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Exclusively Paul McCartney - HITS playlista

Nie wiesz co było grane w radiu? Skorzystaj z naszego serwisu żeby znaleźć nazwę. Nasza playlista zawiera harmonogram eteru Exclusively Paul McCartney - HITS w ciągu ostatnich 7 dni.

(obecnie w Dubaj 23:08)
Na żywo Paul McCartney - C'Mon People
15:00 Wings - Silly Love Songs
14:55 Wings - Let 'Em In
14:51 Paul McCartney - Tug Of War
14:47 Wings - Magneto and Titanium Man
14:43 Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights
14:37 Wings - With A Little Luck
14:32 Kanye West Featuring Paul McCartney - Only One
14:28 Paul McCartney - Waterfalls
14:24 Rihanna; Kanye West; Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds
14:21 Wings - Getting Closer
14:17 Paul McCartney - Only Love Remains
14:13 Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight
14:08 Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed
14:04 Paul McCartney - No Other Baby
14:00 Paul McCartney - The World Tonight
13:56 Paul McCartney and Wings - Give Ireland Back To The Irish
13:51 Paul McCartney and Wings - Let Me Roll It
13:47 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - The Back Seat Of My Car
13:44 Wings - I've Had Enough
13:40 Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson - Say Say Say
13:36 Paul McCartney - My Love
13:32 Paul McCartney - Jenny Wren
13:29 Paul McCartney and Dominic Fike - The Kiss Of Venus
13:26 Wings - Venus and Mars / Rockshow
13:22 Paul McCartney - Baby's Request
13:19 Paul McCartney and Wings - Junior's Farm (DJ Edit)
13:16 Paul McCartney - That Would Be Something
13:12 Paul McCartney - From A Lover To A Friend
13:09 Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight
13:06 Paul McCartney - Another Day
13:02 Paul McCartney - Once Upon A Long Ago
12:57 Wings - Letting Go
12:55 Paul McCartney - Brown Eyed Handsome Man
12:51 Paul McCartney - Pipes Of Peace
12:48 Paul McCartney and Wings - Bluebird
12:43 Paul McCartney - Press
12:40 Paul McCartney - My Brave Face
12:36 Christians; Holly Johnson; Paul McCartney - Ferry 'Cross The Mersey
12:32 Paul McCartney; Stevie Wonder; - Ebony And Ivory
12:28 Paul McCartney and Wings - Helen Wheels
12:25 Wings - Live And Let Die
12:21 Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney - The Girl Is Mine
12:17 Wings - Old Siam, Sir
12:13 Wings - London Town
12:08 Paul McCartney - Beautiful Night
12:05 Paul McCartney - Ever Present Past
12:01 Paul McCartney - This One
11:56 Paul McCartney and Wings - Jet
11:52 Wings - C Moon
11:48 Wings - Goodnight Tonight
11:42 Paul McCartney - Pretty Little Head
11:37 Paul McCartney - Take It Away
11:34 Wings - Listen To What The Man Said
11:30 Paul McCartney - Fine Line
11:27 Paul McCartney and Wings - Mary Had A Little Lamb
11:24 Wings - Hi Hi Hi
11:20 Paul McCartney - Coming Up
11:17 Paul McCartney - Run Devil Run
11:12 Paul McCartney and Wings - Band On The Run
11:04 Paul McCartney - C'Mon People
11:01 Paul McCartney - Hope Of Deliverance
10:56 Wings - Let 'Em In
10:51 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
10:49 Paul McCartney - Put It There
10:44 Paul McCartney - Tug Of War
10:39 Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights
10:37 Paul McCartney - Every Night
10:32 Kanye West Featuring Paul McCartney - Only One
10:27 Paul McCartney - Waterfalls
10:24 Wings - Getting Closer
10:21 Wings - Magneto and Titanium Man
10:18 Rihanna; Kanye West; Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds
10:12 Wings - With A Little Luck
10:07 Paul McCartney - Mull Of Kintyre
10:03 Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight
10:00 Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed
09:55 Paul McCartney - No Other Baby
09:51 Paul McCartney and Wings - Give Ireland Back To The Irish
09:48 Wings - I've Had Enough
09:44 Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson - Say Say Say
09:40 Paul McCartney and Wings - Let Me Roll It
09:35 Paul McCartney - Only Love Remains
09:31 Paul McCartney - My Love
09:29 Paul McCartney and Dominic Fike - The Kiss Of Venus
09:25 Wings - Venus and Mars / Rockshow
09:21 Paul McCartney - The World Tonight
09:18 Paul McCartney - Baby's Request
09:12 Wings - Silly Love Songs
09:08 Paul McCartney - Jenny Wren
09:04 Paul McCartney - Another Day
09:01 Paul McCartney - That Would Be Something
08:57 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - The Back Seat Of My Car
08:53 Paul McCartney and Wings - Junior's Farm (DJ Edit)
08:51 Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight
08:46 Wings - Letting Go
08:44 Paul McCartney - Brown Eyed Handsome Man
08:39 Paul McCartney - Press
08:36 Paul McCartney - My Brave Face
08:32 Paul McCartney; Stevie Wonder; - Ebony And Ivory
08:29 Paul McCartney - From A Lover To A Friend
08:25 Paul McCartney - Pipes Of Peace
08:22 Paul McCartney and Wings - Helen Wheels
08:17 Paul McCartney - Once Upon A Long Ago
08:14 Paul McCartney and Wings - Bluebird
08:10 Wings - London Town
08:07 Paul McCartney - Ever Present Past
08:03 Wings - Live And Let Die
07:59 Paul McCartney and Wings - Jet
07:55 Wings - C Moon
07:51 Christians; Holly Johnson; Paul McCartney - Ferry 'Cross The Mersey
07:46 Paul McCartney - Pretty Little Head
07:42 Paul McCartney - Take It Away
07:37 Wings - Goodnight Tonight
07:34 Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney - The Girl Is Mine
07:29 Paul McCartney - This One
07:26 Paul McCartney and Wings - Mary Had A Little Lamb
07:22 Wings - Hi Hi Hi
07:19 Paul McCartney - Coming Up
07:13 Paul McCartney and Wings - Band On The Run
07:11 Paul McCartney - Run Devil Run
07:07 Paul McCartney - Hope Of Deliverance
07:02 Wings - Let 'Em In
06:57 Paul McCartney - Beautiful Night
06:55 Paul McCartney - Put It There
06:52 Paul McCartney - Fine Line
06:48 Paul McCartney - Tug Of War
06:44 Wings - Old Siam, Sir
06:41 Paul McCartney - Every Night
06:34 Paul McCartney - C'Mon People
06:28 Paul McCartney - Waterfalls
06:24 Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights
06:20 Rihanna; Kanye West; Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds
06:16 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
06:12 Wings - Getting Closer
06:09 Wings - Magneto and Titanium Man
06:05 Wings - Listen To What The Man Said
06:00 Kanye West Featuring Paul McCartney - Only One
05:57 Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed
05:51 Wings - With A Little Luck
05:48 Wings - I've Had Enough
05:44 Paul McCartney and Wings - Give Ireland Back To The Irish
05:40 Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson - Say Say Say
05:35 Paul McCartney - No Other Baby
05:31 Paul McCartney - Mull Of Kintyre
05:27 Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight
05:23 Paul McCartney - Only Love Remains
05:20 Paul McCartney and Dominic Fike - The Kiss Of Venus
05:16 Paul McCartney and Wings - Let Me Roll It
05:12 Paul McCartney - The World Tonight
05:08 Paul McCartney - Jenny Wren
05:05 Paul McCartney - That Would Be Something
05:01 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - The Back Seat Of My Car
04:58 Paul McCartney and Wings - Junior's Farm (DJ Edit)
04:54 Wings - Venus and Mars / Rockshow
04:50 Wings - Letting Go
04:45 Paul McCartney - Another Day
04:43 Paul McCartney - Brown Eyed Handsome Man
04:39 Paul McCartney - My Love
04:34 Paul McCartney - Press
04:31 Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight
04:28 Paul McCartney - Pipes Of Peace
04:24 Paul McCartney - My Brave Face
04:21 Paul McCartney - From A Lover To A Friend
04:17 Paul McCartney and Wings - Bluebird
04:14 Paul McCartney and Wings - Helen Wheels
04:10 Paul McCartney - Baby's Request
04:06 Wings - London Town
04:02 Paul McCartney and Wings - Jet
03:57 Paul McCartney - Once Upon A Long Ago
03:54 Wings - Live And Let Die
03:49 Paul McCartney - Pretty Little Head
03:44 Wings - C Moon
03:40 Christians; Holly Johnson; Paul McCartney - Ferry 'Cross The Mersey
03:34 Wings - Silly Love Songs
03:30 Paul McCartney - This One
03:27 Paul McCartney - Ever Present Past
03:23 Wings - Goodnight Tonight
03:20 Wings - Hi Hi Hi
03:16 Paul McCartney - Take It Away
03:12 Paul McCartney; Stevie Wonder; - Ebony And Ivory
03:07 Paul McCartney and Wings - Band On The Run
03:04 Paul McCartney - Run Devil Run
02:59 Wings - Let 'Em In
02:55 Paul McCartney - Coming Up
02:51 Paul McCartney - Hope Of Deliverance
02:46 Paul McCartney - Beautiful Night
02:42 Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney - The Girl Is Mine
02:38 Wings - Old Siam, Sir
02:35 Paul McCartney and Wings - Mary Had A Little Lamb
02:27 Paul McCartney - C'Mon People
02:25 Paul McCartney - Every Night
02:20 Paul McCartney - Waterfalls
02:15 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
02:11 Paul McCartney - No More Lonely Nights
02:06 Wings - Magneto and Titanium Man
02:04 Paul McCartney - Put It There
02:00 Kanye West Featuring Paul McCartney - Only One
01:56 Rihanna; Kanye West; Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds
01:53 Paul McCartney - Fine Line
01:49 Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed
01:46 Paul McCartney and Wings - Give Ireland Back To The Irish
01:42 Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson - Say Say Say
01:38 Wings - Listen To What The Man Said
01:34 Paul McCartney - No Other Baby
01:29 Paul McCartney - Mull Of Kintyre
01:25 Paul McCartney - Only Love Remains
01:21 Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight
01:16 Paul McCartney and Wings - Let Me Roll It
01:10 Wings - With A Little Luck
01:08 Paul McCartney and Dominic Fike - The Kiss Of Venus
01:04 Wings - Getting Closer
01:01 Wings - I've Had Enough
00:57 Paul McCartney - The World Tonight
00:53 Paul McCartney - Tug Of War
00:49 Wings - Venus and Mars / Rockshow
00:46 Paul McCartney - Jenny Wren
00:41 Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney - The Back Seat Of My Car
00:38 Paul McCartney - That Would Be Something
00:34 Wings - Letting Go
00:32 Paul McCartney - Brown Eyed Handsome Man
00:26 Paul McCartney - Press
00:23 Paul McCartney - Another Day
00:20 Paul McCartney and Wings - Junior's Farm (DJ Edit)
00:16 Paul McCartney - Pipes Of Peace
00:13 Paul McCartney - My Brave Face
00:09 Paul McCartney - From A Lover To A Friend
00:05 Paul McCartney - My Love
00:01 Paul McCartney and Wings - Helen Wheels

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