The 2 Bears are a British musical duo formed in 2009 composed of Joe Goddard (of electronic band Hot Chip) and Raf Rundell (previously of 1965 Records). The duo produces original material amalgamating various styles including 2-step, house and soul and also host a radio show on Ministry of Sound Radio entitled "Follow the Bears". Critics offer various descriptions of The 2 Bears' sound including "pop-hip-house" "liquid-bmore-house-step" and "rave-garage". The 2 Bears have received UK national radio support from DJs including Fearne Cotton, Scott Mills, Nick Grimshaw, Greg James, Annie Mac, Huw Stephens, Kissy Sell Out, Dev, Rob Da Bank and John Kennedy. The duo have produced remixes for several established artists including Santigold, Metronomy, Toddla T and The View.
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