23:59 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
23:54 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
23:52 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
23:48 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
23:44 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
23:39 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
23:36 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
23:32 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
23:28 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
23:25 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
23:20 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
23:16 |
Barbra Streisand - People
23:12 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
23:08 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
23:03 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
23:00 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
22:55 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
22:52 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
22:48 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
22:45 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
22:41 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
22:39 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
22:36 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
22:29 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
22:26 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
22:21 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
22:19 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
22:15 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
22:11 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
22:07 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
22:02 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
21:59 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
21:54 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
21:51 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
21:46 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
21:42 |
Barbra Streisand - People
21:39 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
21:34 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
21:30 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
21:26 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
21:22 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
21:19 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
21:15 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
21:10 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
21:07 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
21:03 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
21:01 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
20:58 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
20:55 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
20:47 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
20:44 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
20:40 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
20:36 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
20:33 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
20:29 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
20:24 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
20:20 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
20:17 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
20:13 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
20:09 |
Barbra Streisand - People
20:05 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
20:00 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
19:55 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
19:51 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
19:48 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
19:45 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
19:40 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
19:36 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
19:33 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
19:30 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
19:26 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
19:22 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
19:18 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
19:16 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
19:12 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
19:08 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
19:00 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
18:58 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
18:53 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
18:50 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
18:46 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
18:42 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
18:39 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
18:34 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
18:31 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
18:27 |
Barbra Streisand - People
18:22 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
18:18 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
18:13 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
18:09 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
18:06 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
18:02 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
17:57 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
17:54 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
17:51 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
17:47 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
17:44 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
17:42 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
17:38 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
17:34 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
17:26 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
17:22 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
17:19 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
17:15 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
17:13 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
17:08 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
17:04 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
17:00 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
16:57 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
16:52 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
16:49 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
16:45 |
Barbra Streisand - People
16:40 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
16:36 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
16:31 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
16:28 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
16:25 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
16:20 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
16:16 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
16:12 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
16:10 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
16:06 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
16:02 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
15:54 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
15:51 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
15:49 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
15:45 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
15:40 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
15:36 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
15:34 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
15:30 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
15:27 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
15:22 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
15:18 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
15:15 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
15:12 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
15:08 |
Barbra Streisand - People
15:03 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
14:59 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
14:55 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
14:51 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
14:46 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
14:43 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
14:39 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
14:36 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
14:32 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
14:29 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
14:25 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
14:17 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
14:15 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
14:10 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
14:06 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
14:03 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
13:59 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
13:56 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
13:52 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
13:48 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
13:45 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
13:42 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
13:38 |
Barbra Streisand - People
13:33 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
13:30 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
13:25 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
13:22 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
13:17 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
13:14 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
13:09 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
13:05 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
13:01 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
12:59 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
12:54 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
12:50 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
12:46 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
12:43 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
12:35 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
12:33 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
12:30 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
12:25 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
12:21 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
12:17 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
12:14 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
12:11 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
12:06 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
12:01 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
11:57 |
Barbra Streisand - People
11:54 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
11:51 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
11:46 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
11:43 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
11:40 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
11:35 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
11:30 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
11:27 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
11:23 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
11:19 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
11:15 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
11:11 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
11:08 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
11:04 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
11:02 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
10:59 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
10:55 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
10:48 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
10:45 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
10:42 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
10:37 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
10:33 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
10:28 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
10:25 |
Barbra Streisand - People
10:20 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
10:15 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
10:10 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
10:07 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
10:02 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
09:59 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
09:56 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
09:53 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
09:49 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
09:44 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
09:40 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
09:36 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
09:32 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
09:28 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
09:24 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
09:22 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
09:18 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
09:10 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
09:08 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
09:04 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
09:02 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
08:57 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
08:53 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
08:50 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
08:46 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
08:41 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
08:37 |
Barbra Streisand - People
08:33 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
08:29 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
08:26 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
08:22 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
08:18 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
08:15 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
08:11 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
08:06 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
08:03 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
07:59 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
07:54 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
07:50 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
07:47 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
07:43 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
07:39 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
07:36 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
07:29 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
07:24 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
07:22 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
07:18 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
07:16 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
07:12 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
07:07 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
07:04 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
07:00 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
06:56 |
Barbra Streisand - People
06:51 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
06:47 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
06:44 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
06:40 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
06:36 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
06:32 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
06:29 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
06:24 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
06:21 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
06:17 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
06:13 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
06:09 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
06:05 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
06:02 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
05:58 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
05:50 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
05:46 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
05:43 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
05:39 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
05:36 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
05:33 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
05:29 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
05:25 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
05:23 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
05:18 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
05:14 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
05:11 |
Barbra Streisand - People
05:06 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
05:03 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
04:59 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
04:54 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
04:51 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
04:48 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
04:44 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
04:39 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
04:35 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
04:31 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
04:27 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
04:23 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
04:20 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
04:16 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
04:08 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
04:04 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
04:01 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
03:59 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
03:55 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
03:50 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
03:47 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
03:43 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
03:38 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
03:35 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
03:30 |
Barbra Streisand - People
03:28 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
03:25 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
03:21 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
03:16 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
03:13 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
03:09 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
03:05 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
03:02 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
02:57 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
02:53 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
02:49 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
02:45 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
02:41 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
02:37 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
02:34 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
02:30 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
02:22 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
02:18 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
02:14 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
02:10 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
02:06 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
02:04 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
02:01 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
01:57 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
01:55 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
01:50 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
01:48 |
Barbra Streisand And Omar Sharif - Funny Girl
01:44 |
Barbra Streisand - People
01:39 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him
01:35 |
Barbra Streisand With Don Johnson - Till I Loved You (Love Theme From Goya)
01:31 |
Barbra Streisand - The Way Were Were
01:28 |
Barbra Streisand - Stoney End
01:23 |
Barbra Streisand With Vince Gill - If You Ever Leave Me
01:20 |
Barbra Streisand And Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
01:15 |
Barbra Streisand With Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
01:12 |
Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love
01:07 |
Barbra Streisand - Send In The Clowns
01:03 |
Barbra Streisand - Without Your Love
00:59 |
Barbra Streisand With Bryan Adams - I Finally Found Someone
00:55 |
Barbra Streisand - Places That Belong To You
00:51 |
Barbra Streisand - Memory
00:48 |
Barbra Streisand - What Are You Doing The Rest Of My Life?
00:40 |
Barbra Streisand And Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly!
00:36 |
Barbra Streisand - I'd Want It To Be You (with Willie Nelson)
00:31 |
Barbra Streisand - New York State Of Mind
00:28 |
Barbra Streisand - Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)
00:26 |
Barbra Streisand - Don't Rain On My Parade
00:22 |
Barbra Streisand - With One Look
00:18 |
Barbra Streisand With Barry Gibb - Guilty
00:13 |
Barbra Streisand - As If We Never Said Goodbye (From Sunset Boulevard)
00:11 |
Barbra Streisand - On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)
00:08 |
Barbra Streisand - Second Hand Rose
00:03 |
Barbra Streisand With Celine Dion - Tell Him