Pelangi FM broadcasts on 91.4 FM for those who are residing in Brunei-Muara and Temburong district. Meanwhile, those who are residing in Tutong and Belait district can also tune in to Pelang iFM on 91.0 FM.
This station focuses on bringing information and entertainment in English & Malay, to a target audience consisting of youths and teenagers. Song selections are of various languages and genres locally and internationally. Their first trial broadcasting was held on 23rd February 1995.
salam kenal dr Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Hafiz Hamid29.03.2021
Lagu yg tadi tu bole putarkan lagi selalu..Insan tercinta..suaranya sedap
Hash Azie15.03.2021
It's the best but i was expecting my fav artist (Taylor Swift)'s new songs "I Did Something Bad", "Getaway Car", "Gorgeous", "Don't Blame Me" and "Dancing With Our Hands Tied" bcs it's npt going to released as singles. These songs are the best than the singles. Hopefully it'll be on the list. :)
McMice Mouse24.10.2018
Lagu apa ni yg lirik nya " jujur ku cinta kamu lai"