannamaker
18:40 |
Rick Cua - For the Love of God
18:35 |
Barren Cross - He Loves You
18:29 |
Ajalon - Light At The End Of The Tunnel
18:27 |
Stryper - Makes Me Wanna Sing
18:20 |
Theocracy - Absolution Day
18:16 |
Skillet - Don't Wake Me
18:11 |
Bellarive - Chains
18:07 |
Seventh Day Slumber - Masquerade
18:03 |
Matt Smith - Ghost
18:02 |
Paul Clark; Phil Keaggy - Listen Closely
17:58 |
Resurrection Band - Lovespeak
17:54 |
The Lou Gramm Band - Redeemer
17:51 |
Revelation X - Going Home
17:47 |
12 Stones - Bitter
17:42 |
Third Day - Agnus Dei
17:35 |
Gwen Stacy - Sleeping in the Train Yard
17:32 |
P.O.D. - Boom
17:28 |
Kutless - It Is Well
17:24 |
Guardian - Rock in Victory
17:16 |
Ascend the Hill - Fall
17:12 |
Seventh Avenue - Burning Heart
17:08 |
Mehida - Stronghold
17:04 |
Hallelujah Joy Band - To All There Comes a Time
16:59 |
Kerry Livgren - When Things Get Electric
16:53 |
Affector - Overture Pt.2: Prologue (Instr.)
16:49 |
Golden Resurrection - God's Grand Hotel
16:44 |
HB - Hands of Grace
16:41 |
Jeff Scheets - Warp Speed
16:37 |
Metal Praise - What a Friend we have in Jesus
16:34 |
Leviticus - Don't go out
16:30 |
The Letter Black - Under God
16:27 |
Scandinavian Metal Praise - Praise Adonai
16:24 |
Bloodgood - Black Snake
16:18 |
7 Days - Enter a Dream
16:14 |
Signum Regis - Enslaved
16:10 |
P.K.Mitchell - Amazing Grace
16:05 |
Narnia - Armageddon
16:02 |
Mike Johnson - Last Battle
15:57 |
Disciple - Can't Breathe
15:53 |
Switchfoot - This Is Home
15:49 |
Chasing the Victory - First Steps to Recovery
15:44 |
Demon Hunter - Our Faces fall apart
15:39 |
Neal Morse - 05 - Children Of The Chosen
15:28 |
Fireflight - He Weeps
15:25 |
Ken Hensley - You've Got It
15:20 |
Ken Tamplin - Media Mania
15:17 |
Armageddon Experience - God Leads a Sheltered Life
15:13 |
Rick Cua - Wear Your Colors
15:09 |
Barren Cross - Dead Lock
15:04 |
Ajalon - Anthem Of The Seventh Day
15:00 |
Stryper - For You
14:57 |
Theocracy - Wages of Sin
14:53 |
Larry Norman - Sweet Song Song of Salvation
14:47 |
Bellarive - Taste of Eternity
14:43 |
Seventh Day Slumber - Breaking Away
14:40 |
Matt Smith - Storm's a comin
14:35 |
Whitecross - When the Clock Strikes
14:33 |
Armaggeddon Experience - I've Got the Love
14:29 |
The Lou Gramm Band - Baptized by Fire
14:26 |
Revelation X - Live for you
14:22 |
12 Stones - Far Away
14:18 |
Plumb - Always (JRyann )
14:14 |
Gwen Stacy - All those who are Flawless, raise your Hands
14:11 |
P.O.D. - If It Wasn't For You
14:08 |
Charles McPheeters - Ain't Got No Time
14:04 |
Guardian - Takin' on the World
13:57 |
Ascend the Hill - Love that will not let me go
13:51 |
Seventh Avenue - Tale of the Forgotten Dreams
13:46 |
Mehida - Lost Ones
13:43 |
Dead Poetic - Lioness
13:38 |
Kerry Livgren - Like a Whisper
13:24 |
Golden Resurrection - Proud to wear the Holy Cross
13:18 |
HB - Years Go By
13:14 |
Jeff Scheets - Skeeter Skat
13:10 |
Metal Praise - O come o come Emmanuel
13:07 |
Leviticus - Love is Love
13:04 |
The Letter Black - I'm just fine
12:57 |
Scandinavian Metal Praise - Wonderful God
12:53 |
Bloodgood - America
12:47 |
7 Days - Darkest Winter
12:40 |
Signum Regis - Song of Deliverance
12:36 |
P.K.Mitchell - Jesus paid it all
12:33 |
Narnia - Touch from you
12:27 |
Barebones - Turn back Time
12:24 |
Disciple - But Wait There's More
12:20 |
Switchfoot - Dare You to Move
12:16 |
Skillet - Believe
12:12 |
Demon Hunter - Beheaded
12:10 |
Neal Morse - Sweet Elation
12:06 |
Sacrecy - The Shadow of me
12:03 |
Fireflight - Dying For Your Love
11:57 |
Ken Hensley - It Won't Last
11:54 |
Kerry Livgren AD - Beyond The Pale
11:50 |
Resurrection Band - The Return
11:46 |
Rick Cua - Reckless Faith
11:43 |
Barren Cross - Give Your Life
11:38 |
Ajalon - Nickles and Dimes, Marbles and Stones
11:34 |
Stryper - Calling On You
11:29 |
Theocracy - Hide in the Fairytale
11:23 |
Bellarive - From the very Start
11:20 |
Seventh Day Slumber - Break Me
11:17 |
Good News - Run to the End of the Highway
11:14 |
2nd Chapter of Acts; Jerry McClain - Me and Jesus
11:08 |
Chasing the Victory - Taste of your own Medicine
11:03 |
The Lou Gramm Band - You Saved Me
11:00 |
Revelation X - Strongest
10:57 |
12 Stones - Shadows
10:53 |
Mike Omartian; Pratt-McClain - The Song of the Antichrist (Here I Am)
10:50 |
Gwen Stacy - Falling from the Fence
10:46 |
P.O.D. - Alive
10:39 |
Guardian - Sweet Mystery
10:32 |
Ascend the Hill - Come like you promised
10:25 |
Seventh Avenue - Open Your Mind
10:21 |
Plumb - Beautiful History
10:18 |
Dead Poetic - Self Destruct and Die
10:12 |
Kerry Livgren - Throw Me Down
10:10 |
Agape International Choir - Voyaging Pilgrim
10:09 |
Golden Resurrection - My Creation
10:03 |
HB - Frozen Inside
09:57 |
Jeff Scheets - Be my Friend
09:56 |
Metal Praise - I love you Lord
09:50 |
Leviticus - King of Kings
09:47 |
Liberation Suite - How Do I Get to You
09:42 |
Scandinavian Metal Praise - Worthy Is the Lamb
09:38 |
Bloodgood - Accept the Lamb
09:34 |
Whitecross - Resist Him
09:28 |
Signum Regis - The Promised Land
09:24 |
P.K.Mitchell - Nothing but the Blood
09:19 |
Narnia - Heavenly Love
09:16 |
Barebones - I got my Head stuck in Cupboard
09:12 |
Disciple - Next Time
09:07 |
Paul Clark - Song of Love
09:04 |
Skillet - Dead Inside
09:00 |
Demon Hunter - My Heartstrings come undone
08:53 |
Neal Morse - Entrance
08:46 |
Sacrecy - The Child within
08:42 |
Fireflight - Rise Above
08:39 |
One Truth - Victor in the Lord
08:35 |
Kerry Livgren AD - High On A Hill
08:22 |
Affector - Harmagedon
08:18 |
Mehida - Guilty
08:13 |
Barren Cross - Close to the Edge
08:07 |
Ajalon - Spiritual Fire
08:02 |
Stryper - Reach Out
07:56 |
Theocracy - Altar to the unknown God
07:52 |
The Letter Black - Under God
07:41 |
Theocracy - I Am
07:38 |
P.O.D. - Alive
07:33 |
Barren Cross - He Loves You
07:30 |
Bloodgood - Anguish and Pain
07:24 |
Seventh Avenue - Futures Dawn
07:18 |
Sacrecy - Forgive
07:11 |
7 Days - Redeemer
07:07 |
Ken Hensley - What You Gonna Do
07:03 |
Signum Regis - Last Days in Egypt
07:00 |
Simple Truth - Ain't Jesus Good
06:55 |
Seventh Day Slumber - I Believe
06:50 |
Bellarive - Chains
06:46 |
The Lou Gramm Band - Single Vision
06:43 |
Kutless - God Of Wonders
06:36 |
Ascend the Hill - Return to us
06:34 |
Armaggeddon Experience - I've Got the Love
06:28 |
Rick Cua - For the Love of God
06:26 |
Charles McPheeters - Practice What You Preach
06:22 |
Armageddon Experience - God Leads a Sheltered Life
06:17 |
Metal Praise - Spirit Song
06:13 |
Mehida - Unchanging
06:09 |
Leviticus - I'm a Believer
05:56 |
Affector - Harmagedon
05:52 |
Kerry Livgren AD - High On A Hill
05:49 |
Skillet - Dead Inside
05:43 |
Golden Resurrection - Proud to wear the Holy Cross
05:39 |
HB - It Is Time
05:35 |
Dead Poetic - Crashing down
05:32 |
Hallelujah Joy Band - It's All Coming to an End
05:27 |
Guardian - Take Up Your Cross
05:24 |
Demon Hunter - Beheaded
05:19 |
Chasing the Victory - Pre Empty Nest Syndrome
05:15 |
Scandinavian Metal Praise - We Sing Alleluia
05:06 |
Stryper - Honestly
05:02 |
Switchfoot - Only Hope
04:57 |
Kerry Livgren - Racing Away
04:53 |
Ajalon - Anthem Of The Seventh Day
04:49 |
Jeff Scheets - Superman
04:46 |
Revelation X - Going Home
04:42 |
Gwen Stacy - Challanger Pt.2
04:39 |
Disciple - Before You
04:35 |
Fireflight - Stay Close
04:31 |
Narnia - Heavenly Love
04:27 |
12 Stones - Shadows
04:22 |
Neal Morse - In the Fire
04:18 |
Barebones - I got my Head stuck in Cupboard
04:15 |
The Letter Black - Hanging on by a Threat
04:11 |
Theocracy - On Eagles' Wings
04:08 |
John Fisher - Way of All Flesh
04:04 |
Barren Cross - A Face in the Dark
04:01 |
Bloodgood - Crucify
03:55 |
Seventh Avenue - Future tale
03:50 |
Sacrecy - The Kiss of Betrayal
03:43 |
7 Days - Wisdom calls
03:38 |
Ken Hensley - We're On Our Way
03:33 |
Ken Tamplin - Media Mania
03:27 |
Signum Regis - The Promised Land
03:24 |
Seventh Day Slumber - Break Me
03:23 |
Paul Clark; Phil Keaggy - Listen Closely
03:19 |
The Lou Gramm Band - So Great
03:14 |
Kutless - Believer
03:09 |
Ascend the Hill - How great thou art
03:06 |
Liberation Suite - How Do I Get to You
03:01 |
Rick Cua - Reckless Faith
02:57 |
Whitecross - Living in a Lost World
02:53 |
Plumb - Beautiful History
02:49 |
Metal Praise - Jehovah Jireh
02:44 |
Mehida - A Letter From Home
02:39 |
Leviticus - King of Kings
02:25 |
Affector - The Rapture
02:21 |
Kerry Livgren AD - Beyond The Pale
02:16 |
Skillet - Fingernails
02:06 |
HB - Years Go By
02:03 |
Dead Poetic - Self Destruct and Die
02:00 |
One Truth - Victor in the Lord
01:54 |
Guardian - The Rain
01:50 |
Demon Hunter - Summer of Darkness
01:46 |
Chasing the Victory - Ascension and Escape
01:41 |
Scandinavian Metal Praise - Great in Power
01:37 |
P.K.Mitchell - Jesus paid it all
01:33 |
Stryper - The Way
01:29 |
Switchfoot - This Is Home
01:24 |
Kerry Livgren - When Things Get Electric
01:20 |
Ajalon - Psalm 61
01:16 |
Jeff Scheets - Warp Speed
01:13 |
Revelation X - Why I try
01:10 |
Newbury Park - Thank You
01:07 |
Disciple - Touch
01:02 |
Fireflight - Escape
00:58 |
Narnia - The Return of Aslan
00:54 |
12 Stones - Photograph
00:48 |
Neal Morse - Inside His Presence
00:43 |
Barebones - Andre's Song
00:39 |
The Letter Black - Care to much
00:34 |
Theocracy - 30 Pieces of Silver
00:31 |
Gwen Stacy - Haven't felt too well in a While
00:26 |
Barren Cross - Heaven or Nothing
00:22 |
Bloodgood - Awake!
00:16 |
Seventh Avenue - Until You Come Again
00:12 |
Sacrecy - Devil's Reign
00:06 |
7 Days - Darkest Winter
00:03 |
Resurrection Band - Lovespeak