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Naisa Radio playlist

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23:57 Wychwood Soundscape / GeorgeBrownCollege -
23:55 Soundscape WorldCup - Girouard
23:55 RadioNaked No01 2 - Christof Migone
23:46 051423 0504 christinecharette hermit thrush binaural -
23:39 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
23:27 051423 0540 christinecharette woodpeckerdrumming binaural -
23:15 050823 2104 candice.WAV binaural -
23:00 breckenridge apr29 field rainpings whitethroatedatend -
23:00 naisaradioID almaguinsoundscapes -
22:56 Reunion - Tom Tenney
22:33 BGBB 5 - Evidence-Based Fiction Network (EBFN)
22:01 Male Lactation in the Veterinary Setting - Evidence-Based Fiction Network (EBFN)
18:37 Wreck The Drowning World 1249 Aug 2, 2023 - iMMERSE! with Charlie Morrow
18:37 RadioNaked No15 2 - Christof Migone
18:00 Harri Koskinen - immersed in nature, glass and sound systems - iMMERSE! with Charlie Morrow
18:00 naisaradioID immerse -
17:59 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
17:58 RadioNaked No19 1 - Christof Migone
17:53 Time Anomoly - Petri Kuljuntausta
17:40 Blacktop - Jay Needham
17:20 Philosophie Zooligique - Jocelyn Robert
17:00 Faeries - Marjorie Van Halteren
17:00 Off the Beaten Track Show Intro -
16:58 70. Tamram - Nathalie Chocron
16:57 14. Breaker Whiskey - Lauren Shippen
16:50 Marina - Roberto Santaguida
16:50 17 RadioNaked computer - Christof Migone
16:00 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
16:00 naisaradioID conductionseries -
15:00 Sound As Art July2012 - Barry Prophet
15:00 showintro soundasart -
14:59 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
14:56 19:78 Iris SoUNDPORTRAITS NAISA - Jorgen Teller
14:22 Point Abino - Jeffrey Sinibaldi
14:11 Two Lakes - Andrew Lewis
14:00 Your Violence is Soft - Rutmeat
14:00 Reimagine intro -
13:59 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
13:58 RadioNaked No18 1 - Christof Migone
13:00 Cafe Acousmatic - Show 3 - Don Hill
13:00 naisaradioID cafeacousmatic -
12:57 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
12:50 My Definition Of Power - Collage9 - Mark Parker
12:50 21 RadioNaked computer - Christof Migone
12:00 Constellations-3.2-Sun2 -
12:00 constellations intro-001 -
11:50 clock - Claude Schryer
11:50 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
11:40 bloopers - Claude Schryer
11:30 bath - Claude Schryer
11:20 flow - Claude Schryer
11:10 ss e39 frogs - Claude Schryer
11:00 split - Claude Schryer
11:00 jojo id #1 -
10:59 RadioNaked No02 1 - Christof Migone
10:58 This Is A Link - Paul Burnell
10:39 e16 de la parra - Claude Schryer
10:39 Spoon Spring id -
10:38 2 RadioNaked computer - Christof Migone
10:00 e175 sabine breitsameter - an aesthetic of care - Claude Schryer
10:00 naisaradioID conscient -
09:59 20 RadioNaked computer - Christof Migone
09:51 Reputation - Carmen Braden
09:35 Fake City - Zack Rosen
09:31 Fukushima's Howl - Lorenzo Troiani
09:20 Javaari - Manuella Blackburn
09:12 0714 Lindovsky Wintertime brook - Jiri Lindovsky
09:00 Sankt Jakobi - Todd Harrop
09:00 jojo id #3 -
09:00 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
08:58 TransMessenger Collage - Timothy Didymus & Mark Harrop
08:54 Alarm - Bill Gilonis
08:48 My Definition Of Power - Collage6 - Mark Parker
08:45 Pop Titles You - PamelaZ
08:37 Pause Button Portraits 3 - Vernon
08:33 My Definition Of Power - Collage4 - Mark Parker
08:31 Sound Disfunctional - Hanasoge
08:25 Radio What Do I Do - Bulucon
08:17 Vaudeville Soundcheck - Sylvi MacCormac
08:14 Shades of Life: Negative Space - Ioannis Andriotis
08:08 My Definition Of Power - Collage12 - Mark Parker
08:05 My Definition Of Power - Collage1 - Mark Parker
08:03 Emotion Machine - Donika Rudi
07:00 WordsSounds 2.7 - Black and Bosetti
07:00 jojoid2 -
05:05 NothingRepeated Part01 - Nothing (Repeated)
05:05 crosswaves2 intro -
05:04 Crosswaves7 outro -
03:02 Cross Waves 7 - Top Songs - Curated by Eleanor King
03:00 Crosswaves7 intro -
01:59 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
01:56 Art Gallery Transposed - Peter Sant
01:51 Transtyle - Joel-Aimé Beauchamp
01:49 Back in the Past - Matt Gabo
01:45 Night Orchestra - Penn Kemp and Bill Gilliam
01:42 A Watched Kettle - Andrea Cohen
01:42 RadioNaked No14 1 - Christof Migone
01:39 Kim Kitchen - Swamp
01:28 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
01:18 Pause Button Portraits 2 - Mark Vernon
01:06 Et erit Lux Lunae sicut lux solis - Massimo Avantaggiato
00:58 Une Rencontre - Antonio DAmato
00:58 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
00:58 ID Gerome 3-vo -
00:57 Soundscape Waterpipe - Ambrose Pottie
00:55 Wbq - Norton
00:40 Valdrada - James Andean
00:18 Live Performance from August 2018 - blablatrains
00:18 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio
00:00 Phoenix XXI - Francis Dhomont
00:00 Radio in Transformation Show Intro -
00:00 World Listening Day 2021 - NAISA Radio

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