Live |
Diary Of Dreams - Traumtanzer
14:06 |
Frozen Plasma - Tanz die Revolution
14:02 |
Nachtmahr - War On The Dancefloor
13:58 |
Incubite - Glowstix, Neon & Blood
13:54 |
Faderhead - Fistful Of Fuck You
13:50 |
Deine Lakeien - Return
13:47 |
Placebo - The Bitter End
13:39 |
VNV Nation - Beloved
13:36 |
Rummelsnuff - Kumpel, Gluck auf
13:31 |
The Cure - Fake
13:26 |
Formalin - Supercluster
13:22 |
Incubite - Tanzen, Sofort
13:15 |
Skinny Puppy - Assimilate
13:11 |
Eisenfunk - Atomic Bomb (2012 Edit)
13:02 |
ASP - 06 Die Löcher in der Menge
12:58 |
A.D.A.C. 8286 - Game Without Rules
12:55 |
Orange Sector - Freundschaft
12:51 |
AD:key - Hoch die Hammer
12:47 |
Die Krupps - To The Hilt (Clawfinger Remix)
12:44 |
Sturm Cafe - Der Lowe Ist Zuruck
12:40 |
Front 242 - U-Men
12:38 |
Container 90 - Oldschool 84
12:33 |
Angstfabrikk - Brot Und Spiele
12:27 |
Pagan Struck - Enemy
12:24 |
Rummelsnuff - Derbe Strommusik
12:21 |
Volt - Stahlwerk
12:17 |
Jager 90 - Stiefelblitz
12:12 |
A.D.A.C. 8286 - Schwarze Stiefel Gleichschritt
12:09 |
Orange Sector - Im Stahlwerk
12:05 |
Frontal - Harte Arbeit
12:01 |
Sturm Cafe - Der Lowe Ist Zuruck
11:54 |
Lars Falk - Hello Hello
11:46 |
Aesthetic Perfection - Antibody
11:40 |
ASP - Und wir tanzten-Ungeschickte Liebesbriefe
11:35 |
And One - Panzermensch
11:31 |
Deine Lakaien - Dark Star
11:25 |
VNV Nation - Control
11:21 |
The Cure - Close To Me
11:14 |
Lars Falk - Hello Hello
11:08 |
Frozen Plasma - Tanz die Revolution
11:04 |
Welle Erdball - 23... (C=64'er Version)
11:00 |
Letzte Instanz - Letzte Instanz - Rapunzel
10:55 |
Hocico - Bite me!
10:51 |
Hertzinfarkt - Wir trauen uns was
10:47 |
VNV Nation - Chrome
10:43 |
Jager 90 - Stiefelblitz
10:38 |
Combichrist - this s**t will fuck you up
10:34 |
Nachtmahr - Can You Feel the Beat?
10:30 |
Agonoize - Glaubenskrieger
10:25 |
Frozen Plasma - Murderous Trap
10:20 |
Feindflug - Stukas im Vizier
10:16 |
Sturm Café - Scheissnormal
10:10 |
Hocico - Bite me!
10:07 |
Hertzinfarkt - Wir trauen uns was
10:03 |
Welle Erdball - Starfighter F-104G
09:58 |
Blutengel - Angel of the Night
09:55 |
Incubite - Tanzen, Sofort
09:50 |
Diary Of Dreams - Splinter
09:46 |
Prager Handgriff - Deutschland ?
09:44 |
Formalin - We Are the Future
09:39 |
Second Decay - Hinter Glass
09:33 |
Silke Bischoff - Under Your Skin
09:28 |
Detroit Diesel - Zwanziger
09:25 |
Placebo - The Bitter End
09:21 |
Mono Inc. - Gothic Queen
09:15 |
Combichrist - F**k That S**t
09:10 |
Frozen Plasma - Murderous Trap
09:05 |
Centhron - Dreckstück
09:01 |
Lord Of The Lost - La Bomba
08:58 |
Rummelsnuff - Vollnarkose
08:54 |
Welle Erdball - Wir wollen keine Menschen sein
08:50 |
And One - steine sind steine
08:46 |
Second Decay - I hate Berlin
08:41 |
Blutengel - cry little sister
08:37 |
Eisenfunk - Atomic Bomb (2012 Edit)
08:33 |
Letzte Instanz - Kopfkino
08:28 |
Oomph! - Der neue Gott
08:24 |
Rummelsnuff - Kumpel, Gluck auf
08:18 |
Das Ich - Destillat
08:14 |
ASP - 09 Panzerhaus
08:09 |
Incubite - Glowstix, Neon & Blood
08:05 |
Detroit Diesel - Under Fire
08:01 |
Formalin - Above The Sun
07:56 |
Skinny Puppy - ParagUn
07:51 |
The Cure - Fake
07:47 |
Lord Of The Lost - Six Feet Underground
07:41 |
Prager Handgriff - Elektrorepublik
07:35 |
VNV Nation - Arena
07:31 |
Nachtmahr - War On The Dancefloor
07:27 |
Welle Erdball - Arbeit adelt!
07:21 |
Combichrist - Electrohead
07:16 |
Centhron - Testosteron
07:12 |
Skinny Puppy - Killing Game
07:09 |
07:06 |
Prager Handgriff - Herzschlag
06:58 |
VNV Nation - Beloved
06:54 |
Nachtmahr - Wir schreiben Geschichte
06:48 |
ASP - 06 Die Löcher in der Menge
06:44 |
Combichrist - Get Your Body Beat
06:38 |
Blutengel - Angel of the Night
06:35 |
Incubite - Tanzen, Sofort
06:30 |
Diary Of Dreams - Splinter
06:27 |
Prager Handgriff - Deutschland ?
06:23 |
Faderhead - The Way To F**k God (Club Edit)
06:18 |
Centhron - Cunt
06:12 |
Silke Bischoff - Under Your Skin
06:07 |
Detroit Diesel - Zwanziger
06:04 |
Placebo - The Bitter End
06:00 |
Mono Inc. - Gothic Queen
05:54 |
Combichrist - F**k That S**t
05:49 |
Frozen Plasma - Murderous Trap
05:45 |
Faderhead - TZDV
05:41 |
Lord Of The Lost - La Bomba
05:38 |
The Cure - Boys don't Cray
05:34 |
Deine Lakeien - Return
05:30 |
And One - steine sind steine
05:26 |
Second Decay - I hate Berlin
05:20 |
Silke Bischoff - On The Other Side I'll See You Again
05:15 |
Centhron - Dreckstück
05:12 |
Faderhead - Fistful Of Fuck You
05:07 |
Oomph! - Der neue Gott
05:03 |
Rummelsnuff - Kumpel, Gluck auf
04:59 |
Welle Erdball - Starfighter F-104G
04:53 |
Eisenfunk - Pong
04:49 |
Incubite - Glowstix, Neon & Blood
04:44 |
And One - military fashion show
04:41 |
Letzte Instanz - Kopfkino
04:37 |
Formalin - Above The Sun
04:32 |
Blutengel - cry little sister
04:27 |
VNV Nation - Chrome
04:22 |
Detroit Diesel - Black Flag
04:19 |
Mono Inc. - Heile, heile Segen
04:15 |
Nachtmahr - BoomBoomBoom
04:12 |
Welle Erdball - Wir wollen keine Menschen sein
04:07 |
Diary Of Dreams - Traumtanzer
04:02 |
And One - Panzermensch
03:58 |
The Cure - Close To Me
03:54 |
Letzte Instanz - Letzte Instanz - Rapunzel
03:49 |
Deine Lakaien - Dark Star
03:44 |
VNV Nation - Control
03:37 |
Frozen Plasma - Tanz die Revolution
03:33 |
Aesthetic Perfection - Antibody
03:25 |
Nightwish - Wish I Had An Angel
03:20 |
And One - Panzermensch
03:15 |
ASP - Und wir tanzten-Ungeschickte Liebesbriefe
03:11 |
The Cure - Close To Me
03:08 |
Welle Erdball - 23... (C=64'er Version)
03:03 |
Combichrist - Get Your Body Beat
02:57 |
Silke Bischoff - On The Other Side I'll See You Again
02:54 |
Prager Handgriff - Herzschlag
02:49 |
Blutengel - Angel of the Night
02:45 |
Deine Lakeien - Return
02:39 |
Combichrist - F**k That S**t
02:31 |
Welle Erdball - Starfighter F-104G
02:28 |
Lord Of The Lost - Sex On Legs
02:24 |
Rummelsnuff - Vollnarkose
02:21 |
02:16 |
Detroit Diesel - Black Flag
02:10 |
Frozen Plasma - Tanz die Revolution
02:05 |
Combichrist - Get Your Body Beat
02:01 |
Faderhead - The Way To F**k God (Club Edit)
01:57 |
Welle Erdball - Arbeit adelt!
01:50 |
Silke Bischoff - Under Your Skin
01:47 |
Placebo - The Bitter End
01:44 |
Nachtmahr - BoomBoomBoom
01:40 |
Second Decay - I hate Berlin
01:36 |
The Cure - Close to Me
01:30 |
Prager Handgriff - Elektrorepublik
01:25 |
Formalin - Supercluster
01:21 |
Incubite - Glowstix, Neon & Blood
01:14 |
Placebo - Every You Every Me
01:07 |
Diary Of Dreams - Mankind
01:03 |
Mono Inc. - Heile, heile Segen
00:59 |
And One - steine sind steine
00:55 |
Nachtmahr - War On The Dancefloor
00:51 |
Centhron - Cunt
00:46 |
Oomph! - Der neue Gott
00:44 |
The Cure - Boys don't Cray
00:39 |
Skinny Puppy - ParagUn
00:35 |
ASP - 09 Panzerhaus
00:30 |
Mono Inc. - Gothic Queen
00:27 |
Incubite - Tanzen, Sofort
00:23 |
Rummelsnuff - Kumpel, Gluck auf
00:19 |
Centhron - Dreckstück
00:14 |
Detroit Diesel - Zwanziger
00:09 |
Diary Of Dreams - Traumtanzer
00:05 |
Faderhead - TZDV