23:58 |
Ratt - Round & Round
23:53 |
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
23:50 |
Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
23:45 |
Europe - The Final Countdown
23:40 |
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love
23:37 |
Iggy Pop & the Stooges - Search and Destroy
23:33 |
Wasp - I Wanna Be Somebody (digitally Remastered)
23:29 |
Guns n' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
23:27 |
ZZ Top - Tush
23:23 |
Van Halen - Running With The Devil
23:20 |
The Darkness - I Believe In a Thing Called Love
23:14 |
Creed - Higher
23:10 |
Foreigner - Hot Blooded
23:08 |
The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
23:04 |
Velvet Revolver - Slither
22:59 |
Heart - Barracuda
22:57 |
Queen - Stone cold crazzy
22:54 |
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
22:49 |
Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butt
22:44 |
Led Zeppellin - Whole Lotta Love
22:40 |
Foo Fighters - Everlong
22:40 |
Estas en la sintonia - Heavymetalradio 0,5
22:36 |
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
22:32 |
Survivor - Eye of the tiger
22:29 |
Motorhead - Ace of spades
22:24 |
Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein
22:20 |
Megadeth - Peace sells
22:16 |
Scorpions - Rock You Like a Hurricane
22:12 |
Winger - Seventeen
22:09 |
Alice Cooper - Schools Out For Summer
22:05 |
Alice in Chains - Would
22:01 |
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
22:00 |
Siempre con los grandes - Heavymetalradio 0,5
21:56 |
Metallica - Whiplash
21:49 |
Savatage - Fight For The Rock - 09 - Wishing Well
21:44 |
Judas Priest - Blood Stained
21:41 |
Vomiturition - Ancient Psychotherapy
21:37 |
Black Lace - Runner in the Night
21:35 |
Angra - Unfinished Allegro
21:30 |
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell - 06 Domination
21:25 |
Metallica - Battery
21:20 |
Slayer - War Ensamble
21:15 |
03 - Show Business
21:10 |
Sabbrabells - Darkness World
21:06 |
LOUDNESS - 01 - Crazy Night
21:03 |
Tankard - Heavy Metal
21:02 |
20:59 |
Gwar - the apes of wrath
20:53 |
Metallica - Ride The Lightning
20:49 |
Sentinel Beast - Corpse
20:43 |
pentagram - wartime
20:38 |
08 - Damned Religion
20:35 |
Gwar - battle-lust
20:30 |
Gwar - Bring Back The Bomb
20:24 |
Intruder - Kiss Of Death
20:18 |
AC/DC/AC/DC - live wire-1975
20:11 |
Mandator - Brain Desire
20:08 |
M.A.R.S - Unknown Survivior
20:04 |
Sentinel Beast - Dogs Of War
20:02 |
Juggernaut - Juggernaut - Juggernaut
20:02 |
19:56 |
Metallica - Damage, Inc.
19:53 |
Sacred Blade - To Lunar Windz...
19:50 |
Tankard - Mercenary
19:45 |
Rata Blanca - Guerrero del arco iris
19:42 |
Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla
19:39 |
Slayer - Dittohead
19:34 |
01 - Baby Please Don't Go
19:28 |
Gwar - Immortal Corruptor
19:22 |
Obsession - My Lai 31568-Take No Prisoners
19:19 |
01 - Who Made Who
19:12 |
DC/AC/DC/AC/DC - soul stripper-1975
19:11 |
Cuña (8)
19:05 |
01 - Riff Raff
19:01 |
Pandemonium - This World
18:56 |
Mandator - Automatic Artillery
18:52 |
Sabbrabells - November's Mistery
18:51 |
La radio del rock & metal - Heavymetalradio 0,5
18:46 |
Judas Priest - Blood Stained
18:42 |
Fudge Tunnel - Boston Baby
18:39 |
M.A.R.S - Unknown Survivior
18:38 |
Oz - Fortune
18:33 |
Sabbrabells - November's Mistery
18:28 |
Obsession - My Lai 31568-Take No Prisoners
18:28 |
Cuña (1)
18:23 |
Metallica - Battery
18:18 |
Helstar - Dracula's Castle
18:15 |
Gwar - battle-lust
18:11 |
Vengeance Rising - Frontal Lobotomy
18:08 |
Slayer - Dittohead
18:07 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
18:07 |
Internet Hogar Entel
18:06 |
18:06 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
18:05 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
18:05 |
Be Capitals Spot
17:58 |
Mandator - Brain Desire
17:54 |
Sacred Blade - To Lunar Windz...
17:49 |
Sacred Rite - The Blade
17:42 |
Sentinel Beast - Dogs Of War
17:37 |
Sleep - The Suffering
17:33 |
Vomiturition - Ancient Psychotherapy
17:29 |
Sacred Rite - Executioner
17:24 |
pentagram - wartime
17:18 |
Slayer - War Ensamble
17:15 |
Impaler - puppet master
17:08 |
DC/AC/DC/AC/DC - soul stripper-1975
17:08 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
17:07 |
Internet Hogar Entel
17:07 |
17:06 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
17:06 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
17:05 |
Be Capitals Spot
16:59 |
01 - Riff Raff
16:56 |
Tankard - Mercenary
16:53 |
Blacklace - Speed of Sound
16:47 |
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell - 06 Domination
16:45 |
Anvil Bitch - Neckbreaker
16:40 |
Mandator - Automatic Artillery
16:37 |
Savatage - Fight For The Rock - 09 - Wishing Well
16:36 |
Siempre con los grandes - Heavymetalradio 0,5
16:32 |
01 - Baby Please Don't Go
16:27 |
Sabbrabells - Darkness World
16:22 |
Annihilator - King Of The Kill
16:16 |
Artillery - Terror Squad
16:12 |
Pandemonium - This World
16:05 |
Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican
16:05 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
16:05 |
Internet Hogar Entel
16:04 |
16:04 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
16:03 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
16:03 |
Be Capitals Spot
16:02 |
15:58 |
Sentinel Beast - Corpse
15:52 |
08 - Hells Bells
15:49 |
Black Lace - On the Attack
15:45 |
Blacklace - Shadow of the Night
15:39 |
Rata Blanca - Mujer amante
15:35 |
Tankard - Heavy Metal
15:30 |
08 - Damned Religion
15:28 |
Juggernaut - Juggernaut - Juggernaut
15:23 |
Gwar - Bring Back The Bomb
15:18 |
Anthem - Crying Heart
15:13 |
03 - Show Business
15:10 |
Mayhem (Poison Idea) - Burned Alive - Track 6
15:03 |
Gwar - Immortal Corruptor
15:03 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
15:02 |
15:02 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
15:01 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
15:00 |
Be Capitals Spot
14:59 |
Sacred Blade - The Reign Of Night Rainz
14:57 |
Crowbar - 06 - Self-Inflicted
14:53 |
Gwar - the apes of wrath
14:49 |
Savatage - Fight For The Rock - 05 - The Edge Of Midnight
14:43 |
Intruder - Kiss Of Death
14:39 |
Pandemonium - Heavy Metal Soldiers
14:35 |
Metallica - Whiplash
14:29 |
AC/DC/AC/DC - live wire-1975
14:26 |
Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla
14:22 |
Black Lace - Runner in the Night
14:18 |
Vengeance Rising - Frontal Lobotomy
14:13 |
Metallica - Damage, Inc.
14:09 |
01 - Who Made Who
14:09 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
14:08 |
Internet Hogar Entel
14:08 |
14:07 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
14:07 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
14:06 |
Be Capitals Spot
14:00 |
Metallica - Ride The Lightning
13:53 |
Pantera - Walk
13:52 |
Angra - Unfinished Allegro
13:47 |
Sabbrabells - Darkness World
13:42 |
Mandator - Automatic Artillery
13:37 |
Savatage - Fight For The Rock - 05 - The Edge Of Midnight
13:32 |
Metallica - Battery
13:32 |
Estas aburrido - Heavymetalradio 0,5
13:26 |
Rata Blanca - Mujer amante
13:23 |
Sentinel Beast - Dogs Of War
13:19 |
Blacklace - Shadow of the Night
13:14 |
Anthem - Crying Heart
13:10 |
Blacklace - Speed of Sound
13:07 |
Mayhem (Poison Idea) - Burned Alive - Track 6
13:06 |
Sacred Blade - The Reign Of Night Rainz
13:05 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
13:05 |
Internet Hogar Entel
13:05 |
13:04 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
13:04 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
13:03 |
Be Capitals Spot
12:58 |
Sleep - The Suffering
12:55 |
Gwar - the apes of wrath
12:49 |
Sacred Rite - The Blade
12:44 |
Helstar - Dracula's Castle
12:41 |
Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla
12:40 |
Oz - Fortune
12:33 |
DC/AC/DC/AC/DC - soul stripper-1975
12:29 |
Slayer - Dittohead
12:24 |
Metallica - Damage, Inc.
12:21 |
Gwar - battle-lust
12:16 |
03 - Show Business
12:10 |
08 - Hells Bells
12:08 |
Juggernaut - Juggernaut - Juggernaut
12:07 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
12:06 |
12:06 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
12:05 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
12:05 |
Be Capitals Spot
11:59 |
Obsession - My Lai 31568-Take No Prisoners
11:55 |
Metallica - Whiplash
11:51 |
Black Lace - Runner in the Night
11:44 |
Metallica - Ride The Lightning
11:40 |
Sentinel Beast - Corpse
11:36 |
01 - Baby Please Don't Go
11:30 |
Intruder - Kiss Of Death
11:27 |
Impaler - puppet master
11:24 |
Crowbar - 06 - Self-Inflicted
11:20 |
Pandemonium - Heavy Metal Soldiers
11:20 |
En la manana, noche, dia - Heavymetalradio 0,5
11:14 |
AC/DC/AC/DC - live wire-1975
11:10 |
Anthem - Legal Killing
11:06 |
Vengeance Rising - Frontal Lobotomy
11:05 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
11:04 |
11:04 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
11:03 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
11:03 |
Be Capitals Spot
10:58 |
Annihilator - King Of The Kill
10:54 |
Tankard - Heavy Metal
10:49 |
pentagram - wartime
10:42 |
Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican
10:37 |
Rata Blanca - Guerrero del arco iris
10:33 |
Sacred Rite - Executioner
10:29 |
Fudge Tunnel - Boston Baby
10:26 |
01 - Who Made Who
10:17 |
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell - 06 Domination
10:14 |
M.A.R.S - Unknown Survivior
10:10 |
Black Lace - On the Attack
10:03 |
Mandator - Brain Desire
10:03 |
Cuña (2)
10:03 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
10:02 |
Internet Hogar Entel
10:02 |
10:01 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
10:01 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
10:00 |
Be Capitals Spot
09:56 |
Pandemonium - This World
09:51 |
Slayer - War Ensamble
09:46 |
08 - Damned Religion
09:40 |
Artillery - Terror Squad
09:34 |
Gwar - Immortal Corruptor
09:29 |
Pantera - Walk
09:24 |
Gwar - Bring Back The Bomb
09:19 |
Sabbrabells - November's Mistery
09:16 |
Vomiturition - Ancient Psychotherapy
09:11 |
Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
09:11 |
Cuña (8)
09:09 |
Anvil Bitch - Neckbreaker
09:05 |
Tankard - Mercenary
09:04 |
Internet Hogar Entel
09:04 |
09:03 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
09:03 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
09:02 |
Be Capitals Spot
08:57 |
Judas Priest - Blood Stained
08:53 |
Sabbrabells - November's Mistery
08:47 |
01 - Riff Raff
08:42 |
Metallica - Whiplash
08:39 |
Black Lace - On the Attack
08:34 |
Slayer - War Ensamble
08:31 |
Impaler - puppet master
08:24 |
DC/AC/DC/AC/DC - soul stripper-1975
08:18 |
Metallica - Damage, Inc.
08:16 |
Anvil Bitch - Neckbreaker
08:11 |
Annihilator - King Of The Kill
08:08 |
Mayhem (Poison Idea) - Burned Alive - Track 6
08:07 |
Estas aburrido - Heavymetalradio 0,5
08:02 |
Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
07:58 |
Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick
07:51 |
The Doors - Light My Fire
07:44 |
Velvet Underground - Heroin
07:41 |
Van Halen - Panama
07:37 |
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
07:34 |
Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home
07:30 |
Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
07:25 |
Los Jaivas - Todos Juntos
07:21 |
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side
07:18 |
Mötörhead - Ace Of Spades
07:14 |
Rush - Tom Sawyer
07:07 |
Focus - Hocus Pocus
07:04 |
Chuck Berry - Johnny B Good
07:04 |
XLB14 - Movistar Chile Fibra 900 Megas - Comercial 2020
07:04 |
Internet Hogar Entel
07:03 |
07:03 |
Cerveza Cristal - Comercial Cristal - Un verano RE-REfrescante
07:02 |
Comerciales en Like - COCA-COLA Retornable 'Hagamos esto juntos' (Chile 2020)
07:02 |
Be Capitals Spot
06:57 |
Heart - Barracuda
06:53 |
The Rolling Stones - Angie
06:43 |
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Father Of Day, Father Of Night
06:38 |
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
06:33 |
Boston - More Than A Feeling
06:28 |
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
06:28 |
Cuña (3)
06:24 |
Ten Years After - I'm Going Home
06:19 |
Free/Free/Free/Free/Free - All Right Now
06:14 |
Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
06:10 |
The Beatles - I Am The Walrus
06:05 |
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun
06:00 |
Creedence Clearwater Revival/CCR/CCR/CCR/CCR - Suzie Q
05:57 |
Grand Funk Railroad - We're An American Band
05:52 |
Bachman Turner Overdrive - Taking Care of Business
05:48 |
Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way
05:43 |
Chicago - 25 Or 6 To 4
05:38 |
Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends
05:35 |
Kiss - I Want You
05:31 |
The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin
05:26 |
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun
05:21 |
Congreso - Hijo Del Sol Luminoso
05:21 |
A cualquier hora - Heavymetalradio 0,5
05:18 |
Bob Dylan - Blowing In The Wind
05:14 |
Creedence Clearwater Revival/CCR/CCR/CCR/CCR - Suzie Q
05:07 |
Scorpions - Still Loving You
05:02 |
The Guess Who - American Woman
04:58 |
Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
04:58 |
Cuña (10)
04:53 |
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
04:46 |
Velvet Underground - Heroin
04:41 |
Boston - More Than A Feeling
04:37 |
The Beatles - I Am The Walrus
04:35 |
Queen - We Will Rock You
04:32 |
Derick and the Dominoes - Layla
04:27 |
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
04:23 |
Procol Harum/Procol Harum/Procol Harum/Procol Harum/Procol Harum - Whiter Shade Of Pale
04:20 |
Neil Young - My My Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
04:14 |
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
04:08 |
Deep Purple - Highway Star
04:04 |
Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
04:00 |
Credence Clearwater Revival - The Midnight Special
04:00 |
Inicio transmisiones 2 - Heavymetalradio 0,5
03:56 |
ACDC - Highway To Hell
03:50 |
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
03:50 |
Siempre con los grandes - Heavymetalradio 0,5
03:42 |
Led Zeppelin - Starirway To Heaven
03:32 |
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Father Of Day, Father Of Night
03:29 |
Bob Dylan - Blowing In The Wind
03:26 |
Grand Funk Railroad - We're An American Band
03:19 |
Eagles - Hotel California
03:19 |
Cuña (11)
03:16 |
John Lennon - Imagine
03:10 |
Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone
03:07 |
Joan Jett - I Love Rock And Roll
03:04 |
The Who - My Generation
02:52 |
The Doors - The End
02:49 |
Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home
02:43 |
Free/Free/Free/Free/Free - All Right Now
02:37 |
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
02:33 |
The Beatles - Come Together
02:26 |
King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
02:20 |
Los Jaivas - Todos Juntos
02:17 |
Ten Years After - I'm Going Home
02:13 |
ZZ Top - La Grange
02:11 |
The Kinks - You Really Got Me
02:07 |
Aerosmith - Dream On
02:06 |
La radio del rock & metal - Heavymetalradio 0,5
01:58 |
Janis Joplin - Ball And Chain
01:55 |
Alice Cooper - School's Out
01:48 |
The Doors - Light My Fire
01:45 |
Scott McKenzie - San Francisco
01:41 |
Led Zeppelin - Rock And Roll
01:36 |
Congreso - Hijo Del Sol Luminoso
01:30 |
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
01:25 |
Led Zepplin - Whole Lotta Love
01:22 |
David Bowie - Space Oddity
01:18 |
ACDC - Back In Black
01:17 |
Estas aburrido - Heavymetalradio 0,5
01:14 |
Queen - We Are The Champions
01:12 |
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
01:08 |
Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick
01:01 |
Focus - Hocus Pocus
00:57 |
Blood, Sweat & Tears - Spinning Wheel
00:54 |
Chuck Berry - Johnny B Good
00:51 |
Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild
00:47 |
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side
00:44 |
Los Blops - Los Momentos
00:40 |
The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
00:36 |
Van Halen - Panama
00:33 |
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
00:29 |
Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog
00:25 |
Emerson Lake & Palmer - Lucky Man
00:22 |
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
00:22 |
Cuña (6)
00:18 |
Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
00:12 |
Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
00:06 |
Santana - Soul Sacrifice
00:03 |
Rare Earth - Get Ready